“I'm so sorry Marcelo but I don't feel the same way about you. Can we still be best friends?” I ask, feeling bad for breaking his heart but I had to be honest with him. I feel nothing romantic for Marcelo. He is a good person and I know he will find the right person but she isn't me.
He looks at me with disappointment and I don't know how to feel. Marcelo has never looked at me this way and I don't know what to do.
“Are you seriously going to pick that man over me? I will make you happy Samantha. He would never be able to make you happy and you know that.” He tried to persuade me.
“Marcelo, it's not about what will make me happy here. I need to do this and I want you to be with someone that genuinely loves you. Please understand.” I touch his arm but he pulls away. That simple action feels almost as bad as being slapped. Marcelo is usually so sweet to me. I have never seen him behave so cold towards me and it's too much to bear. I don't know why all this has to happen now of all times.
“I can't understand Sam. You are doing something degrading and I don't get why you want to become his plaything. You are more than that, please listen to me.” I can see the hurt in his eyes. Hurting him like this isn't easy on me either but I just can't so I turn my back on him.
“It's fine, I'll leave. Good luck with your billionaire husband. Don't come back to me when everything ends badly because I am not responsible for the consequences of your actions. See you later and say hi to your mum.” He says and leaves me there. I don't know what to do. I think I just lost my best friend.
I decide to pick up a book, blast music and just read to get my mind off everything. I need to move on. I have made my choice and there is no going back. Too bad Marcelo will never understand how hard this is for me. Marrying for money is something I never saw myself doing but desperate times call for desperate measures.
After I finish reading “A Good girl's Guide to Murder”, I decide to check my phone and as soon as I pick it up, I receive a call. Checking my phone screen to see who the caller is, I realize it's Mr biggs. I quickly take the call.
Me: Good day sir, is anything the matter?
Alvin: Well for starters don't address me so formally. My name is Alvin.
Me: Sorry, good day Alvin
Alvin: We will deal with the way you talk to me later. How are you preparing to resume work on Monday?
Me: Very well thank you.
Alvin: Good, I called to tell you that you will be meeting my family tomorrow for a meal.
Me: Sir?
Alvin: Yes and you will be moving to my place on Monday. That's all have a nice day
Then he ends the call on me. Is he insane? He couldn't tell me this until now?
All this is happening too quickly. I can't believe I will be moving in so fast. I don't know what I'm going to wear. I'm sure nothing will be good enough to meet his parents. I mean they are freaking billionaires. Then again, I am a fashion designer and I like fashion challenges. I have twenty four hours to design and sew a dinner dress to see his parents. The odds are not in my favor.
How my life got to this, I'll never know but at least it means I don't need to eat takeout tomorrow. I'm running low on cash. Moving in with him doesn't sound terrible seeing as I don't have money to pay the rent. The hospital bills are running me dry. I am drowning in debt and if this is what I need to do to turn my life around and save my mother, I'll do it with no complaints.
I try to call Marcelo but it goes straight to voicemail. I don't know how to feel about him ignoring me. I miss my best friend. Why did he have to develop feelings for me? Can't we just stay friends? I really don't need this drama.
I leave my bed and carry my sketchpad. It's time to work. I look at my sketchpad for so long my vision starts to blur. I have no idea what to design. This isn't good at all. I need to design something for tomorrow since I'm fairly sure I have nothing to wear.
After hours of looking at my sketchpad, it dawns on me that I have nothing in mind. Why does my brain have to go blank at the worst possible moment? But wait, I don't have to design something from scratch. I could pull off styling something from my old clothes.
I get up and rush to my wardrobe, searching for the perfect dress. If Marcelo was here he would have helped me pick up an outfit. I banish the thought of him, deciding not to think about anything Marcelo related for now. I search until I see something that catches my eye.
“This is perfect!” I scream to myself, which is probably psychotic but then again, everyone has a little crazy in them so who cares? The good thing now is I know what to wear and I won't feel too awkward around Alvin's family.
I just hope they like me because I'm not ready for any type of drama. My life has been full of drama recently and it's suffocating. I need a break from all of this. I just want my mum to get better so I'll establish myself in the fashion industry. I deserve this much.
I am going to show everyone my worth. I am going to prove myself and it will shock everyone.