Cayden's bad day
Feeling sad, I walk to my car and sit in it for a while, wondering why she acted that way;
what did I say wrong? I just wasn't to see Jacek because I like him, even though I like seeing
her too.
There was a loud noise coming from the park; they were screams of children on the
rollercoaster. Parents on the ground level look terrified for their kids. I wish mine cared like
I started the engine of my car and started driving home. It was a very long drive because of
the thoughts in my head; it never seemed to end. Didn't know why just a "goodbye" got to
me that much. I needed to take my mind off things and release some steam, so I dialled the
number of the girl that spoke to Lily rudely.
"Why are you calling me? I thought you said I embarrassed you?" She said, sounding
"I'm sorry baby, I was just stressed but I'm good now" I heard her sigh "can you come over to
my place? I'll send you the address"
"Okay babes, I'll be there shortly!" She sounded so excited. I ended the call.
Women, I thought; easy to get them.
I got home and felt strong pangs of hunger, realizing I'd not had anything to eat since
morning and it was 3:45 pm now. I went to the kitchen and immediately threw my keys on
the kitchen counter, trying to get something from the fridge to eat. I need to get some "ready
to eat" food because it's just ice cream left in the freezer. I took the small bowl of ice cream
and rushed it into my mouth with a spoon, loading it into the shape of a pyramid. The cold air
that hit my face from the ice cream going into my mouth made my eyes watery and I had an
excruciating brain freeze. I didn't mind anyway, I just needed something to go into my
figuratively potholed tummy.
Finishing the ice cream, I picked up my phone and ordered two Chinese noodles; one for
myself, the other for my guest. I went up to my room and took off my clothes to shower. The
water was warm, just how I liked it. I thought about Lily, and what she was doing if she was
still mad at me. I had flashbacks of our ride, how I stared at her back and how her body
moved up and down the merry-go-round. I hope she didn't think I was staring at her... My
phone rang, bringing me back to reality. I quickly dress up and move towards the phone,
picking it up from the bed; it was my secretary.
"Good day Mr Cayden, headquarters expect you to be back in two days" she sounded
"Two days? Why? What's the issue? Anything I should know about?" I was worried about
this new development and the fact that I already told Lily I'll be around for the week. Now, I
might not get to see her and her son after two days.
"No Sir, I'm just delivering the message" I didn't like the fact that she didn't want to tell me
"Alright then, thanks for the IMPROMPTU info!" I stressed on the impromptu, so she'll know
this wasn't pleasant news to me.
"You're welcome" I knew she was relieved the conversation was over. I guess I'm scary.
I ended the call.
The doorbell rang.
I walk up to the door and see her. She's wearing a nude, handless see-through dress,
revealing her perfectly shaped body, with a lot of cleavages. I almost felt like ripping her
"Hey baby," She said, making cute eyes at me
"Hey, come in" My face was emotionless. A man was coming behind her, he walked to the
"Delivery for Mr Cayden?"
"Yea, that's me" It was my order for Chinese noodles. I collected the package and closed the
"Guess you were missing me and couldn't wait to see me again. I was happy to see your
call" she felt proud saying this, if only she knew I just needed her here for her body.
"Yeah, right," I said, laughing. I quickly ripped open the noodles and started eating, I gave
her hers to eat while she watched TV.
"Come with me to the bedroom," I said with my mouth full. I was done with the food and
taking a fruit juice.
"Okay" She closed her food and followed me upstairs.
Noticing my mood, she asked, "is everything okay? You don't seem as happy as you usually
I dragged her towards myself and put my hands on her back, slowly taking the zipper down
as I gently followed her spine down with my index finger.
"Just having quite the day and a little bit stressed" I pushed my face very close to her ears
and said, "I need you to make me happy and take the stress off me. Can you do that?" Her
body shivered and the hairs on her body stood, with my hands still going vertically on her
"Of..of..cou..rse" her lip quivered and her voice, coarse.
I went in for a kiss, ripping her clothes apart and before we knew it, we were butt-naked with
her on top of me.
The sex was good but not good enough to stop worrying about everything that went down
that day.
It's 6:30 am and I've still not gotten any sleep. I get up to shower and have breakfast but
remember I don't have foodstuff. "I guess I'll just go to Lily's place to grab breakfast then," I
say to myself.
I put on a pair of blue jeans, black big sized polo, my expensive wristwatch and black palm
slippers. I did look good.
I took my keys and drove over there. On getting there, I see Lily. She's happily discussing
with another young man and client. I get irritated and annoyed, noticing the smile drained
from her face when she saw me. I decided to order food and stay at the farthest side of the
booth. Instead of her coming over to serve me, her richest and most important customer, she
sends one of her workers to deliver the food; is she serious?
I decided to act stubbornly because I wanted her to come to talk to me, so I refused to take it
from him.
"Tell your boss to come to deliver this to me herself"
"Yes Sir," he said, I hope he didn't take that the wrong way.
He goes back and tells Lily what was going on.
She looked annoyed and hesitant but I'm sure she realized it would mean bad business for
her, so she walked up to me.