He got up and tried the first door but It was lock,before he could move a key was put into the door and lucas step back.The door open and a Mexican man came in he realize it was the same an from the car.Joe if he remembered.
"Where the hell am I?".Lucas hiss then cowardly step back
"Boss is dealing with Michael for knocking you out he should be up in a minute".
He slowly nod moving to the edge of the bed.
"You don't have to be scared you know".Joe spoke again making lucas glare at him.
"I was given to the most dangerous man in the world there's a gun under that pillow I was woken up by gun shots and I don't know where I am".
Before joe could answer the door open.Lucas started to shake looking at the floor.Shoes could be heard coming towards him.
"You can go now Joe".The person spoke.
Lucas almost jump from his husky voice.
Joe shoes were heard walking quickly out the door and then it closed.
"You can look at me angel".The man whispered but lucas didn't.
He jump when he felt a hand on his chin and his head was lift and his eyes met the guy's own lucas almost melt.His bright sparkling grey eyes made him lick his lips.The man smirk when he did it and that sent shivers down lucas' spine.
"Are you uncomfortable?".The man ask.
Lucas finally got the confidence to answer hi and glared at him.
"No I'm not uncomfortable I'm not scared or nervous I'm excited that I was given away ".
He regret everything the second it came out he look up at the man and whimpered.
"Please don't hurt me".
"You're too cute to lay a finger on and I would never hurt my angel.I like your attitude Lucas my name is Eli,Eli Morgan your lover".
"My what?".lucas ask immediately.
"Your daddy didn't tell you everything did he?".
Lucas shook his head shifting on the bed while the man sat in the couch nearest to the bed.
"Your dad made a deal,I give him the club and he give me his son to be my husband".lucas look around the room after he said that.So there wasn't another man that dies and all that?how could my dad do this?.Lucas thought
"Don't worry Lucas I already like you.You'll be happy here I will protect and love you".He said coming over to him.
"Let's take a bath and I will tell you everything".
"T-together?".Lucas ask with wide eyes.
Eli just smirk and took his hand leading him into the bathroom.
His mouth fell open the second he opened the door.The room was breath taking so is the room but he was more interested in the bathroom.