My eyes remained fixed on the worn out shoes held on my feet, teeth biting on my lower lip hard, tasting the nervousness which crept through the whole of me.
Gaze went searching through the environment, as if expecting something to pop out from one of those corners.
Here I was, stood outside the gate of a mansion, awaiting for the past twenty minutes, contemplating whether to turn away or press the bell.
Part of me itched to turn away, taking the winding path which led back to home, but the other part knew better. It was either this, or going back to what would only be my continued sadness.
I didn't want that.
My eyes soon beheld the crooked sign hung on the mighty gate, stating "HELP WANTED!"
The writings had begun to fade, with the signage looking distressed enough, which only screamed that, this sign had been out here for a very long time.
Whichever it was, there was no turning back now.
Fingers fumbling with each other, feet hesitant, I slowly, more cautiously reached forward, hands slapping the bell placed on the wall.
Eyes were found roaming around the surroundings, with thoughts that threatened to run me mad, having a brief abode in my mind.
I had been forced to leave home at the early hours of dawn, searching for someone to hire me. No matter what the job was, I was ready to take it up.
But every single person I came across, turned me away, refusing me instantly, saying I was too young and ought to be in school, rather than searching for whose floors to scrub, or what restaurant to wait at.
For the past three hours, it was yet the same response I received from each job opening I stumbled upon.
At this point, I was exhausted. In fact, if I received yet another disappointment, I would put a halt to the search, and give my aching legs a rest.
A voice out of nowhere soon blared hard into my ears, causing my whole body having a fall back.
"who are you?" The voice from the microphone bellowed.
They sounded Grumpy, another eminent factor that demotivated me.
"I'm here for the job" I replied.
"what job?" Followed the voice.
"I don't remember asking anyone to come here for a job." The voice, which sounded like a lady's hollered.
"There's a sign out here which says 'Help wanted' I stated at once, wondering if I rang the right bell, which of course I did.
"oh that!" She called aloud.
"Come on in then" The lady had finally permitted, with her voice taking a softer tone.
The gate growled at my form, its hinges squealing, as it slowly pulled open, making way for my figure.
It screeched so loud, and like it had a mind of its own, it grumbled upon my entrance. Perhaps, this inanimate object was tired of life, and would rather be anywhere than giving way for people, and then shutting back to its position.
If it ever needed anyone talking to, I would in fact, give my ears up, listening to it tell me its sweet little tales, Cause I, in fact was just the perfect person to come close to any wee turmoil the weak gates had been through.
Oh, My life's perfect.
Admirable by all.
I pushed my figure in, eyes beholding the beauty that emerged with such magnificence of a house.
Simply putting it was beautiful, was utterly an understatement.
A sweet-tongued person, one just good at narrations, would be the best fit in describing the details of the house mounted in front of me.
Carved in ancient artistic designs, the house brewed of much power, only turning my knees weak, the closer I got.
Who dare own such beauty?
People go on about wealth every day, citing enough about people basking in riches, but I never thought they existed in real life, definitely not around me.
Flowers, all of different colours, surrounded the house, with a fountain stood right at the center of the large building, drizzling on the white ducks which flew around the mini pond.
If this doesn't define luxury, I don't know what would.
The figure of a stout, plump lady, staring blankly at me from the large doorway, caused my legs hurrying up, while my eyes tore away from the object of admiration.
The lady who looked like she was in her fifties, had on her, an apron, paired with a large wooden spoon, secured tightly in her hands.
My eyes refused meeting hers, feet only pushing faster, advancing to her form.
"Mrs Williams will see you now" She called out, while stepping aside and making way for me to proceed in.
I was a walking mess.
An utter one.
Lost on how to make use of the door, emitting enough clumsiness, like it wasn't already enough, while the lady peered back at me with a look that said 'There are people like you who exist?'
Yet again, my eyes got blessed with the interiors of beauty, the moment I walked in.
The living room was bestowed with elegance, chic, yet simple at that. Did those go hand-in-hand?
There came an echo of heels, followed by voices which got me straightening my dress, fingers dabbing at my hair, trying to look better presentable to whoever made their way here.
The profile of a lady came into view, at her side was a man, his arms acting as support for hers.
Her white pumps clicked on noisily while her figure descended the never-ending stairs.
She was styled in black flowy pants which swallowed her feet, paired with a white jacket which deserved showers of praises to whoever had that clothing washed.
There was no denying how beautiful this lady was, despite how very mature in age she seemed to be, her beauty was out there to behold.
If I was to guess correctly, she was not much past her forties, nothing more.
My gaze had soon shifted to the form of the man, whose arms remained wrapped around the lady's waist, while she giggled to something he had uttered.
Her laughter died the moment her eyes beheld my figure. With gaze gaping on at me, her face scrunched up in confusion, eyes shifting from the form of her husband, and then back to me.
"And who's this, Tara?"
Her voice was silky smooth, laced with an accent I was quick to detect. Such confidence she spoke with, only made me shiver.
Eyes having a go at me, my figure underwent a thorough examination, with her gaze shifting from the top of my head, pulling down to my feet.
"She's here for the job" The lady who had ushered me into the house earlier, replied immediately.
"A job?...... How old are you?" Followed Mrs Williams.
"Sixteen" Followed my voice.
"That's very young" Her gaze was intent on my form.
Meanwhile, the man who had walked in with her earlier, stepped away, figure pacing around the living room, with his eyes shifting to his wristwatch at each second.
"We're gonna be late" I heard him call from the other side of the room, earning the attention of the lady, who acknowledged his figure for just a brief moment, and then, her gaze rested back on me.
"Dear" She began, tone hinting at, 'This might be hard for you to take in, but you're gonna receive it regardless'
"I don't think this job is for you" She dropped those words I had grown to despise since the start of the day.
"You're very young" She followed. "Now I wouldn't want the police banging at my gate accusing me of misusing a child"
She took a pause, eyes shifting through mine, perhaps beholding the pain my gaze held.
"Pardon me, but I have to leave now"
My eyes followed her figure as she stepped away, hands snatching the yellow designer purse sat on the couch, and in an instant, she had spun around to the other lady who still remained in the room, listening to all what was being said.
"Do make sure everything is in order, Tara. And I thought we spoke about having Kate begin grocery shopping for the week"
At the manner in which she carried herself, not to forget the ardent portrayal of Power, one could only assume she was the lady of the house. She must be the 'Mrs Williams' earlier spoken of.
"Of course, ma'am" The one named Tara followed at once. Hands dabbing on the apron tied around her large waist, she pushed closer to the other lady.
I couldn't tell when I had taken to my knees not until the gaze of Mrs Williams peered down at my form, expression filled with warmth.
"Ma'am! I need this job. I'll do anything you ask of me. You name it"
I could feel my own voice waver, tone low, it sure wouldn't take long for me to go breaking down.
I watched the man on the other end, begin advancing to where I was, gaze shifting from the form of his wife to mine.
"Is everything alright here?" He questioned.
Mrs Williams had soon turned to him, a low sigh escaping her lips.
"Yes honey. I'll be with you in a minute"
She spun around to me in an instant
"I can't let you work here" She began.
"If I am to even consider that, I'll need every approval from your parents, permitting me to go on. Without that, I can't give you the job"
"Besides, shouldn't you be in school now?"
"where are your parents?"
I turned my face away, the tears soon rushing to my gaze.
"Dad won't be in the picture, for as long as there is"
It didn't take long for her to get what I hinted at, as I took in her sudden changed of expression.
"And Mom's in the hospital critically ill."
There followed a long pause, her eyes intent on me all the while.
"Oh, dear! Get up" She had called out, voice filling the space.
The compassion her tone held, only caused me losing whatever battle I had been fighting with my tears.
"you should be with your mom. She needs you" I heard her say.
If only it was that easy.
Being in that hospital ward, while I watched my own mother writhe in pains, wasn't what anyone would wish for.
I had prayed night after night, hoping some sort of miracle would happen. Anything! just any little thing that would restore my joy. But at this point, I already was exhausted. I could hear that harsh voice bellowing inside of me to better get my feet moving, if I hoped to have my mom witness the next Christmas.
"Please, Ma'am! I beg of you. Don't turn me away. This is my only hope." My eyes burned with tears, while staring up at the woman who held the only orb of hope I had left in my job hunt.
"I'm so sorry, I can't." She crushed it in less than a second.
For a moment, I thought I would fall to the ground wailing my heart out, and eventually pass out after much exhaustion, but the few words of the man who stood in the room, caused my energy to kick in yet again, at full speed.
"Oh dear, let her have the job!" He uttered.
This was the first time I actually took notice of him. Just like Lady Williams, he had an accent, but his was thicker.
"She's too young to work here." Followed the voice of the Lady, eyes widening at what she would deem an absurd decision.
"Oh it's fine, sweetie. I'll have everything sorted out. Now, can we just leave?"
"Thank you. Thank you so very much." I didn't even give him enough time to let the news drop, I had leapt up my feet, my voice breaking out in the area.
I had soon gotten myself to a check as soon as the gaze of Mrs Williams snapped my way.
Saying I was happy, wasn't doing enough justice to how much joy englobed me at this beyond.
This was my save, my last string of hope.
I could pay the hospital bills, settle all that had been an issue, perhaps get a side job, to go with this one. Unless the Williams were willing to pay me thousands of dollars, for a job which I had barely even begun.
Who knew how much they were gonna pay me for my work here? I only hoped it was up to my expectation.
"Honey, I have a bad feeling about this" The soft voice of Lady Williams broke out, hands grasping onto her husband's.
"There's nothing bad in you rendering help to a girl in need. Now, if we don't hurry, we're gonna be late." He responded.
She gave a sigh at his utterance, eyes turning to look at me.
"Tara here is gonna tell you what to do. She's in charge of kitchen duties so you should ensure you give her your maximum respect—Now.......I'm gonna be giving her your paycheck at the end of each month, just so we are clear"
I nodded, smiling at each word that tumbled out her mouth.
"Thank you so much" I stressed for the umpteenth time, my voice following after her figure.
"We'll be leaving now, Tara. Make sure everything is in order and tell...."
She paused for a moment, turning to me with narrowed eyes.
"what's the name?"
"Nia" I called at once, eyes lighting up at her profile.
"Right. Tell Nia here what to do" She barely spared a glance back, as her figure began departing.
"Yes ma'am!"
The form of Mr Williams pushed further to the exit, hands pulling the by the door for his wife to step out, with his figure following behind.
"Come with me" Tara called the instant their forms were right past the door.
She shot away, bum swaying left to right, the air between us, suddenly filling with silence.
I followed closely, my hands pressed together, with eyes averted away from her form, not wanting to give an audience to her little display.
We went on walking for a few minutes, cutting through halls, then finally stopping at a very large room—The kitchen, I realized upon seeing the items sprawled around the room.
People went around in different directions, murmurs breaking in the area.
They were all females.
Every single one of them had an apron tied over their waist, with their fingers tending to one thing or the other.
They had soon spun around at the entrance of Tara and I, their gazes lingering on my figure for a long minute, perhaps trying to process who this girl was who dared to cause a pause to their rigorous round of activities.
"This is Nia, She just joined us" Ms Tara announced to the figures present in the room.
I felt their gazes scanning every bit of me. Scrutiny shifting between each other, I ached to know what went on in their heads.
"That's Mary over there. She's the chef. She helps me over here in the kitchen."
My gaze at once shifted to the lady Ms Tara pointed a finger at.
Covered in flour from head to toe, her hands went busy kneading a dough. With an index finger, she struggled to wipe the smudge of batter on her apron.
"That's Abigail, Suzy, Kate, and that's Denna."
"You'll be joining Denna in cleaning duties. Now, get an apron and begin work immediately" She followed in a sharp voice.
I watched the girl called Denna walk over to a rack held at the far end of the kitchen, hands tugging at an apron and then throwing it over to my form.
"Put this on. I'll show you where to begin"