Voices overlapped each other's.
A tumult threatened to break out. Or could it be? For those voices could be heard coming from the other end of the house. And at once I had snatched the broom off the ground, hands reaching to wipe my tears-stained cheeks.
Three figures came into view, those forms walking towards my direction, yammering and arguing about something so serious, they barely had taken notice of the distressed girl stood before them onlooking with so much as a curious gaze.
Attention centered on two of the profiles in particular—bearing such striking resemblance, I was found were peering on.
Those features they carried—similar hair colour, the same button-sized nose, and only then did it hit me that these were the twins Denna spoke of.
That other figure seemed not to spare any attention to whatever it was they went on about. To be honest, he seemed bored out of his mind.
"Oh, C'mon dude!" One of them drawled.
"For fuck sakes, I'm going nowhere!" Followed the response.
Their british accents were evident. It was then I realised that this was probably one of those influential british families who had moved all the way to the United States to reside.
"What on earth can we do to convince you to tag along?" The other twin spoke.
"Seriously, nothing! I don't see any reason why I have to go with you? Come on, ask Cameron"
Followed the different looking one of all the three. His eyes remained on the twins, thick brows furrowed at them, while they made their disapproval known.
"Of course, Jordan. Go on acting like you don't know Mom and dad wouldn't allow us go anywhere not until you chose to come with us"
"They believe you're responsible, whereas, all I see is a Buffoon"
"Perhaps, you running your mouth Tyler will convince me to tag along with you" Called the guy named Jordan.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry" Followed the boy, with hands pulled up in a surrendering motion.
"what's in it for me?" Jordan let out immediately, eyes staring intently at the two.
"we'll give you one hundred" Followed Tyler
"Make it Five" Came the response
"Four" The other twin pitched in.
I stood there watching three strangers I had never come across before, speaking in numbers, and seemingly understanding each other.
"500? That's too much!" Exclaimed the voice, with the hands of the boy soon flinging up, perhaps out of exasperation.
"you wanna go to the party or not?" Jordan followed.
The twins had soon fallen silent, gazes passed between the two, voices muffled, and in a second they had directed their attention to the figure before them.
"Fine! We'll give you 500"
"You've got yourself a deal, ladies" Called Jordan in that cheer-filled voice, lips bearing a grin.
Giving a nod to each one of the boys, he had spun around on his feet, soon making leave out the area.
It took quite a while for those form to finally acknowledge my presence, and trust me, when they did, the scrutinization given by the two, all but left me shaken.
They accessed my figure like there was something interesting lingering by me. Other than the fact that I had a cleaning brush in my hands, alongside the cleaning, it was just little Ol' Nia.
One of those faces scrunched up immediately, perhaps out of disgust, or confusion, whichever it was, sure had managed to catch my attention.
Could it be my hair?
It definitely must be the hair! I sure haven't been spared the chance to care for myself in days now, hence the state I was in.
That figure had soon turned around walking away, while the other remained where he stood, gaze taking me in.
"I don't think I've seen you around" I heard him say.
The words were lost in my throat, mind doing a spiral of where I was to begin from in explaining to this stranger that I had now been hired in home to work as a stranger.
"You seem confused. You know I live here, right?"
"I'm Logan" He let out.
"Nia" My voice remained low, yet, audible enough to be grasped unto.
I heard a voice yell from a distance, soon snatching both our attention.
"Coming" Followed the response, and at once, he had jogged off, leaving me stood there, staring one at the two, while their figures got further out of sight.
That voice had jolted me at once. Figure spinning around only to be met with the questioning gaze of Miss Tara.
"Don't you wish to go home?" Her eyes were narrowed at my form, watching me intently and probably wondering why I was out there alone, staring at nothing in particular.
"I'm done with all the chores" I uttered.
"Really?!" Those eyes peered on at me in pure disbelief. "You must be done cleaning Ashley's room, then?"
"Am I to clean her room?" My voice was laced with uncertainty, eyes peering on at the ones away.
"Of course!"
"Having all the rooms cleaned is your core duty. Though, Denna has taken care of that for the day. The only one left is Ashley's, which you are to clean right away"
"Of course" I followed at once, figure soon hurrying away from the terrifying scrutiny of that lady.
At each step I took walking into the house, I could feel my legs getting weaker, eyes bearing an itch.
Of course I had bawled my eyes crying outside, tears, those tears which could barely fix up the problem I was found in.
I could feel that ache in my leg. That ache that threatened to turn my whole body numb at every step I took closer to that room belonging to Ashley.
It was only a while before it all would be over. A few hours more, and I could get to ease the stress off of me. Get the comfort I so desired.
Slowly, my hands went pushing the door, jaw dropping at the sight left in front of me.
The whole room was a mess.
Eyes went skimming around the area, taking notice of the size of the room, and soon coming to realized that I'll be the one to clean it all up.
At once, my figure pushed on, hurrying over to the bed, hands snatching the number of clothes sprawled on there, and soon tossing them into a basket at the corner.
At a far end of the room, was a large door which had managed to pull my attention, with eyes peering on at it, my form had soon shot off where I stood, pulling closer to it.
Hands betrayed me, body pulling closer, and soon enough, I had pushed open the door, revealing a large room housing shelves lined with bags and shoes.
At the far end, was a neon sign reading "ASHLEY"
Could it get any more serious?
The faint sound of footsteps approaching, coming from the halls, had at once snatched my attention out the area, as I went hurrying into the main room, turning to resume my chores.
It would be sad now, having to be scolded on my first day working here, wouldn't it.
I didn't need anyone yelling for me to get myself in check. I had gotten to business immediately.
Spending half an hour arranging the girl's clothes, sweeping, picking, stacking things onto others, I hurried to have the floors mopped.
Not like it mattered to anyone the amount of things I did, but such pride that filled me coming to behold the sight of the space my hands had worked on.
It was like the reward of something one had much longed for, and not wasting a minute more, I proceeded out of that hole, pulling into the hallway, with confused eyes shifting from corner to corner.
Stood in the middle of the hallway, with no clue where to turn to, I was found staring all through the space.
Legs pushed forward, but then chose to retreat, turning the other way, right as the doubts kicked in.
There soon emerged two figures from the dark—The twins. I recognized at once.
They came hurrying towards my direction, both engrossed in a conversation, walking right past me without even sparing me a glance.
And with no delay, I decided to follow behind, tagging after their forms.
For minutes, we cut through corners, going past hallways and only then did the enormity of the house strike me. I was more surprised how the figures leading me, had taken no notice of the form behind them, but who was complaining now? I followed in silence.
Fortunately, I arrived at the living room, soon managing to find my way to the kitchen not after almost getting lost.
There stood the form of Miss Tara, eyes skimming around the area, perhaps examining what the maids had done.
Those eyes soon came to rest on my form, gaze watching me.
"Are you done with all you were assigned to?"
She had spun to me, eyes focused on my figure.
One quick nod from me answered her question, and at her approval for me to take my leave, I had snatched the apron off my waist, tossing the duster and bucket to a corner, soon proceeding out the area.
It was no surprise how much I anticipated home, but I wasn't to go home now, I had to see mother. She was all that had crossed my mind all morning.
I longed to have her in my hold, yearned to hear her say she was getting better. But those were only wishes of mine. I knew that so well.
For one's prayers to be answered, one had to work also. I grew up knowing that.
If I really wished to see her get better, I had to pay those doctors for them to begin treatment on her.
There was no cutting through corners.
I soon heard voices coming from the living room,
those voices getting louder upon me drawing nearer.
There the rest of the maids were gathered, all engrossed in a conversation, while their voices filled the area.
They sure had taken no notice of my form lingering by the corner, while their utterances travelled to my ears.
"I'm not happy with that new girl joining us"
"Our pay could be reduced all cause of her" I heard Kate say.
"Why do you say that? The girl is but a child" The older woman spoke. Mary is her name, if I'm not mistaken.
"Oh, please. I agree with Kate. There are enough maids here already. I see no reason why she has to be employed" Spat Suzy.
"Master and Mrs Williams employed her already. They own this place, so that means their decision is final. Let's leave it at that." Denna joined in.
"What do you know? You're only a child" Katy uttered in an exasperated tone, eyes boring daggers at the form of Denna.
The eyes of Mary had soon snapped my way taking notice of my form, and at once, the rest followed, soon coming to behold me stood there.
They all turned to my direction, and as if communicating through their minds, they spun around, walking away, leaving Denna stood onlooking my figure with so much a sad expression.
Forcing a weak smile up those lips, she had proceeded out the area, not after the disturbing silence which filled the room.