It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.
-Ibn battuta
(This is Mohini and Maya)
"Shame on you Arjun! There's simply nothing more disgraceful than this!"The king banged his fist on the table as he glared at his second child out of four. 'Who was writing love letters to a common girl in the city! '
And then there was his eldest son. His heir. "And you Nair?"The spitting fire look in his eyes were back. "You were caught reading THESE letters?!"
"Unbelievable! Huh? The future king of our kingdom sneakily going through the personal letters of his own younger brother? "
"Father! "Nair tried to defend himself for the first time because he had had enough of this punishment without cause drama. "Believe me when I say that it wasn't me who was reading Arjun's letter. "He glared at the duo of young princesses who stood huddled together in a corner giggling until now.
"Maya and Mohini were not only reading the love letters but also meddling with them. "
"Ah!"the king said finally. "Now that makes more sence! "His eyes flitting back into the part of the room where the twins stood. The regale gone.
"What do you mean by that? "The queen instantly snapped back, her petite form now stood as a wall protecting her daughters more precious to her than her own life.
"I knew it! "She sneered. "You have always been partial to your sons! "
"For the sake of God, do open your eyes and see what your good for nothing sons are doing! is caught with his disgusting handwritten love note while the other is caught reading those! And you? You were waiting for a single chance to turn the whole scenario to pin the blame on these innocent young girls? "
"My goodness! Now why would I do that woman?! They are my children as well but you must understand this, that you are having a misconception bigger than your ego if you think that these girls are innocent little creatures...."
"That's enough, really! "The queen pulled her daughters close to her chest while one of the twins pouted like she understood nothing of what had just transpired and the other winked at Naiyer, mouthing 'looser' in the smoothest way possible.
"Let's go! "The queen strode forward leaving the room with her wretched daughters leaving the king pinching his nose in exhaustion.
After what felt like a long time the King spoke again looking at Nair. "Your mother is a foo-"
The distinctive fake coughs were nothing but a way to announce her glamorous presence back as the queen strode in once again. "Nair? What is this I hear?"She asked in a accusing manner that pricked his ego more than it should have.
"What? "He rolled his eyes and the queen was beyond furious. "You had promised Maya and Mohini that you will take them to the saurashtrian fair and now you are breaking it simply because they have caught you doing the dirty deed?"
"I don't care what you think about me anymore, your highness but you may keep thinking whatever you want and let me live my own life in peace and for the last time- I am not taking them anywhere with me. "He announced in the calmest possible way.
And the queen gasped, her hazel orbs widened as she gasped. "I could not believe this......"And before the tears brimming in her eyes could come cascading down her rosy cheeks, she stormed away from the chamber while the three men kept looking at each other ridiculously.
"It's time for the court anyway. "The king then rose up putting an end to what seemed a never ending toil of fight.
The invisible armour of cold stone slapping back on his chest that came naturally from being the king. And it shown in his eyes replacing any softness or Love that he had shown for his wife or sons. And he was back to the king who was known for his menacing and ruthless ways.
"And Nair you are going to go and ask for your mother's forgiveness right away. "
"Enough...I said! I do not like to repeat myself, your fault or not you have hurt your mother and that an reason enough.....and yes prepare to leave for the saurashtrian fair this evening with your sisters because a promise is a PROMISE! "
And that had him cringing back. '7days trip with his sisters? ' he shook his head in dismay. 'Because he would rather walk into the gallows than going for this trip. '
But he have no choice now. 'He was truly and utterly trapped. '
But little did he knew that this seven days trip was something that would change the course of his life forever.