**Few Years Later**
This day is getting worst. I woke up feeling like a raging headache is coming. Then my dress which I plan to wear today is nowhere to be found. Perks of having to live alone. I thought sarcastically. Even after three years of living alone, I'm still not used to being without a maid following me around and under my beck and call.
I do have a personal assistant that I usually call every time I need anything. Tina usually manages my daily calendar and communicates with everyone who wants to see me or meet up with me. She arranges whatever is need in my penthouse which comprises cleaning, storing food in the fridge, fixing my bedroom especially my closet, and other things.
Unfortunately, she's not here today because I ask her to take a few days off with her family. Now, I'm totally in chaos. My schedule is in total *pardon my French* fucked up, I missed a lot of appointments and my clothes are in disarray and I don't know where I placed the new ones or the ones coming from dry-cleaning. I'm starting to regret my decision.
Every night I'm always tempted to call her and tell her to come back. But I tried to resolve myself that I can do this. I can manage my life with less hassle. Well apparently, I was being too assuming.
And now, my driver called-in sick so I have to be with my Dad's driver Lucas who drives like someone is always chasing him.
I don't how Dad handles it or maybe because he's always on the phone either typing or talking that he never notices how Lucas drives. Mom and I would end up having a headache or feel nauseated after he drives us around.
"Huff" I plop down on my bed. "Can this day get any worse?" I say aloud.
I shouldn't have asked that because an hour later I was standing in front of Dad's bodyguard. "Hey, Rob! How are you? May I know what you're doing here?" I asked perplexed.
"Carl called in a favor to accompany you for a week since his wife just gave birth. Said, he wants to take care of them himself."
"What? Really? I didn't know his wife already gave birth." Now I feel like a self-centered person, I didn't even know what's happening to my employees.
"Oh, he said he messaged you late last night." Well, that explains why I haven't checked my emails and messages on my phone. I didn't have time since I've been busy looking for a dress to wear today.
"I need to call him and congratulate them on the new baby." I told Rob excitedly.
"Oh and Rob we need to pass by a gift shop to buy some presents for his wife and the baby and maybe I can visit them this weekend." I said distracted by while thinking about what to buy for the new addition to their family.
"Wait, you said you'll be my bodyguard for the whole week?" I stop and look at him. I know he is but I'm still hoping that Dad would find me a new replacement for a while and not his trusted bodyguard.
See, Rob is the most loyal and obedient bodyguard of my father. You can't hide anything from him. If he finds out something amiss, he would directly report to my father. And he follows you everywhere you go. Even if you go to the bathroom he would wait outside. One time I told him not to follow me in the toilet since I find it weird and awkward. He simply said I'm sorry I can't, I'm just following orders, Miss. Your father said I should tail wherever you go and I would, even if I look like a pervert man standing outside the women's bathroom. He said to me with a smile. He's a nice guy really. I've already met his kids and they were delightful but when it comes to personal space Rob's not the best guy for me.
"Yes Miss, your father instructed me to be with you for the whole week until Carl is back." He assured me.
"Oh uhm great! I'm happy you're accompanying me." I told him smiling widely. But deep inside I feel deflated.
"It's okay Miss I know you don't want to be followed around but that's my job." He said nicely. Does he know I don't like him as a bodyguard? Now I feel bad.
"I'm sorry. Now I'm acting like a spoiled brat again. I just don't like being followed around." I told him feeling guilty. I know he loves his job and he does it passionately.
"Of course, Miss, I understand. We're just trying to protect you. We don't want anything bad to happen to you again." Now that he reminded me about that incident, I feel like I'm being an ungrateful brat. It still gives me chills just thinking about that particular incident.
It's been eight years since the almost-kidnapping happened but I can still remember how those two guys dragged and forced me to enter in their car. I thought that day was just a normal day for me. Going to school and attending my classes but I was wrong.
I was going home and it was a little bit late already since I spent time in the library to finish a school project. Since my graduation was getting nearer, I was busier studying for my upcoming tests and finishing all my projects.
Anyway, the night I was outside the school waiting for my driver to come around the front when a car stopped in front of me. Two guys went out and harshly grabbed me. I was shocked and got really scared. Good thing I quickly recovered from my shocked state and yelled for help while struggling to break free. I was almost at the door of the car when a security guard came running towards us and at the same time my driver arrived. Probably those kidnappers were amateurs because they panicked and threw me in the pavement and sped away.
Dad was really furious when he came to know about it. For a whole month he was busy searching for those people who tried to kidnap me. He didn't stop looking for them, even the Hartford's helped in the search.
Fortunately, on the third week, one of the investigators found the car used in the kidnapping. It was sold to a car service center in Binghamton and later on, it was traced back to the owner.
The culprits were caught and admitted that they were just trying their luck to find an unsuspecting and unaccompanied student from my school. They said they were not going to harm me, just scare me a little and take some cash from me. Well, I was scared alright. I had nightmares for months because of them. Nevertheless, they were still put to jail.
After that incident, my father assigned one bodyguard to accompany me anywhere I go. My parents became too strict that I was being watched almost 12 hours a day. The only time I could breathe without anyone following me is when I'm in my apartment, my parent's house, or if I'm with the Hartford's.
"Miss Cassandra? Do you want me to bring your things?" Coming out of my daydream. I look at Rob and gave him my laptop bag.
"Thanks, Rob."
We both went out of my penthouse and rode the elevator towards the basement where a car is waiting for us. Rob opens the back door and once inside he closes it and sits in the front passenger seat.
"Thanks." Smiling gratefully.
"Lucas, can you drive me to Le Bernardin please." I have to meet some people for the next charity event that is going to be held at Avery Fisher Hall in the next three months. We just need to finalize the theme and the guest lists.
I'm a little frustrated since it took us three weeks to schedule this meeting and we are extremely behind our deadline. They kept on postponing the meeting saying they have other important appointments to deal with. And I know for sure those appointments are for their SPA, dermatologist, or a shopping spree which are so irrelevant and can be easily postponed the anytime.
Sighing, what do you expect with these women, they're rich and can do whatever they want. And I know for sure they're doing this charity just for the sake of publicity, for their own image in the society. They really don't care about the cause and who can benefit it.
As for me, I do visit those beneficiaries from time to time. I want to help the foster homes where children have lost their birth parents or had been abused. When I look at them my heart breaks. If only I could adopt all of them and bring them to my house I would. Probably, I care too much.
Someday, I'll have my own charity organization where I don't need to Co-Chair with anyone. For now, I'm still acquiring resources and benefactors. I know I can easily ask my parents but I wanted to do this on my own. Since this charity is the biggest, I've ever organized I'm hoping that this will give me a chance to be recognized and hopefully I can separate myself and have my own.