They who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who only dream at nights.
-Edgar Alan
"Brother....."the cave that was bright with the sunlight in the morning was now enclosed in complete darkness of a new moon night, and it was hard to tell if it were simply the surrounding or it were the thoughts of the occupants that had layerd the world with a haze of gloom. "I am sorry...." Maya murmured. "I am sorry too." Mohini followed but their elder brother did not reply. Who sat at the edge of the rocky terrain looking over the entrance.
Meghraj hadn't come back. And there were two equally probable chances. Either he had been successful in escaping the bloodhounds looking for them and reached home or......He had fallen prey in their hands and must be locked away somewhere being beaten up for information.
"Brother!"Maya cried. "Don't act as though you can't here us! We are sorry! Do you hear us- WE are sorry!" Nair sighed, only his sisters could do this - hollering out their 'sorry' in the most insincere manner and expect others to come running to them accepting their apology as if it were a big mercy on them.
"Humm...."He said no more. He have no patience left for them.
"What humm?" One of the girls scooted closer to him. "Say something! We said we are sorry and you said 'humm' pray tell me what is that even supposed to mean?" He did not reply, these little devils are incorrigible, spoilt brats!
"Say something!" This time it was the other one who tried to shake her brother awake by his shoulders but in vain since he was too heavy. "Why aren't you talking to us? And-and sitting here on your own, all sad and gloomy? "
"You are acting like your wife had just divorced you and left!"
"Don't be so disheartened! He was just a silly boy!"
"What do you both want?" Nair sighed frustratedly.
"It's so dark in here!" For the first time in his life he heard the voice of one of his sisters quavering. He turned around instantly, 'Are they afraid?' In the darkness he can't see much but two silhouettes huddled together, near him. "And I am hungry." His heart thawed. He was being too harsh wasn't he? Granted, they are always up to some mischief who have people's grey matter as breakfast and their patience and sanity for lunch.
They were still his sisters and it was his responsibility to keep them safe and happy. "Just a few hours more and we will be leaving for home." He assured them, when he felt someone leaning on him. It was Mohini. He can't see her face in the darkness but he knew it was her. 'call it a brother's initiation' He hugged her closer.
"Why a few hours later and why not now?"
"Because in a few hours it would be midnight and safer for us." He told her and they did not complain.
"And what about Meena? Can we take her home with us?"Maya asked sitting on the other side of her brother, laying her head on his shoulder.
"If she wants to come, she can! But you two won't coax her if she denies. Yes?"
"Okay!"they replied in unison before Nair actually started to think about the proposal his sisters presented. She has nowhere to go, then surely she will accept to come with them?
Come to think of her, she hadn't spoken a single word after Meghraj had left and had cleverly kept her head bowed low or God knows how many more harsh blows she might have to endure from his sisters.
He turned his head a little a peeked in the direction where she sat. And saw a petite silhouette in a corner completely stoic. 'Was she asleep?'
"Maya, ask the lady if she is alright." Nair wishpered. "
"Why don't you ask her yourself, if you are so worried." Maya was fast to retort and Nair rolled his eyes. "Fine!"
Getting up from the spot he had been sitting on from hours, he walked up to the lady. "Are you alright?"He asked, not sure if she was asleep but sure enough she replied a moment later. "Yes, I am alright." It was a exceptionally sweet femmenine voice, an appealing quality he hadn't had the chance to find in any woman before. Granted, that the only women he had ever been closely acquainted were his own sisters and mother, but none of them are know as a very soft spoken person.
"I wanted to ask- I mean my sisters were wondering if you would like like to come with us to Bundi.....our home."At last he worded it out, however awkward it might be, he had to do it himself since he doesn't want his sisters coming anywhere near her vicinity.
He can't see and judge by the expression but he could very well understand what must be going through her mind. Judging it's pros and cons because there was long silence.
"But I don't want to become a burden on anyone." Came her reply and he wanted to smile at that. 'she don't have any idea who I am!'
"You don't need to worry about that, anyone will hardly notice the addition of another face in the palace amongst the hundred others." He assured her.
"Palace?"She was astonished.
"Yes, the royal palace of Bundi."
"That means you are-"she stopped midsentence. Wondering how that can be possible. This man a prince? No! No! Although he IS strikingly gorgeous and have a princely gait with the features of seasoned warrior, he can't be a royality.
He is so affectionate and gentle towards his sisters, who were literally pulling his hairs out every moment of the day furthermore, he was here - speaking in the most soft and gentlemanly kind. So very contrasting attitude from the royalties she had known. 'Surely, he wasn't one of them. Perhaps he works for the king?'
"Who are you?" It was supposed to be a query within her mind, but it came out anyway.
"I am Prince of Bundi." He smiled through the darkness at her navity. But before she had the chance to respond. Maya had already jumped in. "See, Meena could not even come to the terms with the fact that you are prince and that we belong to a royal family! " She screeched. "No wonder though, because with all the soil and mud and dirt and hunger we must be looking no better than beggars of a public street!"
"Oh-no! I didn't mean that!" Meenakshi was hasty in clarifying herself. Since, she had already seen enough of these twins to know that they have a knack in twisting words to their own satisfaction. "I was just surprised that you all would be kind enough to offer to provide for me. That's all!"
"Oh! Well then it is settled that- you are coming home with us?" Nair wanted to laugh at Maya's twisted question since, it was clear that she was almost manipulating the lady to come with them but he for once did not stop her because he had recognized it to be the best possible solution.
She would stay safe in the palace, will be provided with everything she would ever need and most of all- her in -laws would never find her there.
"Thank you!" Nair heard the lady murmur as her acceptance before the twins came cheering aloud and he had to tone them down. Since, it was time to get going.
And they started their journey at midnight abandoning the the empty cave that had sheltered them for so long.

Their trek wasn't an easy one. For the reason that they were on foot while there were hundreds of miles to walk. And to top of it all there were the soldiers of enemy camp toiling around at every other turn and so to avoid them sometimes they took a detour through the forest leaving the main route and at other times they were lucky enough to find their path clear through some villages.
It had been almost an hour since, Maya had started to complain of a sore foot and Mohini of a aching knee, but Nair hasn't dared to stop. Meenakshi had said nothing but Nair knew how tired she must be walking endlessly throughout the night after all the turmoil she had endured the night before. But Nair knew better than to stop and rest when they were still very much within the grasp of the enemy.
When the first ray of sun spreaded across the sky and the night of misadventure was over, they were blessed to find a large caravan of merchants traveling to Bundi passing by and were fortunate enough to join them on their way, with a few gold coins.
Sitting within the curtained bullock cart, the sisters got extremely anxious to reach home immediately but then bulls were as sluggish as always and kept up their infamous deliberate leisurely pace. Six hours and two breaks later they were finally home.
But the storm was yet to hit them!