Happy reading…….
Priya was unaware of her scarf which was tangled with Krish’s bag. He was in hurry to catch the train. When she noticed her dupatta quickly grabbed her bag and followed him. She continuously shouting but because of noise her voice didn’t reach him.
“Hello Mister ..Stop “,she shouted again.
At the same time Priya eyes fell on Yuvi who was searching for her.
“Omg ! Yuvi …”, She feared seeing him and decided to leave her dupatta/ scarf for escaping from yuvi’s eyes.
Priya took off her scarf from her neck and quickly ran from there. Krish almost reached next platform to catch Mumbai train. Suddenly he felt a pull from behind , he turned and saw a white cloth hanging his bag.
Removing his headphones ,” Whose scarf is this ? “, he took it into his hands.
“May be by mistake it’s attached with my bag but where is the owner of this scarf ? “ , he looked around once but he didn’t find anyone there.
Krish moved his hand over it unconsciously. It smelled like girly perfume , he sniffed it humming nice.
Priya placed her hand instantly on her neck as she suddenly felt something hot there , “ May be it’s because I am missing my dupatta/ scarf “, she told to herself.
Priya escaped from Yuvi’s eyes and reached her destiny platform.
Krish folded the dupatta/scarf and kept it in his bag safely. After he stopped by a shop to buy a water bottle. Accidentally Priya also reached there for water bottle. But both were in opposite directions and there was a wall dividing the view between them.
Priya ,"Please give it quickly"
Seller ,"Madam ji I have no change for this 2000 rupees note"
Priya ,"So what would I do ? I have only this"
Krish heard her voice and felt familiar.
Priya saw yuvi reaching there ,”Omg !! Please do it quickly …”shouted in tension her eyes were trailing on Yuvi.
Krish felt curiosity to see her so he bent down back little praying for a glance of her.
Seller ,"Madam ji sorry I don’t have change "
Priya became furious and she grabbed the bottle from his hand and immediately ran away from there.
Seller ,"Madam ji my money ?"
Krish just saw her from back side running from there. “Who is this girl ?”, he muttered under his breath amusingly.
Seller ,"See sir ji how dare she ran away stealing my water bottle "
Krish smiled ,"Crazy girl , it’s okay I will pay for her water bottle too "
Seller asked him with a shocking face how kind-hearted this man was ,"Sir! how can you pay ? "
Krish ,"I can’t hear disrespecting any girl in front of my eyes. You won’t understand this , just take the money and give me my bottle"
A group of people passing from there , looked like a marriage mob. Priya’s eyes fell on them immediately and joined that group to escape from Yuvi.
Priya ,"Oh god this Yuvi is stalking me"
They boarded into train and Priya too entered along with them silently praying to not expose to Yuvi eyes.
On the other hand Krish too got in the train. Both unexpectedly had opposite seats but they didn’t see each other because there were so many people sitting between them.
Priya heard leaving announcement of train and breathed in relief.
A girl belonged to that marriage batch saw Krish and sat besides him.
Krish was busy in his mobile. But he could feel her scrutinized gaze on him. The girl found him he so handsome and started flirting with him.
Girl ,"Hello , I am Manasa",she introduced herself hoping a conversation with him"
Krish looked at her , she was so young looking like in mid school age ,”Nice ..”, he spoke rather in a dismissive tone and continued his business.
Girl got upset with his one word reply but started again,"What’s your name ?"
Krish ,"Sorry I do not speak to new people about myself"
Girl ,"This is too much. A girl willingly came near you and wants to talk with you but you are ignoring her. Why ? Because you are handsome ? "
Krish ,"Yes " ,he replied curtly and engaged in his business again.
Their conversation grabbed Priya’s attention. She heard them and astonished ,”Oh my ! It’s really wonder to see such men now a days. Like seriously first time I am seeing a boy rejecting a girl that too on her face “
The girl Manasa got up fuming and threw a angry look at Krish before leaving the place. After she made her way to bathroom cursing Krish continuously under her teeth. Priya also came there to wash her face. The girl stood there by the gate for sometime and started cussing Krish severely. Priya who was passing by her , she heard her cursing and thought 'how rude and impolite kid she is' while entering into bathroom.
Krish noticed the girl and came directly to her.
Krish looked at her while taking his glasses off,”What the shit you are talking ? What’s your age ? It’s how you behave with stranger men ? “, he almost yelled at her and she scared by his hard tone. He calmed down a bit and spoke in a low voice.
Krish ,"See Miss Manasa , I think that is your family sitting over there. If you are running out of patience for your marriage I will go right now straight to your parents and tell them to find a good man for you. They should know that their daughter is enough grown up to flirt with a stranger man who could be any serial killer. They should be proud of you right ?"
The girl felt embarrassed and tears pricked in her eyes ,"Sorry ..”,she mumbled slowly gazing down.
Krish ,"What are you studying ?"
She remained silent and looked down at her hands embarrassingly. He understood she might be in school according to her age and the way she was wearing Mickey mouse printed skirt.
Krish ,"There must be a good and handsome guy waiting for you somewhere. Let him meet this beautiful girl , if you start hunting for him now , you will miss him. So don’t think about him right now and keep your concentration on your studies. Okay?"
His words brought a smile on her face and she nodded her head understanding his words.
Girl ,"Extremely sorry for my early behavior"
Krish ,"It’s okay. Chocolate ?"
He pulled out a chocolate bar from his pant pocket and gave her. She nodded her head up and down grinning widely.
Girl ," love chocolates"
She grabbed it happily and left from there.
Priya heard their entire conversation again and very much impressed by him.
How would he look like ??? she thought.
She came out quickly but unfortunately he left from there before she could catch a glimpse of him. Actually he was there but stopped at a cute girl in the near compartment. He sat there playing with her for sometime.
Priya was going to step forward then her mobile rang up. She noticed It’s her elder sister Vinita and picked up.
Priya ,"Sister .. Please don’t tell anyone that I am going to Mumbai"
Vinita ,"I won't but Priya Mumbai is a big city , where would you stay ? I am so scared about you"
Priya ,"Sister nothing will happen to me and don’t worry for me I can manage. I will stay in ladies hostel for now and after getting job will shift to a good apartment"
Vinita ,"Priya…Yuvi is after you , please be careful"
Priya ,"That’s why I left my mobile there and bought new mobile and SIM for me. In case if he thought to trace my number , he can’t reach me and never even find me where I am. I only send you this new number and you feed it with a code name so that bitchy aunt shouldn’t suspect us"
Vinita ," Hmm take care of you Priya. Love you"
*Call ended*
Both got back to their respective seats and got busy on their mobiles. Then suddenly a man’s cursing grabbed their attention. A person who seated opposite to them was talking loudly on his mobile about some issue enough to hear whole compartment.
“What? those idiot brats ran away from marriage ? Today’s generation is utterly waste .. they are useless. They doesn’t care about family reputations , only do whatever they want. Piece of shit “ ,the middle aged man spat disgustingly.
Priya and Krish both heard his voice and looked at him angrily.
But the man didn’t stop ,he continuously talking on his mobile. Both irritated by his conversation and decided to shift another compartment.
In this process both collided with each other accidentally and Priya’s stuff fell down ,"Sorry..” , he said immediately bending down to help her. Priya knelt down and started picking her stuff up. Both were busy in collecting their respective stuff without even a glance at each other.
That cutie pie girl with whom Krish was playing a while ago came running there.
She pulled his shirt ,”Kishh …”,called him cutely. Krish turned around and noticed her ,”It’s not Kish cutie pie .. It’s Krish”, he said pulling her chubby cheek.
After hearing his name Priya looked up at him and saw Krish kissing that cutie pie girl.
She realised ,”So this is the guy who were taking class of that girl Manasa …”.
A simile creeped her pink lips as she watched him astonishingly. For a moment her eyes stuck on him.