Two Years After The Break Up - At Kelvin's office
Now, he was the Chief Executive Officer, just as Aurora predicted. That day, he was in his office with his frightened secretary, Miss Corine McDonald, who had suffered the brunt of his hatred for women since he fell out with Aurora. She was standing in front of him, and as usual, he was furious, and she explained, “I apologize, Mr. Wilson. I didn't mean to mess things up for …”
Instantly, Kelvin interrupted her angrily, “Enough of your despicable excuses,” and she stuttered, “M-Mr….”
Without giving her the chance to explain, Kelvin ordered, “Pack your things up and leave my office now, and don't ever come back here.”
“Please, Mr. Wilson.”
“I can't continue to deal with an idiot and a destroyer like you.”
“Kindly hear me out, Mr. Wilson. It is not as bad as you think. I promise that it won't happen again.”
Kelvin gave her a look of pure hate, and blurted out, “Did you say that it is not as bad as I think? Answer me. When did you begin to educate me on the difference between good and bad?”
“I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson.”
“Keep your apologies to yourself, and get out of my office, Pretender. I won't wait for you to plunge my organization into trouble.”
She dejectedly walked out of his office to hers. To ensure that she leaves at once, he followed her.
At The Secretary's Office
She began to gather her things. She was crying uncontrollably and making mistakes.
Nevertheless, Kelvin walked in, glared at her, and pointed out, “Just imagine that. How can I work with a foul-up, who cannot even put her things together?”
Eventually, she succeeded in putting her things together, carried her purse, and was ready to leave. She gave Kelvin a pleading look.
He flared up again and pointed to the door, “Don't stand and look at me like a brainless moron. That is the door. Out.”
She sniffed her nose and wiped her tears. Despite her sorrow, she greeted him, “Goodbye, Mr. Wilson.”
Kelvin ignored her greetings and declared, “Go to the Account Department for your pay-off.”
Mindless of his order, she walked out of the office and shut the door.
Instantly, Kelvin was relieved, and cursed her, “Stupid girl. Do you think I have time for a slow-witted secretary? Who knows if you are a spy working for another company?”
Subsequently, he walked back to his door and returned to his office. Without delay, he went back to work as though nothing happened. Shortly, his phone rang, and he felt disturbed.
He looked at the caller, before he picked it up, “Hello, Dad,” he greeted him and asked him at once, “How may I be of help?”
His father ignored his harsh tone, which had been like that since the breakup, and asked him, “How are you, Son?”
“I'm fine, Dad,” he answered curtly.
“What is the matter? Did you fire your secretary?”
“Yes, Dad. I terminated her employment.”
“Oh! Did you?”
“Yes, Dad. Don't let that bother you, please. I fired her because she was an error. She lacks comprehension and professional competency.”
“Yes, Dad. She is too stupid for my liking these days.”
“I see. Can you come over to my office for lunch, or should I come to yours?”
“I would rather come over to your office, Dad.”
“It is all right.”
He went back to work after the call and concentrated on his research on the vaccine that he began to develop since he left Aurora.
At 12:30 PM, he looked at the time and stretched himself. Then, he got up and walked out of his office.
At The President's Office
Kelvin walked into the secretary's office with a gloomy expression. The secretary stopped his work and looked at him. Then, he greeted him, “Good afternoon, Mr. Wilson.”
“Good afternoon, Mr. Raymond. I wish to see the President.”
“It is okay, but if you permit me, I will inform him of your presence.”
Before the secretary could end his request, he blurted, “Never mind, Mr. Raymond,” and walked quickly to the door.
Then, he opened it walked in, and the secretary was awestruck. The President was on a call when he barged in, and he showed shock. Then, he took his seat on the couch at once. Meanwhile, the President did not want him to hear his conversation and ended the call.
“How are you, Son?” He asked him with a cheerful expression.
“I'm good, Dad. Is the lunch not ready? What is keeping Derek?” He asked with a raging voice.
The President gave him a worried look and shook his head at his repulsive outburst.
“Calm down, Son. He has gone to the kitchen, and will soon be here,” his father tried to explain.
All the same, he gave his dad an angry look, and asked him, “Why is it taking him the whole day? He should be back from the kitchen by now.”
The President swallowed hard and looked at him. Soon, the eighteen-year-old Derek walked in with a basket of lunch and greeted him, “Good day, Mr. Wilson.”
Kelvin stared at him with total contempt, and inquired, “How good will the day be, Derek, when you kept everyone waiting? Drop the food and get out of here. Good-for-nothing idiot.”
Now, the President looked at him, mouth agape with disbelief. Nevertheless, he got up to rescue the poor janitor, who was already jittery, from Kelvin's verbal assault.
“I am deeply sorry, Mr. Wilson if I kept you ….” Derek tried to explain.
Kelvin got up indignantly and walked to him at the Mini-Conference Table.
“I can see that you are not willing to work. You can leave now. I will set the table.”
The President thought that he would hit him, and walked to them at once. Instantly, Kelvin snatched the basket, and the janitor obliged, “I got it, Mr. Wilson. Have a nice d …”
Mistakenly, Kelvin shook the basket of food, and the stew ran over the edge of the dishes and soiled the table.
Likewise, he blamed Derek, “Have you seen what you have caused, Derek? Do you want to spill the stew over my suit?”
“Kindly leave, Derek,” the President advised him.
“I want to clean the table, Mr. Wilson,” Derek stated.
“Never mind. You can come back for that later.”
“It is okay, Mr. Wilson. I got it.”
Howbeit, Derek took a last look at Kelvin and was sober.
“I apologize, Mr. Wil ….”
“Disappear from here lest I make minced meat of you. Nincompoop,” he shouted and Derek left swiftly.
Kelvin tried to set the table. His father looked at him and shook his head in disappointment. He could not believe that his brave son, who enlisted himself in the military at the age of fourteen, had turned out to be a shadow of himself.
However, he assisted him in setting the table. Afterward, he appreciated him, “Thank you, for setting up the table, Son. We can eat now.”
“It is all right, Dad.”
They had their lunch silently, and Mr. Wilson secretly studied him and observed that he had grown lean. Kelvin was unaware that his dad was looking at him, and he ate his food with a grudge and almost choked.
“Take it easy, Son. You can take water.”
His father pushed a glass of water close to him.
He drank it and dropped the cup.
“Thank you, Dad,” he appreciated him.
“You are welcome. You have to be careful.”
He dropped his cutlery, and requested, “Kindly tell me about your secretary, Son.”