First day of senior year
Agh first day of school, I barely even got to enjoy the end of my summer. It's was currently 7:18 and school started and 8:45. I hurried to the washroom, hop into the shower after about 15 minutes, I came out and head straight for my closet, where I already had my outfit picked out. A pair of black ripped jean, a grey ribbed tank crop top and a black bomber jacket with my all black air max 90's. My hair was slicked back in a high ponytail with my baby hairs laid. Leah and I were going to meet up at the entrance of the school together. My mom had left early on because she had to run in early for work. She had left breakfast on the stove. After I was done eating I wash my plate, turn off the lights and grabbed my phone and left.
As I was walking down to school since it was only a 10-minute walk, I felt someone behind me. I looked behind me to see it was Xavier in his car. He was driving very slowly beside me and rolled down his window.
"Hey Adriana" his voiced sounded raspy.
I look at him and looked away.
"Wanna ride". He offered.
I was still silent
"I know you said to keep my distance away from you, but I am just offering you a ride".
I kept walking straight not having a care in the world
He sighed, and accelerated, turning hard on the corner towards school.
Agh, finally. I sighed
When could hear the loud crowd surrounding the entrance of the school, I knew I'd reached hell. I spotted Leah from the distance surrounded by a group of girls and guys. Leah was always popular when I use to live her when I was little. I don't know how she could be such a social and hang with an anti-social person like myself. I guess opposite do attract. I was walking through the parking towards Leah's way when a car swerved right in front me.
"Really Xavier?'"
"What?" He said nonchalantly while rolling his eyes like I did something wrong.
"You were in the way, walking all slow" He said slamming his door.
"Ever hear of pedestrians first?!" I pick up my pace.
"Nice ass" He smirked
I stuck up my middle finger at him
"Oh yeah, stop following me." He dapped up his friends while they laughed
"In your dreams" I barked back
"Oh, he just gets on my nerves" I mumbled to myself.
I finally reached to where Leah was standing, she grew a smile that was already on her face. Which everyone's attention turn to me, oh great.
"Hey, boo." She screamed and hugged me.
"Hey ." I replied shyly.
"Guys, this is the infamous Adriana, I've been talking about."She giggled as she introduced me to her friends
I waved and smile shyly.
"Hey" All of them smiled and waved back at me, they seemed friendly.
"Come on y'all, schools about to start ." Leah said dragging me into the school.
This school was huge, compared to previous schools I had attended. San Diego State Highschool. I've heard that there were over 3000 students here. Also they have 2 different lunch periods.
Leah and I headed to the main office, to receive my schedule. I took, chem, bio, gym, and functions for the first semester and history, french, psychology and a spare for the second. This year was the year to make it or break it if I want to live a comfortable life. Leah and I had the same classes except for last period where she had a spare.
As we were walking down the hall to first period, we hear some whistles, hollering the usual cat calling and "who is that?", and "she bad for a dark-skin", why can't I just be bad?
Leah nudged me
"Smile girl, you''re finally here with me, don't worry about these hoes, and man hoes." She giggled
"Love you too Leah" I laughed at her comment.
After our long walk to class, we finally reached the science wing, it was huge and looked super modern. As we entered the class I instantly saw Xavier and his friend Kyle sitting towards the mid- back of the room. There were barely and seat left, except for 2 lab benches, one at the very front and one right in front of their bench. I was about to seat at the front desk until Leah dragged me with her.
Here we go.
I sat in the seat nearest to the window because it was hot as hell and also the seat opposite from where Xavier sitting, preventing me from sitting right in front of him.
" Yo man, can we switch seats." Xavier laughed
I shook man head knowing what he was doing.
" For sure man anything for my friend." Kyle laughed with him.
As Leah and Kyle began talking, having their own conversation.
I removed my jacket and was about to tie it to my waist when I accidentally dropped it to the floor.
"Fuck." I mumbled to myself
"You dropped something ma."
I stared at him and cut my eyes
I bent down to retrieve my jacket and heard him whistle.
"Damn" He mumbled
I was yet disguised by him yet again.
"Welcome class to the introduction of biology, I am Mrs Thomas but you can address me as Mrs T.
Since this is the first day of school I would love to know your name and something that you would like to learn this year, let start at the back with you, young man at the back and we will work our way up."
I hate these stupid exercises.
Xavier stood from his seat, you could hear the thirst of all the girls that saw him.
" Well most of you already know who I am" He said cocky.
The teacher shook her hand
"But for the rest of you that don't and are living under a rock, my name is Xavier but that my government name so y'all can just call me X. Oh and what I am interesting in learn this year is how the body works." He finish and winked at me at the end.
Thanking for the speech "X" next.
After Kyle and Leah went it was my turn. My palms became sweaty and my heart began to pounded.
I face the class from my seat, I instantly got glares and cut eyes, great. Xavier was staring hard and was making me uncomfortable.
"U-mm my name is Adriana, what I would like I am interesting in learning this is the functions of cells and organism" I sat down from my seat and wipe my hands in my lap.
"Thank you Adriana what a beautiful name, and yes we will be learning plenty of that this year" The teacher smiled at me.
"Next."She continued
After the class went through the whole class she assigned a group project. Automatically Leah and I looked at each other, but after we heard that we had to work with the opposite sex, I felt like my whole world fall apart.
Leah obviously partnered up Kyle and I was stuck alone.
All the girls huddled around Xavier.
"X", "X", "Xavier be my partner". The girls shouted
"Nah, sorry ladies I already got a partner." He stated
"Who." Said one of the girls
"Her." He licked his lips and pointed towards me.
Xavier just won't stop ?
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Bye loves ?