* * * * *
The Rajs is quiet.
Is anyone even home? I walk through the elegant villa gates and into the large compound.
It is beautiful.
Money they say, is beauty. This villa is a proof. I know this is just one of the several they have.
I can see two bodyguards guarding the entrance of the family's mansion. Since I don't know where Nandiri is, I just walk up to them, the basket in my arms. I could only carry one thing at a time in addition to my small sling bag.
" Hello Sirs, I'm here to see Nandiri, I'm her sister Mira."
"Mira! You're here. Mother called saying you'd come."
That voice. I can't believe I've missed her so in just a few days.
" Nandiri!" I beam, walking up to her. She's positively glowing. Full of live and joy.
" Here, let me help you with that."
" There's more outside. Let me go get those."
I rush outside and carry two milk jugs at once. "One more remaining." I smile at Nandiri. I had to pay the cabby for this trip alone and let him go. I'll have to say hi to the Rajs and relay mom's greetings after all.
I'm outside the gate now but where is the cabby? Just then, I see it making a turn across me.
" No, hey Sir! I call out waving my arms. I still have a jar of milk in there. "
He stops and I run across to him when there's no traffic.
" I'm sorry, I didn't notice that last one." He apologizes.
I only nod, happy I got there on time.
I pick up the jar and start going across. My bad. My bad.
* * * *
I had not seen it coming and when I did, it was too late to react.
"Watch out!"
" Oh my goodness, we're about to witness an accident. "
" Close your eyes honey, you can't see this. "
"Oh the poor girl."
The shouts seemed to swim in my head and my legs wouldn't move.
As I brace myself for the pain that would come,I hear screeches and the car swerves,it's side brushing me roughly but not smashing me only by a hair. I'm flung along with the milk jar and as I hit the ground, I'm swimming in milk. The jar is broken and maybe a few ribs of mine but it's the milk I worry about. My mother's milk. What do I tell her?
" Girl, can't you watch where you're going? I almost killed you back there and trust me, the last thing I need right now is being held for murder."
The voice is smug and self righteous. Maybe he has a right to be so but what?
I say nothing. I can't bring myself to talk. He dumps two bundles of something right in the middle of the spilt milk, enters his car and leaves me in a cloud of dust.
Slowly, I pick myself from the ground. My body really hurts but I have hope at least. That snub had dropped two bundles of money for me. As much as I want to spit in his face, I must admit that I need the money.
" She's so lucky she didn't get killed."
" And he even gave her some money."
"Some money? That's a lot of money."
" He must be a rich scion. I wish I was her,I would ask him to marry me at once!"
" Shhh... What nonsense are you spouting? "
My body aches as I walk and I can see Nandiri rushing forward to meet me.
" Mira, what happened? "
" I- I had an accident and the milk,the jar. I don't know what to do. "
"Are you hurt? "
"And who do we have here? Gross, she looks horrible."
I look up to see who that beautiful cold voice is coming from.
" Selene, this is my sister, Mira. Mira,my sister in- law. "
"Oh, she's the cursed one isn't she? "
Nandiri is about to reply and with the look in her eyes, I know it's not a nice one.
" Sister, I'll be heading to work now. I'm really late. It was nice to meet you Selene. "
It's safe to call her by name, she's about my age anyway.
" Bye Sis" I wave her goodbye, walking out quickly.
I don't look back.
* * * *
The flight was uneventful with me and the boys in our private mission jet. I can't help but wonder how much this boy must have taken from Darken. The lengths he's willing to go to get this boy alive is astounding. I think there's something personal between them. Why else will he want him alive so badly?
That isn't my business anyway.
I just have to find this boy. Now my life depends on it too.
" How long will it take us to get to that city?" I ask Bill, my driver.
"Less than an hour. Just 45 minutes now. We're close."
I sigh with relief. My wounded men have been treated and they stay in the mission with me.
No, I will not tolerate any sign of weakness. And this time, I'm not going for talk. I want blood.
And a full fledged war.
* * * *
This place looks modest but I must say the food is quite upscale. Of course I chose the best. Rahid had recommended it to me and I think it's just fine.
I'm eating a nice plate of food when I sense someone come in. That aura, I've felt it before. I look at the door and I almost choke.
It's the milk girl.
She looks flushed and a bit embarrassed but she still walks in anyway and goes straight to the back. That is where workers are. I guess she works here.
I continue eating, checking my phone for interesting videos. Rahid would hit the roof if he knew I had my device on.
A loud crash followed by a sound slap distracts me and I look up.
" Are you blind? You good for nothing, you just poured hot soup on me." A girl talks loudly, scowling at a waitress. The waitress is the milk girl.
Great! Why is she always getting into trouble?
" I'm sorry miss Selene, I didn't mean to. I just..."
" Shut up! You have no right to speak when I'm speaking. You jinx! You always bring trouble and bad luck everywhere you go."
"You're just a cursed bitch who was abandoned by her mother, what right do you have to talk back at my sister?"
Another person has joined in. From the look of things, the two sisters are ganging up to bully milk girl. I study her carefully.
She's trembling slightly now but I don't know if it's with anger or shame. Her gold skin is tinted pink at the cheek that had been slapped and her brown eyes are sparkling with something I just can't tell. She is beautiful. Very.
" You must pay for the soup, and the dress you just ruined. I bet you don't know how much this costs. " The one they call Selene hisses.
She is beautiful too. And classy. Just my kind of girl. But she's also too loud.
" I'll help you out with that. It's just 60,000 dollars which is about a million rupees. We want the money now." Her sister sneers, a mocking smile on her lips.
This is interesting. I guess I chose the right place after all.