"Yeah she my partner, maybe next time ladies." He restated.
The girls cut theirs eyes and glared at me like I did something wrong.
"When did we become partner?"
"Just now" he smirked
"I thought I said that me and you were to keep our distance" I motioned my hands.
"Stop with all that bullshi-"
"Xavier" Mrs T stopped him.
"Adriana sweetie, did you find a partner yet?"
"Actually n-" I got cut off.
"Yeah she with me" Xavier said
"Okay great, if you guys have any questions or concerns just let me know, it's due in 2 weeks."
"Thanks Mrs T." Xavier smiled.
"Really Xavier?" I questioned
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Come to my house after school so we can finish early." He said
I nodded my head and sighed in defeat.
Lunch ----------------------------
Leah and I headed to the cafeteria to get something to eat, it was pretty big plus the outside courtyard out side. As we stood in line to get our food, I spotted Xavier and 3 girls trailing behind him. The were two girls at the back and one linked to Xavier arm. She was wearing skin tight jeans with a hoodie crop with some sandals, She had mid length hair; she was pretty.
"Oh girl you don't want to get in her way." Leah looking in my direction.
" Her and Xavier been dating off and on since grade 9."She stated.
"Once when Xavier was trying to get my number for Kyle the bitch thought that I was trying to get with his silly ass." She laughed.
I shook my head.
Once we got our food we went outside to the courtyard. Everyone was outside since it was so nice out, the wind was blowing, the Palm trees were swaying back and forth and the warm air hit my body. It reminded me of the time when I was back in Miami with my grandmother, everything there was so peaceful.
Kyle called over Leah, and I surprisingly to come sit with him. I place my tray on the table as Leah blushed and sat near to him. I popped fry in my mouth and pulled out my phone while I was technically third wheeling.
Someone's arm then draped over my shoulder and took the other half of my grilled cheeses sandwich.
"Hey." I looked up seeing Xavier eating my sandwich while seating particularly very close to me.
I shook his hands of my shoulder.
"Why you gotta be like that." He chewed.
"Be like what, you took my sandwich 1 and 2 your seating to close to me." I stated
I scooted over a little.
"Stop acting like you don't want me." He smirked.
"Funny thing is I don't, and stop tryna think you can get any girl you want."
"Oh but I can baby girl." He licked his finger.
"Your so full of -" I got cut off.
"Full of what?" He questioned.
I sighed
"Xavier, your so full of life." I faked smiled.
" That's what I thought, he popped another of my fry in
his mouth and again draped his arm over me but this time on my lower waist
This nigga.
"Can you not touch me, please."
I pushed him off
"Why you touching up on my man."
I turn around to see the same girl that was with Xavier earlier on.
"Chill Syd, she just my friend, and she wasn't trying to do anything." Xavier said.
I squinted my eyes at the word friend.
"Well, why you seating so close to each other."She said
I shook my head as Xavier and the girl started arguing.
"Well maybe we should just break up." She started crying
"Well maybe we should, we don't do anything anyways beside fuck and break up." He yelled back.
A crowd started to form.
"Fine, be with the dark bitch."
The crowd ow'd
Xavier ran his tongue over his top set of teeth and hissed.
"I am not with her ugly ass." He yelled and got up and left.
Wow I did nothing wrong, before I could even process what I'd just been called the bell rang indicating that lunch was over.
Why am I always the victim in the situation. I couldn't even cry because I was already tired of crying over things Xavier had called me.
After school
The rest of the day went pretty fast beside the fact that Xavier called me ugly, but beside that I became friends with one of Leah friends, Tyler and Jackson, their twins. They told me that stuff like this happens all the time, and there's too much drama in the school to care about what happened, by time tomorrow there will already be something lingering around the halls.
I was heading home, remembering that I still have to work with Xavier on the assignment, but he seems to heated to even work.
"Adriana!" Someone shouted
I turn around and seeing Xavier in his car.
"What?" I said with attitude.
"Get in the car" he said.
"So I can take you to my house so we can work on the group project."
"I can walk home you know."
"Just get in the fucking car man, before I do and you know I can." He said seriously.
I hissed my teeth and got in the car.
"Now was that so hard." He asked
"Yes, I had to walk over here."
He rolled his eyes and drove off.
I pulled out my phone and told my mom I was going to be a Xavier.
Adriana : I'll be late for dinner tonight, I am right cross the street at Xavier house for a project.
Mom❤️: Okay sweetie, no baby-making!
Adriana: Seriously mom? ?
Mom❤️: Dead ?, bye.
Adriana: bye.
When I tuck my phone into my pocket and looked, I realize this was not the way home.
"Where are we going?" I asked
"Who were you texting, your boyfriend?"
I shook my head.
"Why do you care, I thought I was ugly, and where are we going?"
He smirked and stood quite.
He than pulled into the McDonald's drive inn.
"Hi welcome to McDonald's, how may I take your order?"
"Yo can I get a Big Mac, with a side of large of fries and some extra Mac sauce."
"Sure anything to drink?"
"Ah yeah, can I get a Sprite?"
"Okay, is that everything for today?"
"Ah no, hold up."
Xavier then turn to me.
"You want anything?" He asked
I shook my head.
"Eh, can I get a junior chicken with a side of medium fries and a Sprite?" Xavier stated.
"Sure, your total will be $15.70 at the first window.
"Cool." He drove off
"I thought I said I didn't want anything Xavier?"
"No you shook your head."
"Yeah indicating I meant no."
He pulled up to the first window and shuffle around the change compartment. The window slide open revealing a brow skin dude, he was low key cute. He saw me an instantly smile showing his perfect set of teeth, Xavier's head was still down so he didn't even recognize.
I smiled back returning the gesture. I read his name tag, Keith. Xavier must of seen me smiling, so his head whip to my direction.
"Eh man, what you staring at?" He asked stern like.
"Nothing, $15.70?" His eyes never left mine.
"My nigg-" I cut him off.
"Xavier just pay him, your acting like we're together."
He hissed his teeth, Keith eyes lighten up as if he just won the lottery.
Xavier handed him a $20
"Keep the change."
Before Keith could reply, Xavier already speed off to the next window.
So petty.
Xavier looked over at me and smiled, I rolled my eyes.
He got the food and parked in the lot.
"Here." He said handing me the food he bought me.
"I don't want it."
"Adriana I already bought you the food, since I took your food at lunch, just take it ." He said
I took the bag from him.
I looked into the bag, and saw a piece of folded paper, thinking it was the receipt.
It was the number of Keith.
"Call me 619-557-8894 -Keith" I mumbled.
Xavier than snatch the paper out of my hands.
"Hey give it back." I said sounding like a little kid.
He than ripped the paper into tiny pieces and chuck it out the window.
"Why did you do that?" I asked
"Because, who knows how many time that nigga has pulled that move." He stated.
"And why do you care again?"
"I don't, I just don't want to hear how he hurt you."
"So, Im use to it, from you." I shot back.
Xavier grind and licked his lips.
He looked like he was about to hit something. He than turn up the music that was playing on his playlist, the speaker than vibrated though the car making my seat tremble. He opened the car door than slam it real hard and sat on the hood of the car.
Oh lord someone's having a temper tantrum.
I saw him seat on the car hood breath in and out heavily. I low key felt bad.
I saw his food and drink was still in the car, so I grabbed it and got out the car.
I sat next to him setting his food on the hood and held out his drink.
"Chill Xavier, it's not even that serious." I handed his drink.
He didn't take it or look my direction, so I took his hands, which were surprisingly supper soft. I knew what I did caught off guard by the way his eyes light up.
He stared directly in my eyes, still not taking the drink, but held on my hands and squeezed it at times. He leaned in, knowing where this was going again. Before his lips could reach my mine I coughed and turn the other direction. I got up and heading towards my side of the door.
I cleared my throat. "It's starting to get late, I think it time to go." I said quietly.
He shook his head and took the food from of the hood.
I placed the drink in the cup holder and sat back and sighed.
What the hell is going on with him?....
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