"Rabella?" Zoe calls out to her friend...
" Yes, Zoe, "Arabella replied as she turned to her friend with a cute smile on her face...
" Let's go to the field...it will be much more fun playing there" Zoe proposes and Arabella agrees by taking her hands and pulling her in the direction of the field... Zoe follows her patiently with her gaze never leaving Arabella, they walk and sit on the field, gazing at the bright sky...
"Do you like spending time with me?" Zoe asked her friend and she nodded her head smiling...
" why?" She asked again...
" Because you are my best friend, you understand me more than my mum and dad...and I love spending time with you" Arabella explains and a smile creeps on little Zoe's jaw... Arabella hardly spends time with her mum and dad because they are always working, not like they don't care about her but that always makes her feel bad thinking they don't love her...
" Does your heart always beat faster when you are around me?" Zoe questions again but this time, little Arabella shakes her head in denial...
" My heart always behaves like that when I am beside Rowan" little Arabella explains and Zoe's face drops, she was saddened by her response...
" Do you feel like it's always me and you alone in this world with nobody else when we are together?" Zoe questions again but still receives the same answer...
" It's kind of weird with you asking me all these questions, Zoe...what is wrong?" Arabella questions with a confused expression on her face, she doesn't know why her friend is asking her all these weird questions...
"nothing rabella, had the questions in my mind and I thought of asking..." Zoe explains...
" Alright then, if you say so" little Arabella smiles at her...
The voices of kids talking and laughing from behind could be heard and the two girls turned behind to see what was making them laugh... Rowan was walking in front, so bold and he looked like the star among the children... The majority of the kids were girls, and they kept on oogling at him from behind as he made his way to the two girls sitting in the field...
" hello cuties" he greeted...he was the oldest among the children and the finest among the boys...little Arabella was red all over at the sight of Rowan talking to them, she had this big crush on him... Arabella is a beautiful and sweet girl and Zoe was no different...the only thing is, Arabella easily gets pleased by little things while Zoe finds everything boring except for Arabella...
" What are you girls up to?" Rowan question...
" Nothing that will interest you," Zoe said feeling angry because he interrupted their moment and Rowan frowned in dissatisfaction...
" Um, we weren't doing anything special...why? Do you want to play with us?" Arabella asked with sparkling eyes, she was really happy he was talking with them...
"no, I want to play with you" Rowan corrected and this only got Arabella blushing hard...
" what? Me?" Arabella was not able to believe her ears but Zoe on the other hand didn't look pleased with what the boy said...
"Yes, you..." He said narrating his answer to Arabella who seems to be on the moon, she was so excited...
" Common, let's go play" Rowan stretches out his hand for Arabella to hold on to it and when she attempts to place her hands on it, Zoe pushes her hands away causing her to fall to the ground...
" ahh" Arabella screams in pain as she falls hitting her little butt, Zoe was shocked and hurriedly tried to lift her with her small palms but couldn't...Rowan pushed her away before helping Arabella off the ground...
" You don't want her to play with me, don't you? Because you are jealous of her, aren't you?" Rowan said angrily at little Zoe who just kept on looking at Arabella's painful face, not being able to accept the fact that she hurt her friend... Arabella stares back at her with so much sadness in her eyes, never did she think her best friend will hurt her this much...
" I didn't mean to...I-I" Zoe stutters, not able to explain herself...
"you don't need to say a word...we are leaving..." Rowan said and held on to Arabella's tiny palms leading her out of the field as she follows him without saying a word to her friend...Zoe watch them leave the field silently as tears welled up in her eyes, she couldn't believe what just happened...she did something bad to her Arabella and now, she didn't even look back at her when she was leaving...it was very painful...
" Love hurts" she murmurs to herself sitting back down on the grass field...
" but mama says it is a good thing...does it mean being hurt is a good thing?" She asked the question to no one in particular...a frown appears on her face as tears roll down her face...
" But, can a girl feel all these things mama told me for another girl?" she questions herself and wipes away her tears...
" I am sorry Rabella..." She whispers feeling hurt inside... Arabella was her only friend, the only person she loves spending time with, and being alone now knowing that she hurts her was just too much for her to handle...no matter how much she tries to keep herself busy by playing with things in the field, she only ends up thinking about little Arabella...not being able to stay alone, she walks back home with a sad face and sat on her favorite couch watching TV. Her mother was in the kitchen preparing food while her dad walked out of their bedroom to clean up...He wasn't pleased seeing his daughter looking all sad...
" What is wrong, princess?" He questioned and little Zoe just hugged him and cried it all out. He wondered what might have happened to her that made her cry like that...Her mother heard her cry and rushed out as they both tried to calm their crying daughter, it was unlike her to cry like that…