I sighed and stood up from my bed. It was freezing and I looked outside of my window. It was snowing, wonderful. I did my daily routine and put on my boots. I was wearing black jeans and a creme colored sweater.
"Morning, mom.", I said as I entered the kitchen. "Oh, hi. Want some breakfast?", she asked sweetly and I nodded. "Hey.", Ian said tiredly and I laughed. "Why are you so awake?", he asked me confused and I shrugged. "Why are you not?", I asked with a smirk. I knew very well that he came home late. He chuckled and ate some breakfast too. Suddenly the door opened and Alex came in. It was normal that she came in without knocking, we all were like family. "Ready to leave?", she asked and brushed off some snow from her jacket. I nodded and said bye to everyone.
"What subject do you have now?", Alex asked me as I opened my locker. "Chemistry.", someone said behind us. We turned around to look in Ethan's face. "There you have your answer.", I laughed at Alex and she smirked. I shook my head and took my books out. "So, how went yesterday after I left?", Alex asked us. "I fell asleep and Ethan left.", I simply answered and he nodded in approval. We kept talking until me and Ethan entered our class. We took our seats and the teacher started talking about an experiment. We weren't really listening, which turned out to be the worst idea ever. We were supposed to do the experiment ourselves. We, as stupid as we both were, just poured everything into the glass.
"This is going to go terribly wrong.", I said laughing as Ethan mixed it all together. "I agree with you.", he grinned, but went serious as the liquid started to bubble up. It started smoking and we looked at each other scared. The teacher ran up to our table and pushed us away. As he was to pour something in, but it exploded in his face. I couldn't help, but burst out in laughter. And Ethan did too. "Leave my classroom!", the teacher yelled and we ran out. We were running and laughing through the whole school. Not caring who saw us. But no one did, because everyone was in their class. We finally stopped running and started to calm ourselves down. Ethan suddenly got serious and looked at me. "What?", I asked him, breathing heavily. He kept on starring at me and moved closer. "Ethan?", I asked him with a smile, but he didn't answer. I furrowed my eyebrows and he kept moving closer to me. He put his hand on my cheek and looked deeply in my eyes. What was about to happen, oh god. His face came closer and his lips were inches apart when he pulled away. "Uh..sorry.", he said ashamed and blushed. "What? No, no. It's.. It's fine.", I said and we just stood there in awkward silence. Thank god, the bell rang and we walked in diffrent directions. I went to Alex and we together went to the next class. I didn't tell her, because she'd make a big deal out of it and it already was awkward enough.
"How is your day going?", Alex asked me and I shrugged. "Ethan and I blew up the classroom in chemistry.", I said guilty laughing and Alex looked shocked. "For real?", Cameron asked and I nodded. "That's badass.", Brian laughed and Ethan sat to us. "Hey guys.", he said smiled. Damn, that smile was making me weak. "We heard you blew up chemistry?", Alex laughed and Ethan chuckled. "That was fun. It was right in the teachers face.", he said with an evil smirk and smiled at me. I smiled back and Cameron gave me a confused look. But I ignored it. We kept all laughing about our day and then the classes began again. We pretty much went back to hell.
Classes went by slowly and it didn't really happen a lot. Alex, Cameron and I got our stuff and left to get to my house. Brian was about to come over later, so Cam just came with us now. "I'm so tired. Holy shit.", I yawned and Alex gave her hand infront of my mouth to cover it up. I slapped her hand away and closed it. "No need to be rude.", she said smilling and I nodded. "Yeah, Isabella. Don't be rude.", Cameron said, teasing me with my name. I hated when people call me my full name. "It's still Izzy. Hasn't changed in 17 years for you.", I said annoyed and opened the front door to my house. "Anyone home?!", I yelled and threw my bag on the floor. "I am!", Ian yelled running down the stairs to us. "Oh, Cameron! Bro, what's up? Whatcha doing here?", Ian asked Cameron and they did their weird handshake. "Brian is coming over later, so I decided to just come with them right now. When I go home, I won't leave again. I'm just gonna hang out with my best friends on this whole planet!", he said in a childish voice and gave his arms around our shoulders, squeezing us together. "Yeah... Too much skin contact for today.", I said and pushed him off me. "Awhh?? Babe?", he played sad. "Please just never ever call me that again.", I begged and he whimpered. "But if Ethan says it, it's cute.", he said and I threw my head back in frustration. "Just shut up.", I said. "Oohhh Ethan!!", Ian laughed and I sighed. "He has no chance though. We're beyond happy.", Cameron said and put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "I'm beyond annoyed right now.", I sighed and pushed him off again. The doorbell rang and I sighed in relief. Thank god. I could escape. I opened and smiled at the person infront of me.
He instantly hugged me tightly and I was happy, that nothing changed since school today. "See? Told you.", Cameron laughed and I let go of Ethan annoyed. "He has been annoying me since forever.", I shrugged and Ethan laughed, giving his arm around my shoulder. I didn't even think of pushing it away. It was comfortable. "That's hilarious.", Ian laughed. "Fuck you too.", I smiled and pulled Alex and Ethan upstairs. I closed the door behind us, but it flew up seconds after. "You forgot about your boyfriend?", Cameron asked shocked and I rolled my eyes, not answering. "Boyfriend?", Ethan asked and I melted inside. "Not even close. He is like the opposite of boyfriend.", I said. "Like a lover?", Ethan asked confused and chuckled. "No again. More like the annoying ass 'friend' who is here all the time. Which is annoying as well.", I smiled at Cameron. "Whatever.", he laughed and Ethan nodded. Did I hear him mumbling 'thank god'? Maybe I'm just going insane. Probably.