I'm nervous. I'm meeting my fiancé's family and I've been trying to get her to tell me more about them since the past four hours but she just tell me to calm down
"What is wrong in getting to know your future wife's parents and siblings before meeting them? I asked for the sixth time today.
"Le.. Drop that question already and chill you don't have to be nervous. My parents are cool and they can't call off the wedding if that's what you so out of your pants about". Claire said smirkingly.
"I.. I'm not nervous. I just.. Just don't."
"Sweets..' Claire called holding my hands, making me face her "You don't need to impress them Le. They love you and they have met you before besides they were at the hospital too. I love you Le like crazy, I love you so much." Claire said hugging me.
I woke up and insisted on us visiting her family since I have memories of nothing and I want to make new ones but she had insisted that I need to rest saying that I'm still healing. Yeah.. I know she's cute and she loves me. I'm so lucky.
So after I convinced her that I need to gather new memories, she went to the kitchen and made me my favorite food .. And my favorite drink is lemonade. I would have promised to surprise her some day when she told me her favorite food is mine too but I know that i suck at anything called cooking, I can't even slice my avocado into two ..yeah I'm that bad and I'm a housekeeper's daughter for that matter.
"Do you want me to plug in your phone? It has been crying low battery" Claire asked bringing my mind back to the future.
My phone, the one she bought for me. Ok.. So I woke up in the middle of the night demanding for her pictures, games, movies and songs, I guess that's what killed the battery.
"Yeah, thanks" I said as I hand her my phone which she collected and plug it then turn around now facing me, holding my two hands while she look me in the eyes
"What! I asked smiling
Hmm.. What is my Le thinking?
"You parent place is far"
"Yeah.. But not that far. We could have been there by now but I told Lucas to move the limousine slow"
"Why? I asked curiously
"You said you wanted to gather memories so I thought you might like to take a look around"
"So thoughtful of my fiancé. Thanks" I said holding her hands tighter as I bring it to my chest
"You're welcome"
"So Hmm.. I've been wanting to ask you about what you said last night"
"I said a lot of things yesterday so which one?
"The college and me being wild. I don't feel wild. ..like I wanna do wild things except to to taste every inch of you" I said the last part in my mind
"You're really happy about going to college? She asked already knowing the answer.
"Yeah.. I'm so happy and.. I was thinking then hmm..'so what? After the wedding I will become a housewife." I said frowning at that thought
"What's wrong with that?
"A lot Claire.. Like I'm gonna stay at home all the time doing nothing except eat and that's gonna make me get bored out of my mind".
"We will have time together, we will always stay together"
"Claire I know you took a leave because of my health and you're a doctor so doctors don't even have time for themselves talk more of their family's and I haven't even added the fact that you're also a business woman. ".
"I wanna say okay right now and end this conversion but Le.. I won't do that to us. I love you and.. I don't wanna sound possessive but. Ugh! I suck at explaining my feelings Le, I.. I just.. I love you" Claire said as one of her hands went up to Leila's lip touching them slowly not realizing what she's doing she bent her head towards her lips then claimed her, kissing her.
At first she started slowly but when Leila responded the kiss became rough. They stopped for a second only to get some air before she started placing kisses all over her body. Her nose, jaw, neck and as she's kissing her hand slipped through her dress craving her, touching her thigh while the other hand rob her breast that are still fully clothed, Frustrated she started unzipping Leila dress.
A small moan escaped Leila's lips making Claire stop. As if just realizing what they were about to do she caused
"Fuck! I'm sorry Le.. I.. I know we agreed on our wedding night I.. I shit! Emm.. Seeing you naked yesterday the effect, it hasn't fully left my body and I know it never will but I.. Fuck! Le I'm sorry I respect your words . I just you're so beautiful and I couldn't help it. I'm so..
"Please.." Leila stopped her. 'Don't say that word you're sorry again"
"I'm a virgin. Right?" I asked looking at her eyes which have already answered the question but I still want to hear them from her mouth.
"Yes" she said but her eyes are still saying more. They are begging me to understand.
"I told you on our wedding night?
"Le.." She started to say but the intercom behind me indicates that her bodyguard and also her driver Lucas want to speak with her.
"Le.." She continued ignoring the annoying noise the thing was making, she grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest as if wanting me to feel her heart which is currently beating and fast for that matter ..wait, shit! she can't possibly love me like that to be this scared of my reactions on just an agreement that I want out off. "Le."
"Answer the intercom first Claire"
"OK. She said as she pressed a button "Lucas what's it" she asked sounding a little frustrated.
"Ma'am we're here" Lucas replied. Claire looks outside noticing that we're indeed at her parents compound "thanks Lucas give us five minute before you can open the door.
"OK ma'am" Lucas replied then Claire pressed a red button again before facing me with her eyes down she started to talk but I shush her.
"I would have kissed you but I know you and I know you will think I'm doing it because you want me to. Claire.. Don't apologize when you kiss me" I said trying to convince her that I want to ..fuck! Damn the things I said when I was with my memories .. I must be crazy then.
"I know I took it too far, i wanted to kiss your lips but you tastes so lovely, so sweet and that made me lose it. Le I didn't mean to take advantage of your lack of memory. I.. She started to say but Leila interrupted her by hugging her which took her by surprise.
"Am I forgiven?
'You did nothing wrong.'I wanted to say but just murmured "Hmm uh.."
"More than forgiven?" Claire pressed
"Claire! I called urging her to open the door already.
"OK.. OK . Lucas? Claire called through the intercom.
"Ma'am" Lucas answered
"Open the door"
"Look who decided to show up" a redhead girl said smirking then frown as her eyes met mine
"That's Green and don't mind her she's a sadist" Claire whispered in my ear
"I heard that Nikoleta' the redhead girl Green said now standing" you know I can't believe you brought this.. Thin..
"Green!.. Claire called her voice full of warning
"OK.. They dislike me" I said in my mind feeling my face saddened then startled as I feel a tiny hands rap around my waist jumping while she scream in excitement
"Mom! She's here"
"Who's here? a very light skinned woman in her late forties asks as she comes down the steps
"Leila" the excited voice said again still hugging my waist.
"OK they love me" I said as I grabbed Claire's hand smiling.