Please Love Me.
Chapter 1
"We have guests!", my mom yelled and I sighed. I looked in the mirror, just to check if I looked like a decent human being. Eh, good enough.
I went down the stairs and followed the voices that came from the living room. I stopped as I saw who it was. Not again. I put on the most believable smile and sat down next to my mom. "Hey guys.", I smiled and held myself back from running upstairs again. "Hello darling.", Mrs. and Mr. Collins said and gave me a warm smile. They were really nice actually, but I hated their son with a passion. And with my luck he was here too. We didn't say anything each other, not even a simple greeting. We got along with the fact that we didn't like each other. But still, he was part of my family. Kind of. Not really. Not biologically. Our parents have been friends for a long time. So we both decided not to keep them from being best friend just because we didn't get along.
"Why don't you two go upstairs and let us talk in peace.", my mom laughed and I nodded slightly to seem as polite as possible. Cameron and I stood up and went to my room. I sat down on the floor and he on my bed. I took out my laptop and he pulled out his phone. And that's how we sat there in silence until my best friend Alex called me.
"What's up?", I asked her and Cameron looked up for a second. "Nothing, really. What about you?", she asked. "Oh, you know. Just casually hanging out with Cam in my room.", I said sarcastically. "Wait. Cameron Cameron?", she basically yelled and I felt a sharp pain in my ear. "First of all, yeah and second of all, don't ever yell into the phone again. I will go deaf.", I said. "Sorry. Why is he here?", she asked seeming confused. "I called him over so we can make out for a while.", I said, rolling my eyes and Cameron threw a pillow at me. "Really?", Alex laughed and I sighed. "Of course not! Are you stupid?! His parents are here.", I said and threw the pillow back at him with a smirk on my face. He rolled his eyes and looked on his phone again. "I didn't think of that. Anyways, can I come over? Everyone's annoying me in here.", she said. "My house is your house, you know that. You can help with the awkward silence in this room.", I laughed and she hung up.
"You know, we could talk if you wanted to.", Cameron said and I looked at him suspiciously. "Do you really want to talk?", I asked him, already knowing the answer. He shrugged, but shook his head. "Yeah, you're right. Let's not. I was just trying to be nice. Thank god, you know me that well.", he laughed and I nodded. I did know him pretty well. I mean, I kind of grew up with him. We just didn't like each other. Nothing dramatic happened that we went from best friends to enemies. We just didn't got along well. We've accepted it and decided to live in peace.
"What's up assholes?", Alex said loudly as she came into my room. "Ever heard something of knocking?", I asked her and looked up. "Not when I know that you're with Cameron. ", she said with an evil smirk on her face and let herself fall next to Cameron. "God, you're an idiot.", he said annoyed and rolled his eyes. "True.", I said and Alex threw at pillow me, but I caught it before it hit me. "And that's how you catch.", I said proudly and another pillow hit me. I looked at Cameron and he smiled at me. Damn. Alex laughed loudly and high-fived him. "Moving on from...that magical moment. Uh..", I laughed and they just nodded. "We have an exam tomorrow. Are you ready?", she asked me and I shrugged. "I am never ready for anything.", I laughed and she nodded. "That's true and sad at the same time.", Cameron said and we three kept talking.
"Cam! We're going home!", I heard and sighed in relief. Cameron stood up and looked at us. "Well, see you tomorrow.", he said annoyed. "Hopefully not.", I whispered, laughing airily. "You are not able to whisper, are you?", he said and left my room. Oops. "I should leave too, I have to study for tomorrow. I have to pass that test.", Alex said and stood up "Oh, come on! Please don't!", I begged. "I'm sorry, miss drama queen.", she laughed, hugged me shortly and left. Hours later, I decided to go to bed. Surprisingly I fell asleep very fast.
I hit my phone, to turn of the alarm and after two hits it finally went off. I really didn't want to get up. But I guess, I had to. So I got up and did my usual morning routine. When I was ready, I put my phone in my bag and ran downstairs. "Morning.", Ian, my brother, said and I nodded as a response. "Tired?", he laughed and I just nodded again. I ate a bowl of cereal and put on my shoes. Here we go to hell.
"He's kinda hot though.", (a/n 5sos for life) Alex said as we went to our lockers. "I don't see it.", I responded simply. "Then you are blind. Every girl in this school thinks he is! And you lucky bitch get to hang out with him all the time.", Alex laughed, talking about Cameron. "I'm not one of those girls. And it's not my fault our parents are friends.", I said and took my math books out. "It's not my fault his parents aren't friends with mine.", she laughed. "You are at my house all the time, you get to see him a lot.", I shrugged. "You're right.", she smiled cheesily and bursted out in laughter. But when I entered my class, the smile on my face disappeared.