Once we are seated, I’m able to take in the view. It has a minimalistic interior design yet a cozy feel. The waiter takes both our orders then leaves us to talk
I look at him waiting for him to say something then it dawns on him we haven’t spoken so he begins
“Thank you for meeting so soon, the plan is simple. We announce our engagement and tell people we have been secretly dating for over a year, we act like a couple obsessed with each other, we might have to kiss a little just to put up a good show. Think of this as your first major acting role. I will pay you part of the money once our engagement is announced which will be next tomorrow then the remaining when we are legally married, we will get divorced after a year of pretending to be happy our reason will be unsolvable differences. Do you understand?”
This is a lot to take in, he really has thought this whole thing through and I thought I was good at overthinking things. “Yes, I do” I tell him feeling like that was the appropriate answer
He looks at me for a few seconds trying to read my face for what? I’m not sure before he continues “you will be sent an NDA which you have to sign, it's just basic procedure to ensure you don’t tell people about our arrangement. If you already have you will need to fix it or ensure their silence” I nod not knowing what else to say until a question I’ve been dying to ask comes out of my mouth before I can even fully process it.
“Why did you choose me?” he sighs like I asked the worst question possible.
“You had all the basic qualities I needed” he answers bluntly, no hint of sarcasm, just the plain truth. At least It's better than saying I was available. I don’t know what I was expecting but that wasn’t it. I just give a small “oh”
The waiter comes with our starter Royal Ossetra Caviar. It looked exquisite. It had a rich taste and a hint of nuts. I decide to ask more questions
“Why are you arranging a fake marriage? I’m sure you have a long line of women who would do anything to be with you” he tenses up and I instantly regret asking, I know I can be very nosy sometimes but then again I deserve to know since at the end of the day it involves me but he surprises me with honesty
“I don’t have the time to find an acceptable woman to marry and if I don’t get married, I might lose an important contract” he is a rich man with rich people problems I guess, i'll never relate to marrying just because I didn’t have the time. I always thought I would marry for love or at least I hoped id marry for love
We talk a little about nothing in particular just random things to be polite and I notice a few things about Mr. Biggs
1. he isn’t the talking type but at least he tried to keep up with me
2. he takes his job very seriously and I admire the dedication
3. he is blunt and attractive
I feel like this whole arrangement won’t be that terrible, it's not like i'll fall in love with him. I just have to play my part. I just hope he loosens up a little. Being so uptight isn’t doing much for him.
He insisted on driving me to my apartment saying it would be rude to allow his wife-to-be to enter an uber when he has a fully functioning car. I have to admit the marriage jokes were a little funny even though that’s all they were, jokes. When we reach his car, he opens the door for me to get in then he enters the other side. Once the driver starts moving, he takes out his phone and starts sending messages to different people talking about things I didn’t care to listen to. He is definitely a hardworking man. I zone out and think about other things. If this works my mum will be fine. That is all I care about honestly.
We finally arrived at my apartment. I should probably feel ashamed of how small it looks but who cares. It’s mine and that’s the most important part. He quickly gets down so he can open my door, I look around and when I don’t notice people, I wonder why he did it. I always assumed the random acts of chivalry were for show since he didn’t seem like a man that was even the slightest bit romantic.
“We have to plan random dates in public places so we will look believable. I'll probably have to fix my schedule most especially since you’ll resume work next week” I kind of forgot I still had the job. With everything that has been going on I hope I’m able to keep the job. Wouldn’t it be suspicious when I get announced as his fiancé then start working at his company? It doesn’t matter, I guess.
I thank him for everything and enter my room just to see Marcelo in my room. I forgot he had spare keys.
“Is that why you haven’t been taking your calls?” he says, the disappointment he feels evident on his face.
I roll my eyes “why are you here Marcelo?” I’m probably being too hard on him. I mean he is my best friend
He moves closer “don’t do this Sam, I’m going crazy with the way you are treating me. Even though you don’t love me back can’t we still be best friends?”
Wait, did I hear him well? “You…you love me?” Marcelo loves me. That is the last thing I expected, it makes sense but it doesn’t and I feel nothing romantic. I really wish I did but I just can’t force feelings
“wasn’t it obvious?” I look at him not knowing what to say. How do you break your best friends’ heart?
Alvin's POV
I got home exhausted from all the work I had today. I considered canceling the date but I kind of feel good I didn’t. Samantha looked stunning in that red stress and I’m sure she'd have looked even better without it. I had to stop myself from staring at her when I took a good look at her. She is a beautiful woman. I have to admit it. Her type of beauty is rare since it's both inside and out. Talking so much was still exhausting. Where does that woman get so much energy to talk? I was barely able to keep up, yet I still want to marry her.
She seems like she’ll be bubbly for both of us when we need to make public appearances. I enjoy not being around people so she might as well make it slightly bearable for me.
I liked her company. She’s the first woman that could keep me entertained in conversations that weren’t work related. It was nice but I still need to remember this is still strictly professional. I need her to sign that NDA because you can never be too careful when it comes to sensitive things like this.
I will ask her about her mother soon enough but I don’t know how to bring it up without her thinking I’m some psycho stalker. I might be a little mental occasionally but I’m not a stalker.
Now how am I going to break the news to my family……