That awkward day
The sun started setting, the evening breeze finding its way through the door and making the
bell on the door jingle like someone just walked in. people started coming to get ready to go
pastries after the long day they’ve had and they were received with the best smiles on our
faces. It wasn’t as much as the rush that happened in the mornings but was still something
close to it.
I couldn’t stop thinking about what went down earlier. What if he did something and it all
went wrong and drives my customers away? Who did he think he was to come into my shop
and order me around like I work for him? And tipping me? Is that supposed to impress me? I
just tried to ignore and focus my mind on work for the rest of the day.
We closed the shop by 6pm. I was pretty exhausted. I took some leftovers to the house
because I wasn’t in the mood to cook. I’ll just order pizza if that’s not enough.
“Good evening Nana” I said to grandma, who was watching TV with Jacek.
“Hey mama, grandma got me lollipop” he pointed to me as he came to give me a hug.
“That’s cool. And what did you say to grandma?”
“I said thank you with a big kiss!” he shouted
“That’s a good boy” I said with a smile that contained little or no excitement. Grandma
I walked into the room and slumped on the bed. The room was colored grey. I had pictures
from my childhood, at least the bag I carried when dad kicked me out had most of it. They
were photos of my first, second, eight, tenth, sixteenth and eighteenth birthday; in the order
of their celebrations. My eigthenth birthday was the biggest of them all. Dad threw a very
elaborate party, inviting all of his friends to see his perfect family, up until I spoilt it. You could
say the party wasn’t necessarily about me.
Granda came in to check up on me.
“how was work?’ she sat on the bed, where my head was, raising it and putting it on her lap.
Then she moved her hand gently down my hair and to my ears, calming my nerves down. “I
noticed your mood wasn’t pleasant, so I came to know what’s going on in that head of yours.
“I’m fine Nana, work was exhausting but fine too...” I start to tell her everything that went
down at the shop today.
“I’m sorry that happened, I promise it’ll only get better. Give him some time, be patient and
everything would fall into place. Then and only then would you know what to do.” Nana
always had her way with words. Im glad I have her around. She’s always there when I need
someone to talk to. When I started staying her, I thought she’d be rude like how I read about
people that end up like me in stories, but none of that happened. Shes been a really big help
and emotional support.
We came out of the room to have dinner together as a family. After that, I tucked Jacek in,
said goodnight to grandma and went to bed.
Got to work the next morning and started getting ready for deliveries. The bell jingled as the
door opened and a manly figure followed. It was Cayden! He walked up to the counter and
demanded that I serve him, again! The courage this man has is second to none.
He walks over to sit and presses his phone. Grandma walked in. she took over from me and
decided to serve Cayden.
He seemed to have recognized who she was because he seemed to be acting nice towards
Myself and Jarod observe ehats happening from where we were. I was dumbstrcked.
“why is grandma acting so nice to him? I thought the plan was to get him to stop asking after
Jacek?” Jarod asks me admist laughter
I looked at him sternly and he stops.
“I’m sorry” he said “ but what are you gonna do now?”
“I really don’t know Jarod” I bite my lip, lost in thoughts.
Ugh! My plans have been rendered futile! I thought this would help grandma to see him for
who he truly was but unfortunately, grandma has been brainwashed.
“Where is Jacek?” grandma asked, walking towards me, all smiles.
“He’s in the room, why?” I said, curious
“Mr Cayden is asking of him. He seems like a really good man. Very charming and
respectful. Im gonna take Jacek to him” she danced away as she spoke, taking my grandson
to meet this man. I need to get her out of there, now.
“Nana, lets leave Mr Cayden alone, he needs to get back to his meal” I said to her, on
reaching the table. But she wouldn’t bulge, instead she tries to start a new conversation.
“its good you came, you guys should get to know yourselves better. Mr Cayden seems like a
fine man for you, aren’t you Mr Cayden? Noticed his mood changed
“No Ma’am, im just here for Jacek, I have no interest in Lily” he clears his throat and looks
“Ah, I see what youre doing; using the son to get to the mother. How lovestruck are you?
She laughs, raising her eyebrows at him in a teasing manner.
“Actually, im being serious. I have no intentions of being with your granddaughter. I only
come here to see Jacek and nothing else. I also in a committed relationship.”
I felt the need to want to defend myself.
“I’m in a relationship too, I have a fine man I’m currently dating and he’s, handsome, lovely,
tall caring, lovi...”
“No you don’t!” nana chipped in.
“just the facts” I face palmed myself. Why did grandma have to embarrass me in front of
him? After what he just did? No way hes getting away with that. Grandma better lose her
likeness for him as soon as possible.