« My name is Greg. »
« O-oh. My name is R-«
« Rosalyn Edwards. I know. » He didn’t look at me when he interrupted.
He knew my name, that’s creepy.
« How did you know my name ? » For once, his eyes met mine.
« The Alpha had me do a full check on you. »
« O-oh. » I tried not to show how worried I really was.
« Why would he do that ? » I decided to play dumb. I knew exactly why. Alpha Hunter would want to know everything he could on me.
« Like I said before, I don’t question my Alpha. »
« But aren’t you curious ? » I was.
« Curiosity killed the cat. » He muttered, looking bored.
« Lucky, the cat had 9 lives. » He chuckled at my reply, making me smile.
As if he realized he was smiling, he went back to looking emotionless. What a shame, he had a very cute smile.
The car began to slow until it stopped all together.
« We’re here. » He stated, getting out of the car.
Getting out of the car, I saw a mansion nicely decorated with flowers on the outline and a fountain a little to the left.
Pack homes are always big, it’s where pack members can live, though a lot do get their own home. It is also a common area for pack meetings and celebrations.
The Dark Moon’s pack house was triple the size of my old one. It was huge and beautiful. It looked like the back bordered a forest which would be perfect for going on runs.
« Follow me. » Greg’s voice demanded.
I followed him as he led me into the house. As soon as I entered, I could see a large stair case leading up to the many floors above.
I was so mesmerized by the crystal chandelier handing near the staircase, I never noticed that Greg had walked on.
« Hey ! Where are you ? Greg ? Greggy ? » Ugg why does he never reply.
Walking to the left, I was going to look around until a cough startled me. Turning around quickly and trying to act as innocent as I could, I came face to face with none other than the infamous Alpha Hunter.
His green eyes were staring through me like he could see into my soul. I wouldn’t be surprised if he really could.
« Rosalyn. » His husky deep voice said.
The way he said my name… Let me just tell you, his voice alone is much more amazing than that chandelier I was engrossed with earlier.
« Umm- It’s Rose. » A scowl formed on his face.
« I’ll call you what I want. » He muttered lowly.
« Um- okay. » Well, this is awkward.
What if he pretends like he doesn’t even know we are mates ?
« Okay what ? » His dark tone scared me to no ends. I took a short but swift step back, but my back hit the wall.
Of all the places a wall could be, it just had to be behind me !
« O-okay H-hunter. »
Oh God, I didn’t say Alpha ! How could I forget the Alpha ! Everyone calls him that, even other Alphas. It’s probably on his birth record.
His face didn’t change. I thought maybe he’d let it go ; I mean shouldn’t being his mate give me a freebie ? I mean, in books the guy always tells them to call them their first name anyways, or a cute nickname.
This isn’t a book Rose ! This is real life. Plus, I could never imagine belittling Hunter by calling him something like baby.
Oh, but he could call be baby whenever he wants. I mentally slapped myself for thinking like that.
« That’s Alpha to you. » I didn’t know it was possible to look so hot yet scary, but Alpha Hunter sure proved me wrong.
« Sorry Alpha. » I looked down, not being able to handle intense eye contact with such a terrifying man.
« Look at me, » he commanded in his Alpha tone, though I would have listens even he hadn’t.
« Things are different now that theirs a lot more people in the Black Moon Pack. I hope you don’t think you can go on acting like you were before. »
« Yes Alpha. »
This is so embarrassing, being told off my mate was not on my check list.
After laying out some more rules, in which I just nodded politely, he finally finished his rant and dismissed me. They were basic rules that would apply to any pack member.
Don’t disobey. Don’t revolt. Don’t steal. Blah. Blah. Blah.
« Oh, and no talking to the opposite sex. »
He had already turned his head when he spoke, making his words sound distant.
Wait what ?
« You can’t do that ! » I quickly argued.
His emerald green orbs clouded with darkness showing his anger. He clearly did not like me telling him what he could and could not do.
« I-I just mean, erm, my father is male… » I tried proving a point. Who was he to demand something so extravagant ?
« You mean your dead father ? » He muttered bitterly.
Right. Guess he really did do some research on me.
« Well, I have friends who are boys ! You can’t make me stay away from them. » I yelled back.
Stupid, stupid Rose ! You just angered him even more.
Before I could even blink, my back was pressed hard against a wall, making the chandelier above shake from his strength.
His hand gripped my neck tightly, surely leaving a mark.
« Listen here, Rosalyn, and listen well. » His eyes were now completely black. His wolf was threatening to break through.
If I thought Alpha Hunter was scary before then clearly, I had never seen him truly mad. No, not even mad. He is furious.
« You will not talk to any other man but my Beta and myself. If for some idiotic reason you go against me and do carry a conversation with the opposite sex, well I’ll promise you one thing. It’s going to be hard to talk to him when he doesn’t have a tongue. »
« Is that a threat ! » I asked angrily. I usually wouldn’t let someone push me around this much, the only thing restricting me is knowing Hunter would not hesitate to hurt someone I cared for.
« It most certainly is, » He gave me his famously known sinister smirk.
« But I am your Ma-« I quickly shut my mouth into a thin line, not wanting to finish that statement. He knew I was his mate and it changed nothing except randomly giving me demands.
Demands I wasn’t planning to listen to.
Would he hurt the people I care about ? Yes. Would he hurt me ? Maybe.
Pushing past him, I was surprised when he let me go.
Without giving it a second thought, I ran out the house and to the woods.
I needed time to think. I needed to find my mom and sister.
Running to the forest I picked a tree then stripped behind it, keeping an eye out for any bystanders. Without giving it a second thought, I shifted into my pure grey coated wolf and ran freely.
I guess I lied when I said I was just ordinary. I mean I was, but I was also somewhat special because out of all the wolves I have encountered, I am the only known wolf who has a pure grey coat. Most wolves had multiple shades of fur or were purely black or white.
I knew this was dangerous. I didn’t know the territory or even where I was going, but I did know that I wanted to get as far away as I could from my mate.
Why, why me ? Why on earth would I be paired with a monster like Hunter ?
As soon as that thought registered in my mind, I regretted it.
I may hate him, but my wolf sure did love him.
I can’t do this. I can’t ruin my whole life because of him.
I know what I had to do.
« Greg ! » I shouted in relief at the sight of him.
« Where is Alpha Hunter ? » I got straight to the point.
« What’s it to you ? »
« Look Greg, I really need to talk to him. So, if you don’t mind, just tell me where he is ! » I knew I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on him, but I couldn’t stop.
Greg seemed to have an even shorter temper than me.
Standing at his full height, he towered well over me, coming up real close so our chests were almost touching.
« Don’t disrespect me, pup. » His voice was hot and I practically felt small specks of his spit flt at me. « You can’t go around ordering people. There is no way-«
« Gregory ! » Suddenly, as if there was a mute button, he stopped talking.
With a smirk playing on his lips, he told me the Alpha was in his room. I wanted to question his change in heart, as he quickly went from screaming in my face to looking mischievously with his smile.
« It’s on the fourth floor. There’s only one room there, don’t worry you’ll find it. »
Happy that he was listening, I smiled and thanked him. See, all he needed was for me to scream at him back.
Using his directions, I finally found myself planted right in front of what should be Alpha Hunter’s room. My mate’s bedroom.
I was going to knock but realized the door was slightly ajar.
« You look stressed. » A voice commented. Unfamiliar, but I knew it belonged to a female.
« I am stressed. » A deep voice replied. Unfortunately, very familiar and belonging to Alpha Hunter.
« Tell me what’s wrong. » The girl cooed. I knew I shouldn’t have been listening and that Hunter would be furious if he knew I was, but then again, he has another woman in his bedroom, I should be the furious one.
« I don’t feel like sharing. » His voice was soft and caring. Something so strange to my ears. Why has he never spoken to me like this ?
« You always tell me what’s wrong. » The girl mentioned.
« I told you, I’m not in the mood to share, » Hunter spoke again, a little less patiently now.
« Well then let me give you a hug. »
No. He’ll say no. Since when does the bad-ass Alpha give hugs ? Especially when he has a mate.
He wouldn’t.
Oh, but he did.
I may not have seen it, but I sure as hell felt it.
Our connection was stronger the closer we are to each other. I could practically feel what he felt.
I sensed his fury, his confusion, but also his relief that there was someone there for him. That someone should have been me.
« Thank you, Emily. You should go down and eat now, I need to finish some paperwork anyways. » His voice was so delicate, I almost forgot that it was Alpha Hunter.
« Alrighty. »
Realizing that the girl would walk out the room at any moment, I ran down the hall only to realize there were no more rooms to hide in.
Who makes a floor with only one room !
Reaching the end of the hall, I tried sticking myself to the wall, looking almost invisible. I tried sticking my stomach in as much as I could to make myself more visible. You would think as a werewolf I would be ripped with flat stomach or abs, but no. Sure, I used to be thinner a few years ago, but when my father died a lost a lot of motivation to work out and go out.
So I gained some weight, sue me.
The girl, or Emily as Hunter called her, walked straight from his bedroom door to the stairs, walking down without another backwards glance. I felt more self conscious when I noticed her perfectly thin physique.
Is that why Hunter didn’t accept me yet, I wasn’t good looking enough ?
I felt utterly and completely broken. I felt as if my heart had been smashed into millions of pieces. I could even feel my wolf’s sadness as it mixed with mine.
He never wanted me. What a hypocrite, telling me that I couldn’t talk to boys while he himself had a girlfriend. My sadness formed into anger.
I felt disgust for him and any respect I had for my mate was gone.
Without thinking, as everything I do now a days start like that, I march into that room ready to confront him.
Ready to yell, my words get mumbled between my lips at the sight. In front of me he stood half naked without a shirt. His toned chest stuck out, making me almost drool. Key word : Almost. I need to focus.
« You bastard ! You insensitive jerk ! How could you. You are such a freaking hypocrite, telling me to stay away while you went and had a great time. You disgust me. You-« As each insult escaped my mouth, I began taking steps towards him and ended up pointing my index finger at his chest.
« I hate you ! » I yelled, raising my hands up to show how frustrated I was.
Grabbing my hands with his, he pushed be back up until we reached the wall. He then dragged my hands up and pinned them above my head with only one hand.
I tried pulling my arms away, but even with one hand, I was no match for his strength. Stupid strong Alpha.
I couldn’t help myself as my eyes wandered towards his lips, the urge to kiss him became more than I could handle. His lips just an inch away. I hated hoe easily I got distracted by our bond.
I wearily took a step to the side, feeling too intoxicated in this room. I didn’t get far as my hands were still pinned in his and he wouldn’t budge. Even though it was an aggressive hold, I felt electric sparks flow where he was touching me.
His intoxicating scent drifted to my senses, smelling like fresh mint and shampoo.
I needed to remember what was at hand now. What I had to do. I couldn’t be here. I couldn’t stay here, with this monster.
With my mate.
I wanted to touch him. To have him hold me. I wanted him, and that was bad. His dark green eyes met mine, it was just too much. I didn’t want to feel this way. I can’t feel this way.
« I-I need to go. » I muttered out. I couldn’t hold his stare any longer. I took another step back and prepared to leave.
« You came to me. » His deep voice rang through my ears like a symphony.
« R-right. » I couldn’t leave yet. There was something I had to do first.
« I Rose Edwards reject you, Hunter-«
I couldn’t finish my line as I was lightly pushed back. He held me tight towards his chest with my back firm against the wall.
« Do you really think you could reject me ? The strongest Alpha alive ? Well think again Miss Edwards. You belong to me now. Every part of you, everything about you, is all mine. Got it ? » His lips slightly grazed my neck as he made his demands.
My knees felt too weak, I couldn’t even reply.
« Do you understand ? » His lip brushed the side of my neck before he placed a small delicate kiss there.
« I don’t want any boy to look at you, think about you, or even know you. You are all mine. » This time it wasn’t a question.
My senses finally came back to me as I realized how bad this had gotten. He held most of my support as we stood flushed against each other.
I dragged my hands up towards his torso, stopping just below his chest. Taking a big breath, I pushed forward.
In my mind I imagined him flying across the room. In reality I pictured he would stumble a step back. But never did I think he would do what he did next.
He didn’t move an inch. If anything, he somehow came closer to me. That was odd. I mean sure, he was an Alpha, but I was a grey wolf. A rare trait that is supposed to make your human form stronger.
« You know sweetheart, I heard you were special. A grey wolf huh ? I bet you loved taunting all the boys about it, » Hunter whispered in my ear, his lips brushing against me as he spoke.
He brushed my hear away from my face, « but you want to know a secret ? I am also a grey wolf. » I didn’t have to look at him to know he had a wicked smirk painted on his mouth.
The cards were stacked in his favour, as both human and an Alpha, he radiated great strength and power. I once heard a rumor that he alone could take down 12 wolves at once, I could feel goosebumps creeping up my arms at just the thought. All the people he killed ; all the children left without parents.
I was so engrossed with my thoughts that I didn’t even notice when his head snuggled towards my neck. You would think the tingles that left his body to mine would wake me up from my deep thoughts, but no.
I didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. Until his teeth sank into my neck forever marking me.
I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t find my voice. My mind hated this, knew it was wrong, but my wolf fought. My wolf wanted this. Wanted the mate that belonged to us.
I don’t remember much after that. Just small drops of liquid dripping down my face. I was too numb to feel it, but I later realized it was tears. My own tears that came from the sudden realization of what my future had in store.
I tried so hard to stop this. I didn’t want this. I don’t want this. As weird as it sounds, I don’t want to be with my mate. Because my mate, the Alpha of the Dark Moon pack ; the strongest and most feared pack out there, was a cruel, hopeless monster.
I am mated to a monster.
I am mated to my Doom.