At the dining table filled with different kinds of foods that I don't know of, with my Claire beside me and my very pretty new friend Blair, whom Claire introduced to me earlier and also happens to be my best friend when I was with my memories.
"So Leila how are you feeling now" Isabelle, Claire mom asked and she's such a nice woman. She had hugged me with tears in her eyes when she saw me from the stairs. She made me feel so welcome, missed and loved.
"I'm fine ma." I replied feeling everyone's attention on me
"Mom, Leila. You always call me mom." Isabelle explained.
"I'm fine mom." I corrected .
"I know, I can see it in Nikoleta's face. I'm happy that you're back on your two feet now. So about the wedding, the wedding gown is out of the to-do list. You two are going to wear the ones you wore on the former ..right Nico?
"Yeah." Claire replied which made me want to ask "wore on which ..what?" But kept quiet, maybe they're talking about another thing entirely.
"Donald will be coming home two weeks before the wedding and he'll be coming with the rings. You still want it to be gold right?
"Yes, Le liked it before so yeah gold, just tell him to expand it a little and not to touch any other thing there." Claire replied then after a moment as if she thought about it, she turned to me taking my hands in her's, she asked..
"You do want our ring to still be gold right? ..You told me you wanted it to be gold before."
"Hmm.. Yeah, I mean it's already made and it's not like we can change it or anything.." I said a little lost from what they're saying
"What? ..No. Le, I choose the old one because you liked it but if you want silver, I will get us a new silver ring." Claire replied confusing me more.
"I don't understand. Why do you and mom keep saying the old one like we've done this thing before." I asked looking at her and mom then Blair for an explanation but none of them said anything. They seem to be taken by surprise by my question.
After a while of silence, Green mutters something that sounds like bitch which I think was referred to me also which got her a warning glare from Claire.
"You know what.. Fuck this! Fuck you Leila Malcolm and fuck me keeping quiet!!
"Nikoleta you slapped me because of her. Mom!" Green yells, looking at Claire as if she's not with her right senses then at her mom as if I told you so.
"Green quiet and go to your room now!". Isabella said to Green who's now standing and glaring at me with so much anger.
"You know she ain't gonna stay! You guys know she's fucking messing with her ..again! but you are gonna let her like always and I'm gonna stay here and watch as she do ..who knows what this time and then Ni is gonna come home looking like a dead meat and I ain't gonna say nothing."
With that she walked out of the house. I turned to Claire who's now standing and looked back at the open door then to Blair.
"What just happened?" I whispered
"I will explain to you later." She whispers back.