* * * *
" Where's he? "
" We lost him Boss, but we got this." He holds out the blood stained curtains, his head bowed.
" We're sorry Boss. "
" What y'all mean you lost him? "
The boss asks, hitting on a fat roll.
I watch him rise slowly, his staff ringing as he walks towards us.
" And what do you suggest I do with that? I already know who he is. "
I watch Shark's legs trembling, mine hardly able to carry me. The Boss takes out his golden gun and clocks it open. My heart thumps heavily up in my throat as I watch him approaching my team. He's closer and I can smell death. Shark is up front. A single shot rings out and Shark drops dead on the floor, a hole in his head. Blood oozing out of it.
Darken walks slowly but steadily towards me, his eyes fixed on mine. This is not good. Can he see the resignation and fear in mine? Thank God for the dark shades.
" Why do I smell a rat with you?"
"I'm all clean Boss. " I hope he can't hear my thumping heart.
" There's something I just don't get right about you. Son, I'm a good man. " He brings out a white kerchief and cleans his gun.
"My Daddy, he was a good man too. He pauses to blow the gun. So I'm gonna give you a chance at proving yourself. "
I remain silent, but behind my black shades, my eyes are popping out with fear.
"Go find that boy and bring him back. Alive. I'll find you if you fail."
* * * *
I already knew sitting at Ajunno's table would be like this.
I just hope it doesn't get worse. Ajunno's family is prominent in the town and Dad likes them, but he insists it's only for business purposes. When we got to his table, I wasn't surprised one bit. His fiancee Shantell was seated beside him in a sophisticated foreign dress. She had dyed the tips of her hair red and she seized me up, shooting me glares to kill. Her face was well made up and she looked so beautiful and different.
So much for looking simple.
I guess I look underdressed for this occasion in my plain blue sari though. That's the only one I have.
Two other men and a timid looking girl sat with Shantell. I have never seen them before.
Ajunno introduced me to them. The men, Sharma and Kush were his cousins and the girl was Kush's child. I got to learn that Kush lost his wife the previous year and he's not quite over it yet. I feel for him but Sharma?
Now, he's digging into a plate of sweet balls, giving me goofy smiles and licking his fingers. It isn't even time for merriments yet. He eats the last piece of sweet ball and drinks greedily from his wine goblet, his neck folds and folds of fat. He smiles at me and rests heavily on his chair.
" You really have no manners do you? You shouldn't do this in public. It's.... "
" Shantell! " Ajunno interrupts and I can see his eyes flash her a warning. She huffs but stays quiet, pouting her small cute lips.
The tension in the air around this table is so heavy that I can hardly breathe. Please let the time for completion of rites arrive soon so I can leave this table. I just want to watch Nandiri perform her Saath Phere and go round the alter while we're all pouring her flowers. Please...let everyone remain quiet lord please....
" So uhmm... Mira, what do you do? "
Oh no! Shantell just decided to talk
" I cook "
" You cook?"
" I mean I cook for a-a- restaurant. And -and..."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha.... Geez! This is so funny! " She interrupts.
I feel so embarrassed that I'm close to tears. My armpit itch and I'm sweating. Why did I say I cook? Couldn't I have thought of something else?
I know Ajunno is enjoying seeing me humiliated. He's not even saying anything, his whole focus on his dumb phone.
"Do you have to make fun of everyone? "
" What? What's talking? Don't talk to me fatty."
Sharma doesn't look one bit embarrassed being called "fatty".
" Aunt Shantell, my Dad says it's wrong to call people names. "
" Oh please, let's be truthful. He 'is' very fat. And disgusting."
" And you? So skinny you look like you haven't eaten in years. If I mistakenly step on you, I'll crush you".
" Shantell, Sharma, will you both stop this?" Kush pleads, with a tired sigh.
" Why don-"
" Stop! "
We all turn to stare at Ajunno. That attracted stares from other guests too.
" Enough everyone." He adds more quietly. The group becomes silent, Shantell typing furiously on her phone. I'm already fed up with this table. And Shantell is so mean.
Traditional music starts playing and I'm relieved. The completion of rites have begun and I hurry away from the table. I can feel different set of eyes at me and my back burns.
" What's with her and that awful plain dress she has on? " I hear Shantell say.
" I don't know but I like her. "
" It looks so old and worn out... "
But the voice drifts off with the music. I wasn't listening to it, but what the other person said.
"Who was that?" I think. My head answers me.
" it's Sharma."
I'm so broken by what happened. I can't get my mind off it. I'm bleeding fast from a bullet wound in my arm but everytime I look at it, Ivin and her blood stained white flashes through my mind. It's all my fault.
And she was so happy I could tell she had good news but I cut her life short. I ruined everything. All. I wish she had never come at all. I can feel hot tears rolling down my face and my heart feels heavy.
So heavy it hurts.
" Go home Aeon. Go home. "
Home she had said. How can I? I don't want to. I can't.
But Darken? He won't only track me down and kill me but he'll also be getting away with Ivin's death. I'm rebellious, wayward, that I know. But Ivin didn't deserve this. She had nothing to do with all of this.
Nothing to do with my obsession with Ivory.
Ivory. The name itself disgusts me now.
Why did I even go into drugs? Now she's dead, all for a single share?
I close my eyes for a brief moment to avoid letting in those painful thoughts I hate so much. That I didn't even do it for the money. Just for my selfish interest. Stupid satisfaction. And to think it doesn't matter now is too tormenting. It wasn't even worth it. Nothing is worth Ivin's life.
Car horns blare behind me and I realize I had almost stopped driving right in the middle of the road. I swerve aside to let whoever it is pass and he flings curses at me. If I was in a good mood, I would have bashed his car so we'll both spend a night in jail but I don't want such fun now so I ignore him.
I need a song. I flip the record and a cool rap comes on.
Godzilla. I will go home. Let them do whatever they want to. I will be Aeon Bakar again.