Lucas finds himself being dragged away by two men while out for a walk after finding out that his father was in a lot o...
Chapter 1
"Dude it's time for you to go get your schedule for next term".
Nick said to lucas
"Are you sure?".lucas ask he really didn't want to get up.
"Yes Mathews they are at M now".He roll his eyes at the lazy boy.
Lucas did the same and got up from the lunch table going into the vice principal's office.
"Lucas Mathews".He told her and she look through the drawer.
She handed it to him and he look through it making sure he was satisfied with it.
"Um can I ask you something?".Lucas ask her smiling sincerely at her.
"Yes you may".She return the smile.
"Why the fuck do you think I need a triple math?bitch fix my schedule".
He gave it back to her.She quickly type on her computer then printed him a new schedule.He smile at her again before leaving making another student go in.
You might think he's a bad ass but no,he just talk to anyone anyhow except his dad.When he's at home its a different story.His dad abuses him always blaming him because his mom left.He has his dream job owning a club which Lucas found stupid because when he's drunk he just hits Lucas more.Deep down Lucas is depress and weak but plays a good acting roll.
When He got home it was late.He threw his bag down and went to the kitchen.When he heard his dad's voice in there,he was standing by the counter with a bloody nose.Lucas went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.
"Your time of the month huh little bitch?"
His dad turn to glare at him.
"I don't have time for your games now boy,this is important".His dad pushed him back on the counter making Lucas hiss in pain and his water to spill.
"What is it?".He whimpered
His dad took a deep breath before beginning
"When your mother left I lost my job.I got a new one from someone,a dangerous man.He said I could have the job but in ten years time he will come back and he will want something back but he died.He handed over his business to his son and now its been ten years and my time is up.I don't have Anything to give this new leader and I don't want to lose my job so I told him to choose and ........he picked you".
The water drained from lucas' mouth when his father said the last part.
"I didn't have a choice fuck face!!".
"You fucking had a choice,you chose your job! You trade me for a fucking job".
"Well I like my job better than you faggot!".
Lucas threw my bottle in the sink and stormed out the front door.There was a creepy looking car parked across the street from them but he paid it no mind.
He have seen people give up things when they owe someone but his dad was on a level by himself giving up his own son.He know he didn't like him since mom left but come one.Lucas thought
He kicked the bin by a mailbox and watched it rolled into the road but he didn't care he just couldn't believe.