At The Family House – The Dinner Table:
It was 7:00 PM and for over nine hours, Kelvin was crying and never had his lunch. Meanwhile, his family was waiting for him. After waiting for him to show up for dinner, and he did not, Charlotte, his mother, faced Ramon, Kelvin's eighteen-year-old little brother, and asked him, “Why is Kelvin not here?”
Mr. Ben Wilson, the President of the Wilson Group of Companies, and Kelvin's dad, responded, “I am wondering, too. Let us wait for a while. He will join us soon.”
"If you say so," his wife responded.
They chatted until 7:25 PM. The couple was worried and could not wait anymore. Then, his father called out to Gil Broughton, the Janitor, “Gil.”
“Yes, Mr. Wilson,” he responded and appeared at once.
“Get Kelvin. Let him know that we are waiting for him and he should not keep us waiting for too long.”
“I got it, Mr. Wilson,” Gil accepted and took a step, but Ramon intercepted him.
“Never mind, Mr. Broughton. I will get him.”
Gil stopped suddenly and faced Mr. Wilson for his approval, and the couple looked at Ramon, and approved, “That is good of you, Ramon. Kindly get him quickly.”
“I will, Dad,” Ramon said and got up at once while Gil returned to his duty post.
Nevertheless, Ramon got to Kelvin's apartment, pressed the doorbell and waited. When he got no response, he repeated and waited again. When Kelvin failed to respond, he turned the doorknob. And walked in.
“What!” He cried out.
He was nearly frightened to death when he saw his brother in a worrisome state and the floor was littered with flowers.
“Big brother. What is the matter with you?” He demanded quickly.
Then, Kelvin raised his head and sobbed, “Little brother, I wish to take my life. Kindly help me by killing me. Aurora is a nightmare. She is a bad dream.”
At that point, Ramon was lost. Then, he sat down on the couch and asked him, “What are you talking about, Big Brother?”
“I swear with all my life. I will not fall in love with any woman anymore. I will never show kindness or tolerate any woman. They are all the same and betray under the guise of love.”
“I am not getting you, Big Brother. What is the matter?” Ramon requested and Kelvin reminisced about the first time he met Aurora.
Three Years Ago
The twenty years Kelvin, a sophomore at Braithwaite University, walked into the campus mall to get some snacks. He saw some students, and gave perfunctory greetings, “Hi, everyone,” and walked towards the counters.
“Hi,” the students responded without interest.
Meanwhile, Aurora, an eighteen-year-old freshman, was in the mall and confused about how to cope with the meager pocket money that her parents made available for her. At that moment, their business had a setback and was yet to stabilize after the war. Therefore, they wanted her to learn how to survive in difficult circumstances.
Now, she was attracted by Kelvin's voice, and she looked up. Then, she saw a gallant, but handsome and rich-looking young man. Nevertheless, she greeted him, “Hi.”
Kelvin looked up, noticed the exceptional voice, and responded, “Hi.”
Subsequently, he continued with his shopping, but Aurora's sweet voice echoed in his head. He ignored it picked up his favorite confectioneries, and left for the payment counter. Likewise, Aurora picked up cheap beverages that were not her delight but would last longer and walked to the cashier.
She queued behind four students and grumbled, “What an inconsiderate father.”
Howbeit, the cashier was attracted to her grumbling and asked her, “Hello. Did you just talk to me?”
“Not in the least. I talked to myself,” she defended herself forthrightly.
“Ha, ha, ha,” the cashier laughed softly and she felt slighted.
“How is that funny?” The disgruntled Aurora asked her.
To rub it in, the first student in the queue laughed, “Ha ha ha. Freshmen talk to themselves. No doubt.”
“Sophomores don't talk to themselves, right?” The second student intercepted.
They laughed happily, except Aurora, who was wondering about their reasons for laughing at her simple comment.
Then, the third student added, “It reduces when you are penultimate.”
They laughed more and the other shoppers were attracted.
Aurora caught the joke and laughed too. She realized that they were referring to the stressful life that the new students face when they leave home for the first time.
“Ha, ha, ha. I can reduce it in my first year. I promise,” she declared.
“Better,” the other shoppers responded happily.
Nevertheless, her queue seemed livelier and most shoppers queued up the last person just to catch the fun. Kelvin did the same.
Then, the cashier called out, “Next person.”
The first student responded, “Here we are,” and displayed her goods.
The cashier spent some time calculating her numerous items before announcing her bill. She paid instantly and collected her receipt.
“Have a nice day,” the cashier greeted her. Cheerfully.
“Thank you,” she responded and walked away.
“Next person, please,” the cashier called out.
“Here we are,” Aurora responded.
She placed her scanty shopping basket on the cashier's desk. The next shoppers in the queue were pleased because she would not keep them waiting like the first student. Meanwhile, she was despondent and wished that she could afford so much like the other students.
Soon, the cashier was through with her, and announced, “Have a productive day. Next person.”
“Thank you. And you too," she concealed her embarrassment and walked out of the mall happily.
Then she mumbled and encouraged herself, “I will talk less to myself, even in my first year.”
Meanwhile, Kelvin had a different perception about her of her humble shopping.
“A humble, fine girl,” he murmured and stole a glance at her before he faced the cashier.
“The next person, please.”
Kelvin stepped forward and dropped his small basket on the desk and informed her, “Yes. I'm here.”
“It is okay. Your favorite confectioneries,” the cashier teased him.
“Ha, ha. You got it.”
Kelvin watched her compute his items, and he saw the total on the screen and paid.
Afterward, the Cashier appreciated him, “Thank you for patronizing us. Have a lovely day.”
“Thank you for that. Have a wonderful day, too.”
Two Days Later – At the School Library
Kelvin was a Mechanical Engineering Student, but his favorite book in the library was any book on Strategic War and Conflict Management. Nevertheless, he developed an interest in war when he was fourteen years old. Notwithstanding, it was strange to the Librarian, Mr. Napoleon, the first day he requested it. He was embarrassed that a student would request a book that he was not aware of. For that, he ordered it specifically for him.
“Kelvin, your book is here,” Mr. Napoleon informed her as usual when he got into the library.
Kelvin laughed softly and corrected him, “Ha. It is the school's book and not mine.”
“Ha ha ha. No student has ever read it, except you.”
“I see. Kindly keep it safe for me always.”
“Don't worry. It is always safe.”
“Thank you, Mr. Napoleon,” he appreciated him.
Subsequently, Aurora walked into the library and headed for the shelves to have any book on War Management, for her assignments, but she found none. She was a Peace and Conflict Management Student. Her assignment was on 'How to Maintain Peace Between two Waring Nations'. Then, she walked to Mr. Napoleon and requested, “Good evening, Sir. I need your assistance.”
“Oh! Young Lady, what assistance do you require?” Mr. Napoleon demanded with a cheerful mien.
Kelvin felt bad because of her interruption. He could remember that her voice was familiar, but could not recall where he met her.
All the same, he collected his book from Mr. Napoleon and stated, “Excuse me, Sir. I need to get down to business," he said and attempted to walk to a reading desk.
“It is okay, Kelvin. See you later,” Mr. Napoleon responded.
Nevertheless, Aurora was engrossed with her desire to get a book for her assignments and was unable to notice that Kelvin was standing before Mr. Napoleon.
She was captivated by the familiar deep voice and was apologetic, “Oh! I apologize for interrupting your conversation.”
“Think nothing about it, Young lady. What assistance do you need from me?”