eleven years later
Zoe lies on the bed reading a book. the door opens and Arabella walks in with two cups of coffee and hands one to her...
"What are you reading?" she questions taking a seat by her bedside...
" Nothing important...just a book" Zoe closed the book and placed it by the side, adjusting herself to sit upright..." thought as much...
" she said and drank her coffee...Zoe was quiet, she seemed to be thinking about something...
"What is disturbing you, Zoe?" her soft voice pulled Zoe back to the present as she stared back at her...
"Nothing," Zoe said but Arabella wasn't convinced..." I am no fool to know that something is disturbing you...come on, tell me..." she urges.
" I am scared, Rabella...what if I don't get chosen for the audition, what if I am not as good as they think?" she asked, opening up to all her fears. Zoe is studying music and there is a contest coming up and so many people and Schools are allowed to participate...she is good at singing but she has this self-doubt, always underestimating herself. feeling like people do it better than her...
" it doesn't matter if you are better than them or the best, what matters most is you believing in yourself...I Believe in you, the school believes in you and even Mrs. Patricia does...that's why they choose you to stand in and represent our school" Arabella was one big source of encouragement to her, always making her want to be the best version of herself and in everything she does...
" But, what if I don't reach the expectations of the school? what if I..." Zoe was scared of not being qualified to represent her school...
" stop Zoe...stop thinking less about yourself...listen to me, it's not a must for you to win but rather, the most important thing is the lesson learned... belief in what you have learned, have faith in you 'cause the more you keep on degrading yourself, the more you inflict fear and doubt in your heart and mind..." Arabella encouraged and it was all Zoe needed to be herself again...
"thank you, Rabella...Um, why are you back this early?" Since the time Arabella enters the room, it's only now Zoe realizes she came back earlier than she was supposed to...
" thought you won't ask...the class was canceled for reasons I don't want to know but I am happy it was...
" Arabella told her seemingly uninterested...
" Why are you always reluctant when it comes to this course?" Zoe questions not understanding why...
" It's not the course, Zoe...it is the lecturer" she corrected and this got Zoe to stare at her questioningly...
" What about him?" she picks on her coffee and sips it...
" he is so boring...maybe I might be the only one feeling bored in his class during lectures but I can't help...the course is good but the method at which he teaches is just so old fashioned" She complains pouting her lips and this got Zoe shakes her head smiling, it was quite funny to her...
" So how are you going to learn since you don't want to attend the just so old-fashioned class?" Zoe taunts...
" I will study the course myself, it isn't that hard anyways...but should In case it is, Rowan will help me out" She brags smiling ever so brightly. She never misses out on Rowan's name in any of their conversations and this was something Zoe has been trying to stop but to no avail...it hurts her to hear Arabella calls out his name every single time...She smiles at her lightly and steps down from the bed, walks to the closet, and pulls on her towel...
" Can I join you?" Arabella's voice rings from behind making her stiffen on her spot, how can she say such? If only she knew how Zoe has been trying so hard to act normal every single time when she is with her and now, she wants to do the one thing Zoe has never thought would ever be possible...not like it was impossible but because they have never bathed together even when they were young...
" What?" Zoe was more than shocked as she stared at her with wide eyes...
" You heard me," Arabella said as she started removing her dress...Zoe whose eyes were already wide as if they would fall off her eye socket...
" But, you already had your bath before leaving" she informs, not knowing what to say...
" It isn't a bad thing to get a proper bath with my best friend, is it?" Arabella asked and Zoe swallowed hard, staring at her now exposed chest ...
" well...you might catch a cold...it's quite cold you know" Zoe tries to make her change her mind but she doesn't bother and just keeps on removing her clothes and when she is done, she walks into the bath...
" I won't be getting sick anytime from now...stop worrying too much," Arabella said from inside the bath, little did she know that it was something different Zoe was worried about...Zoe stood there, gazing at the closed door not knowing whether she should go in or not, how was she supposed to face her, to see her naked before her...her thoughts got her shivering in anticipation yet, the courage to move was nowhere to be found...It's like seeing your favorite candy that will make you salivate but you know you can never have it...and that feeling is what she will always feel for god knows how long...
"Zoe?...come on, it's like you are taking a lifetime to undress" Arabella complains, she has been in the bath for so long, and yet, no sign of Zoe...
" my panties don't seem to want to come out," Zoe tells her as she pulls on it, and Arabella walks out of the bath with a towel, her chocolate cherry hair was damp and her lips were as plum as ever...she stares at Zoe with her brown eyes under her long perfect lashes...
" told you to always put on shirts or gowns which are simple wears but you always hang behind your trousers now look" She grumbles as she crunches to the ground, and pulls on her trousers...
"There won't be any excuse next time..." she warns and Zoe smiles at her, ``Only God knows how these trousers just saved her...
" thanks" Zoe happily walks to the bath and closes the door