Happy reading ……
“So he is Krish .. Really nice guy ..,”, Priya thought and pulled herself back to normal. She took her stuff and got up to leave.
She stopped suddenly feeling a pull at her top and she swiveled around nervously.
Krish was saying not to pull Priya’s dress ,”Cutie pie leave her dess ..”
She found the little baby girl holding her top and smiled ,”Heyy baby ! Do you want something ? “, She bent down to her level.
He felt her voice familiar ,”I heard this voice before ..,”he looked up and saw Priya.
Cutie kid ,"Didi(Sister)you are beau… ty.. ful..betiful"
Priya smiled again at her gibberish words while Krish froze for a second at her smiley face. She was looking so beautiful with big black eyes , beautiful pink plush lips , specially her cheeks adoring with deep dimples. He found her so adorable.
She caught his stare but didn’t mind it because she had a positive image about him earlier.Krish realised that he was literally ogling her shamelessly and immediately averted his eyes embarrassingly.
She leaned down more to cutie baby ,”Thank you.. you are more beautiful than me ..”,she said placing a kiss on her cheek.
Krish ,"Cutie pie why did you leave your compartment , your mummy must be looking for you. Come I will take you there"
Few hours later
Priya found an empty seat finally and scooted over it. Krish too came there in search of an empty seat and saw whole compartment was available. Only Priya was sitting there at window side seat who was admiring outside view through the window. She looked at him hearing his steps sound and smiled sweetly at him.
“If you don’t mind can I sit there ?? “, He asked her hesitatingly pointing her opposite seat.
Priya smiled little ,”Of course you can , I don’t own this train “
Krish smiled and at the same time relaxed with her words ,”Thank god finally I heard something cool ..”, he huffed while taking his seat.
Priya pulled out her laptop from bag and started typing. “I should apply 2,3 more companies, at least one can select me “ , she muttered under her breath busy in her work.
While Krish was enjoying music on head phones. Both busy with their respective works. After Priya felt thirsty ,she took the water bottle out of her bag.
Krish saw her drinking water and he remembered the incident at the shop and he guessed that she was Priya.
Krish ,"From where did you get this water bottle ? "
Priya ,"What ?"
Krish," I think you are in hurry , you took the bottle without paying it"
Priyaa ,"How do you know ??? "
Krish ,"I was there that time "
Priya ,"Sorry I have only big notes with me and the seller said he has no changee"
Krish,"Hey don’t be guilty , I paid for it"
Priya ,"You did ? Thank you very much",she asked a bit surprised.
She was going to give him money but he refused.
Krish,"No it’s absolutely okay"
Priya ,"But ?? "
Krish,"I didn’t spend crores for you , it’s just a water bottle. So cool"
Priya thought ,”He is a good person , he didn’t get any bad at my acts”.
Krish extended his hand to introduce himself ," Hai myself Krish .. Krish Sehgal…”, he said offering his hand contemplating whether she accepted it not.
Priya didn’t even waste a second and gave him hand shake introducing herself.
“I am Priya ..Priya Sharma “,she said with a sweet smile playing on her lips.
Krish smiled and continued listening songs. Priya was feeling bored ,she couldn’t able to keep herself calm because she loves talking , even she talks with herself when she is alone,so decided to talk with him. At the Same time confused how to start ?? Where to start ??
“Priya he is good , he is a good person don’t think about much ..,” she engrossed debating with her brain while her fingers busy in pressing the water bottle in confusion.
“Bottle will die …”,Krish said smiling at her act.
Bela looked at him ,he again said ,” If you keep pressing that bottle , It would die “,he said pointing towards her hands.
Priya ,”Ohh ..”, she smiled nervously and put it aside.
He understood her confusion face , she wanted to ask something.
Krish ,"Are you fine ? You need something ?"
Priya ,"Hmmm actually Priya doesn’t like silence. She likes to talk very much. I can’t keep myself quiet for a long , it would only give me headache"
Krish placed his stuff aside ,"Okay then , you talk I am all ears “ , he said sending a smile to her.
Priya felt happy , he could see her excitement on her glowing face ,"Really !! Priya you are very lucky ..”, She squealed in happiness.
Krish ,"Why are you keep taking your own name before everything?"
Priya," Haha ..Even i don't know, why I am like this since my childhood .. If I speak something then I will definitely keep myself ahead of them"
Krish ,"You are obsessed with yourself right ? "
Priya got up and extending her hands wider “ Yes self-obsession.. ..I just love myself ..”
Krish wondered seeing her energy and thought,"She is a very unique girl ..I have never seen before ..”.
Priya stopped squealing ," You are finding me mad right ? “, she pouted at him. Her pink lips puffed out forming a cute pout.
Krish ,"No not at all , I find you very interesting person and want to know more about you", he assured her smilingly.
Priya made big eyes ,"Really ! No one has interested in my talks till now .You are such a nice person “, she said with a big smile playing on her lips while sitting beside him.
Krish scooted a little bit to his left giving her space beside him. She sat comfortably and faced him.
Priya ,"I am in Mumbai for the first time"
Krish ,"Mee too"
Priya ,"Oh my ! You too ?"
On the other hand yuvi also in the train but Priya was unaware of it. He saw her boarding into train and then followed her.
Krish ,"Yes, actually I was ran …"
Priya ,"Away from home right ?? Oh god , What a coincidence ! " , beamed amusingly.
Krish ,"Means you too ? ",he asked her surprisingly.
Priya ,"My parents want to throw me into a forced marriage with my aunt’s son.I hate that BASTARD so I left"
Krish wondered at her words ,”Almost the same thing happened to me, I have to do something else, so I came out of home “
Priya became sad for a second , “I did not feel like doing this, there is no other way left for me.If I stay there, I would have married that piece of shit Yuvi “
Krish ,"Don’t worry everything gonna fine soon. You really showed courage taking this huge step for yourself and never let it down in the future",he appreciated her attempts to live her dreams.
Priya ,"I heard your conversation accidentally with the girl Manasa.Really I have to appreciate your frankness. You are a good man",she said genuinely.
Krish ,"Thank you"
Priya wanted to extend her friendship hand but felt a little hesitation. But to her surprise before she could even ask, Krish had already asked her ,"Friends ??? I will be glad if you are my friend “
Priya surprised and nodded her head immediately in yes ,"Of course ..I am feeling very happy that I got a good friend “ ,she shook her hand with a wide grin on her face.
Krish ,"So what is next ? Where is your stay ? "
Priya ,"I don’t have anyone in Mumbai. I will stay in ladies hostel and would find a job from there"
Krish ,"How can you stay alone ? I know you are a strong girl but still it’s all going to be new for you"
Priya,"I am also thinking the same but I have no other option"
Krish ,"Is it a good hostel ? Did you check it’s background ? "
Priya ,"I saw Google reviews and they seemed nice"
Krish found her so innocent and how can she handle herself alone in the big metropolitan city.
Priya ,"Where are you going to stay ?"
Krish ,"My friend is there so I will be staying with him".
Priya ,"Great at least you have someone to talk and share your feelings. See I have no one here and I am all alone"
Her face fell down and lips curled downward as she rested her chin on her jointed hands sadly.
Krish felt a tug in his heart seeing her sad face.
“Where is your mobile ? “,he asked her tapping her shoulder.
Priya ,"Why ?"
Krish ,"I will save my number in it so you can call me whenever you feel to talk or share something"
Priya’s eyes glittered in joy and she was very happy ,"You know what ..you are really so sweet man I have ever seen. Exactly like a novel character which I read “, she gave her mobile to him.
Krish smiled and saved his number. He noticed it’s new mobile.
Krish ,"New mobile ?"
Priya,"Yes to avoid that Yuvi tension. He is really after my life"
Priya excused herself for bathroom while Krish was examining her mobile. Accidentally his finger touched gallery option and it was opened.
He saw her pictures.",Very pretty she is. I think she has a selfie obsession too. Wait a second , it’s today’s selfie. She was wearing white dupatta/scarf in this picture but it’s not there with her now”
He quickly opened his bag and pulled out the dupatta which he found at railway station.
He compared it with the picture ,"So the dupatta/scarf girl and Priya is same. What a strange connections “, he smiled.
It was 10 minutes still she didn’t return back. Krish worried for her and got up to see her if there was any problem. He searched everywhere but he didn’t find her.
Krish ,"Priya ?? Where are you ? "
He turned back to leave but stopped suddenly hearing door vibrating sound.
Krish ,"The sounds coming from bathroom side but it’s locked from inside",he muttered under his breath confusingly.
It looked suspicious ,he took steps towards the bathroom.
“Krishh ..”, heard Priya’s muffled shout.
He immediately pushed the door and shocked to see Priya’s condition.