Chapter 5 : sure we will be there
After he freshened up he came downstairs he saw Emma with her parents Mr and Mrs Jackson in his living room,both his mom and dad where there too, everywhere was silent non of them were talking Emma was busy smiling at his mom ,his mother did not even glance at her for once.He was a little worried.
" Will mom ever accept Emma as her daughter in-law" he thought to himself.
Emma was the first person to sight him ,she quickly went over and pulled Jason to where the elders where sitting.
“ Jason is here “ she said sweetly, she couldn't wait any longer, she quickly said " Jason tell your parent you love me and that we are together" . He pushed her hand and frowned slightly ,he rubbed the area between his brows.
Mrs Jackson quickly added ” yes son, you love my daughter don't you? “
” Yes tell us ,you both have my full support and blessing,we came to set an engagement for you and my precious daughter “ Mr Jackson said.
Emma blushed slightly, she lowered her head shyly.
Jason glanced at his mother , he looked Emma in the eye ” Emma is over between us " he said in a loud voice, "I think you should move on with your life and find the right one cause am not the one for you, As you know am getting engage in a couple of days and am very happy about it."
Emma was dumbfounded her face turned pale like a blank sheet.she stuttered w what are yo you talking about? ,You said you love me just two days back and now you say you don't love me anymore ,no no no this is not happening ,tell them the truth, tell them you love me Jason she yelled." ,her eyes turned slightly red when she saw that he was silent .
She held her head and squatted on the floor she started sobbing " no no no his lying tell them you love me "Jason glanced at her and went upstairs.
Her father felt embarrassed he has never witness this kind of thing in his life ,he was enraged. He felt like slapping some sense into his foolish daughter immediately.
Mrs Jackson quickly held her daughter before she started displaying her craziness.Emma glanced at her mom “ his lying he do love me.” she said with a akward smile.
Her father Mr Jackson couldn't hold himself back anymore he yelled at her “ you better shut up look at the mess you made ,now you have heard it from Jason he say he doesn't love you ,you better stay away from him “ he said.
Mrs Jackson said to her husband " dear don't yell at her"
” Am sorry Mr Jackson,we have already found our son a wife and the engagement is in a few weeks." Mr Harrison said .
He proceeded to say ” your daughter is still young and pretty am sure she will find an outstanding guy I hope you understand “ Mr Harrison said.
Mr Jackson expression turned ugly . He quickly nodded ” yes yes our Emma is pretty she will find alot of suitors in the future ,we will take our leave now he said ”
Mrs Harrison was satisfied with her son now ,she doesn't like Emma at all, she looked fake and vicious, her son must be blind to date someone like Emma she thought to herself.
Mr Harrison felt a little bad he said awkwardly “ Mr Jackson my mom's 80th birthday is the day after tomorrow, I was going to send an invitation to your family but since you are here ,am personally inviting you.” he said to Mr Jackson
“ Sure we will be there “ Mr Jackson said .We will take our leave now ,they took their daughter forcefully and left.
Mrs Harrison sigh loudly ” why did you invite those people ,that Emma girl is fake have seen alot of kids like her , she's so cunning that's why I don't like her coming to our house whenever Zoey is around,you know the Andrew's will be there ,I hope she won't cause any trouble “ she said .
Mr Harrison glanced at his wife " Do you think I want to invite them ?,the Jackson's are also in the business line ,I don't want them to tarnish our reputation by spreading rumors about us. especially when I invite everyone from the elite families secluding them ” he said.
Mrs Harrison sigh again “her husband is right after all their family had maintained a good reputation in the society for many decades,it won't be nice if bad things about them is heard.”
Back In the room Jason sat on his bed rubbing his temples , he was tired of been driven around by his mother ,he felt like he might run crazy very soon.
The next day
Jason was still in his room he was avoiding his parents ,Mrs Harrison was a little worried it was already noon and he refused to eat anything ,he might fall Ill she thought she decided to call Isabella.
After all she will be spending her entire life with him.
“ Hey aunty ” Isabella said
“ how are you doing dear ? “
” Am good ” she said
“ uhmm I need your help,Jason is angry with me he refused to come out from his room and he hasn't eaten yet ,could you please come over and speak to him ” she said
Isabella hesitated for awhile “ uhm okay “ she said ” I will be there “
30 minutes later , Isabella arrived
Mrs Harrison welcomed her in and took her to Jason's room ” I will leave it up to you“ Mrs Harrison said,then She left .
Isabella was a little nervous ,she nodded ,took a deep breath and knock on his door.
She heard Jason's voice ” who is it ? , go away " he said.
“ Erm it's me Isabella “she said. Jason was a little stunned he wondered what she was doing here .
He said to her ” what do you want ? “
” I wanna speak to you , please open up ” she said.
He opened the door for her ,she went in ,she was shocked when she saw his room ,it was in a messy state ,his shoes,clothes and even his underwear was everywhere she couldn't help but say ” what happened in here ?“ He glanced at his room he was also feeling a little embarrassed. He quickly changed the subject ” why are you in my house ? “
” I.. I was bored so I came here“ Isabella was caught off guard she stuttered
” And you think I will buy it “ he said with his eyebrows raised up.
Isabella was a little embarrassed her cheeks turned bright red ,she looked even more cute.
He felt a little thirsty. "so let me guess my mom called you right ? ”
She nodded shyly “ don't tell aunty okay ? I heard you haven't eaten anything today ” she said “ let me go grab you something to eat" before she could leave he stopped her ” am not hungry " he said.
” Okay then I won't eat too “ Isabella said.
” You haven't eaten anything ? ”he asked
“ uh-huh when aunty called I came over immediately ,I didn't have any chance to eat ” she said.
She's so silly he thought to himself.
“ umm lets go out and eat ” he said. I will go and freshen up first “ he grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.
When Jason came out of the bathroom, Isabella was stunned , Jason was only wearing a towel on his waist with his bare chest
His skin was olive colored, and his muscles were beautiful.Even his lower abdominal muscles were clearly shaped and we're obviously filled with strength,rising and falling slightly along with his breath .He had absolutely no extra fat on his waist.
Isabella blushed Scarlet even tip of her ears turned red ,she quickly looked away .
she stammered i-i w will be outside waiting for you she said .when she was about to leave he stopped her.
when he came out the bathroom he noticed that his room was tidied up ” thanks “ he said sincerely.
” ah for what ?” she said looking confused with her red cheeks. She just wanted to escape from here.
At that moment he found her so cute ,he felt like pinching her cheeks
“ For tidying my room ” he said.
“ Oh, no big deal ” she said and quickly went out with her flushed face.
Jason chuckled, for some reason he liked seeing her blush like that.