Two months later
Alex's POV.
Sarah had taken over the position of the Alpha of the Pack and as the days went by, we began to bound. And I even planned to have a dinner date with her tonight to make her take her mind off things for now; she seemed to be hiding a lot of things that hurt her.
It was 2pm, and I had been watching the clock for so long that I felt tired of waiting and bored as well. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table while seated on the edge of the bed and dialed Sarah's number. She didn't pick up until the fourth attempt.
“Hey, Sarah. How are you doing?” I asked sharply, taking a deep breath along the line.
“I'm good….” She paused, expecting me to state my reasons for calling.
I guess she isn't the type that has much time to idealize around like me.
“I was just calling to check up on you, if that's fine by you.” I stuttered in a low tone.
“Of course, it's fine by me. So, if you don't have anything else to say, I would love to hang up now.”
“Yes?” She said swiftly, like she was in a kind of hurry.
“Are you busy?” I asked out of my subconscious mind.
“Can you just go straight to the point, Alex? What's going on?” She snapped.
“I just wanted to ask if you're still coming for the date.”
“I agreed to it, didn't I? Of course, I'll be there.”
“Okay, bye then.” I said and ended up the call, nervously.
Anxiety and fear got the best part of me. Over the few months I've gotten to know Sarah, I think she was the one I was waiting for.
My mate? Oh, there's a sad story and mystery behind that. But a hint is that Marcus killed her, and the thought of it just want to make me slit his throat.
This time, I would make sure I didn't lose my grip on Sarah. I had decided to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight, which is why I'm more nervous, but I must get it together before she gets here.
The dinner was scheduled for 8:00. By, 7pm, I began to prep the house for the arrival of the one person that matters most to me at the moment. I spread petals over the floor, decorated a new walkway with scented candles, and also set the table. The meal I prepared was Yamarita and wine; I knew this was her favorite.
After the preparation, I walked to the living room and looked at the wall clock: it said 7:45. I began to sweat as I began nervous again, this reminded me of when I first saw my mate, Beth.
Beth was the granddaughter of Mrs. Elise and all that she had left, she almost lost her life when she heard of Beth's death. And I almost lost it as well, she was the best thing that had ever happened to me and I think I still love her.
The first day we met was at an eatery after school, my mom took me out for lunch. So was Mrs. Elise, and she kept winking at me, making me so nervous that I spilled the wine on my shirt.
“Shit!” I cussed as I tried to dust off the stain, but it won't budge.
While trying to clean it up, I could hear silent giggles, and I looked up to see Beth laughing at me.
“How did you spill the win over your shirt?” My mom attempted to shake it off as well, but it was all in vain.
“I'll go use the restroom, mom.” I said and went into the restroom.
Still busy with adjusting my shirt, I failed to notice the person walking toward me until I felt a pat on my shoulder and a familiar giggle. My heart skipped a beat as I turned back and realized it was the girl who was winking at me.
“I'm Beth.” She stretched her hand out for a shake, which I rejected politely.
“You are not supposed to be here.” I whispered after some seconds of rethinking what she was doing in a male restroom.
“But I have a guest here, don't I?”. She teased seductively as she moved closer to me and ran her hands down my body.
It was the first time I was being touched by someone. To the best of my knowledge, only my mom had touched me. This isn't the first time I would be seeing Beth, and that's what makes me more nervous because I've dreamt of this day for a long time; I had always loved her and wished that she would notice me, but she only rolled out with the rich folks in the school.
Seeing her trying to seduce me is like a dream I never want to wake up from.
“I'm Alex.” I managed to say in my shaking breath.
“That's nice. Let's meet some other time and have a good conversation.” She said as she brought out her card from her purse and handed it to me.
“I'll be expecting your call.” She winked seductively and swayed her waist out of the bathroom.
I still couldn't believe my eyes and felt like I was dreaming, but it was all true. We were 16 at the time and when we clocked 18 and realized that we were mates, things even got more intimate with us. Until death snatched her from me.
A knock on the door shook me out of my thoughts of remembrance, and my eyes fell on the clock: it was 8:04pm. I went to the door, opened it and waved at Sarah, I know it was a stupid thing to do, and I don't even know why I did it.
“I'm sorry I'm late.” She apologized with a smile as she stepped into the house.
“It's fine, it's just four minutes. Nothing could have gone wrong.”
“Everything can go wrong within a minute.” She snapped and exhaled deeply when she realized what she had said. “I apologize for letting you see that side of me. I just feel like time should..... People should know that it's important and shouldn't be neglected or abused.” She added.
“It's fine.” I scoffed softly.
“This is beautiful, it must have taken a lot of work.” She commended my decor and I could feel butterflies in my belly.
“It's nothing, actually. Let's have dinner.” I said and led her to the dining room.
Pulled out a chair for her to seat, served her meal and sat beside her. After some minutes, we were done eating and the room was silent. I was about to say what was on my mind when she broke the silence.
“You know, I've dated a couple of guys. Just to fill the void, I had in my heart…. The void my parents left in my heart, but none filled that space.” A tear rolled down her cheek and she was quick to wipe it off.
Judging by the look on her face, it would be best if I listened to her.
“That was why I decided to get a better life for myself. Live beyond living for my parents, to fill their void, or to go into any relationship.” She slightly lifted her head to fight back the tears that were threatening to drop.
“It's okay now, Sarah. You have that life now.”
“Thanks.” She sniffed and adjusted her face with a handkerchief.
“I have a question.”. My voice was low and timid.
I could feel goosebumps all over my body, but I couldn't let my nervousness get to me this time.
“Sure, go ahead. What is it you want to ask me?”
“What advice would you give to a man who's in love with you at the moment?”
“Wow! Man, calm down. I know what this game is about. You're asking me what's on your mind.” She adjusted the chair, dragging it closer to me and leaned a hand on the table to rest her head on, while staring deep into my eyes.
“I'll say to the man, the man asking, that he better not try it if he values this friendship.”
"Oh!” I nodded.
Grabbed the glass of wine and sipped it.
“I'll like to be on my way now.” She got up.
“Sure. Let me see you off.”
I grabbed the keys to the house, we stepped out of the house and I locked the door. We walked side by side alone in the tall tree's pathway while I was humming a love song that used to be Beth's favorite. Suddenly, Sarah halted.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what? I didn't hear anything, let's go.”
We were about to take the next step when a wolf jumped at our front. Quickly, I gently shoved Sarah behind me, took a defensive stance and was ready to fight.
The fight between us only lasted a few minutes, as the wolf ran off before we could identify it.
“It's getting more dangerous to roam around the Pack aimlessly. I think you should be more careful now. They would aim at you the most.” I tilted my head and said.
“What do you mean they?”
“Marcus's pack! They would stop at nothing to get you.” My voice this time, was alarming and sacred.
“Is there more to this? Something I do not know about?”