I just nodded, going back to looking around. Students still spoke excitedly about some unknown man.
« What’s your name ? » The girl questioned.
« Rosalyn Edwards, but just call me Rose. » She reached out her hand giving me a shake.
« It’s nice to meet you Rose, my names Liv McLaren. »
« It’s nice to meet you too. » Maybe I am going to make a friend today.
« Hey, what’s everyone talking about ? » I ask, as my curiosity got the better of me.
« You mean who is everyone talking about, » She smirked and slightly leaned in.
« Well, it seems that we are joining our pack with another. » Her news surprised me. It was very rare that two packs joined. It usually occurred when there was no Alpha or Beta who could control the pack.
« Why ? »
Giving it some thought, Liv replied, « Protection, I guess. I’m not very sure but I’m not complaining. We’d be the biggest pack in North America. »
It didn’t make sense. That would mean one Alpha would give up all his power, there can never be two Alphas in control of the same territory.
« Wait, so what happens to the Alphas and Betas from your pack ? »
The smile on her face slowly faded. « Oh- well… Our Alpha Jake has made the choice to step down from his position. »
Talk about getting downgraded.
« Who is going to be the new Alpha ? » Before she could even reply, Mrs. Morgan began speaking.
« Just wait ‘till tonight when we are all introduced, » Liv whispers then turns back towards the board.
Math went by fast, with just a couple of worksheets to follow through, we weren’t even assigned any homework.
« Hey, wait for me. » Looking back, I see Liv hastily collecting her work.
« Why don’t you eat lunch with me and my friends ? »
« Umm. » It was very generous of her, but I kind of wanted to explore around. Liv’s face lost emotion when she saw me stalling.
I was always more of a people pleaser. « I would love to, » I smiled. And just like that, Liv’s face brightened as she grabbed my arm dragging me towards her locker.
« So, you should totally get ready with us for tonight. » She said while stuffing books into her already packed locker.
« I mean, everyone is going to be there, so you need to look nice. » A second after she said that Liv sharply turned towards me. « Not that you don’t look nice right now, I just mean that tonight is a formal kind of thing- you know. Since we are meeting a whole new pack and are-«
« Liv, » I interrupted her rambling.
« I get what you’re saying and thank you very much for the offer but I need to help my mom and sister get ready so I should probably stay with them. »
I had never met someone so friendly and extroverted like her before, she’s known me for barely an hour and is already inviting me out. Perhaps that was normal behavior and I’m just the weird introvert.
She shut her locker and began walking.
« Oh right, yeah that makes sense. » She murmured but waited for me to catch up to her pace. « But I will see you there, right ? »
« Yes ! » She smiled a great big smile. I envied her confidence, how she could just strike up a conversation and make friends so easily. I was appreciative that she had approached me, if not I probably would be out of the loop from pack matters.
« Come and meet my friends ! » Liv hauled me past the cafeteria doors and along the path towards a table in the center of the room. The room was big, with the left border containing a counter with lots of food set out buffet style. I assumed it was a pay what it weighs kind of ordeal.
Once we reached the table, I saw two boys sitting down engaged in a heated discussion. One was a blonde with hazel eyes that held a certain mischievous spark in them.
The other boy was facing away so all I could see was the brown curls on his head.
« Tom, Jason, meet my new friend Rosalyn ! » Now facing the two boys, they gave no attention towards us as they kept speaking quietly.
« Tom ! Jason ! » She yelled louder, but to her dismay, she got no reaction.
Reaching over she slapped both boys on their head.
« Ow ! » They yelled in unison.
« What was that for ? » The brunette asked while rubbing his head.
« Oh please, you guys are pack warriors, as if a little slap on the head would hurt. » Liv laughed at the boys as they denied ever being hurt in the first place.
« Anyhow, meet my new friend Rosalyn ! »
« Rose. » I correct but still gave the boys a friendly wave and smile.
« Oh, hello there, I’m Tom, » the blonde spoke, « and this is my lover, Jason. » He winked at the brown curly-headed boy next to him.
« We are not lovers ! » Jason shrieked. His voice caught some attention as some students nearby turned to look.
« He denies it, but I know he wants it, » Tom says casually, teasing Jason even more by licking his lips while staring into his eyes.
« What, no I don’t. You have a girlfriend, Tom. » Jason spoke more quietly this time.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the bickering two.
« You guys act like an old married couple »
« We do not ! » They both denied it.
« Oh, I said that too loudly, didn’t I ? »
« Yes, yes you did, » Tom answered nodding his head, giving me a playful dirty look.
« So, what were you guys talking about ? » Liv asks.
Jason gave Tom a slight look before glancing back to Liv. « We’re not supposed to tell anyone. »
« Oh, come on Jason, who would we tell ? You two are my besties, and Rose is a loner so-«
« Hey ! » I pout at Liv. She just rolls her eyes at me and laughs.
« Okay fine. » Tom agrees.
« Well, as we all know tonight, we will be introduced to another pack and we are supposed to be acquired by them. »
« Yes… » Liv encourages.
« Well, something happened this morning. Something bad, » Tom said.
« What ? »
« Alpha Sam’s pack has been under attack.
« Wait what ? When ? By whom ? » Liv asked out loud, panic clear in her eyes.
« Alpha Sam is the Alpha of the pack we are supposed to join, by the way, » Liv fills me in.
« It occurred this morning at dawn, completely out of the blue. »