I went upstairs to her room. While walking I think back to what she said. Why did she even say that? Was she really serious? No one ever asks me that kind of question. Well, I haven't slept with a virgin anyway. I always choose my dates and I'm mostly into women with experience. Who wants to have sex with someone who doesn't know how to do it anyway? It will just ruin the moment and you have to put more effort to be careful which I don't do careful by the way. I fuck and that's how I like it, no emotions or else you'll be screwed.
Sighing, hopefully, we will settle this nonsense. If it is a prank, I'll make sure to get back at her with that or reprimand her about it. She'll be 18 soon, she can't do those pranks anymore.
But if she's serious? My mind persisted.
I stop and almost stumble in my steps. What if she's really serious? What will I say? How will I handle this? Should I say no? Or should I agree? Agree? Wait...No...NO! I can't do that. First of all, Henry will kill me if he knows I'm screwing his daughter. My father would double kill me for sure, I'll possibly lose my inheritance. And I just thought a while ago that I feel like a big brother to her. Siblings or acting like siblings don't do that! Ugh!
"Fuck why did you put me on this situation, Cassy?" Mumbling to myself.
Reaching her room, I softly knock on her door putting my game face on.
"Cassy, can we talk?" No answer.
"Look I'm sorry I ruined your dress." Though I'm not sorry about it. Her dress is perfectly fine anyway. I barely even see the liquid stains on it.
"Cassy love?" I waited a little bit more but still nothing. So, I decided to open the door since it's unlocked.
"Cassy?" I look around but I couldn't find her. Where is she? She's not in the small lounge area or in her bedroom. Then I saw a slightly open door on the far end with lights on. I went there slowly. And then I saw her...Really saw her. My eyes almost popped out. Fuck! I'm so screwed!
I immediately turn around when I heard a voice.
"Aaahhhh!!" Oh my God. He just saw me with only my underwear!
"What are you doing here?" Don't you know how to knock?" I quickly covered myself with my robe from the couch. My face is so red, I might probably look like a ripe tomato. Looking at him I thought I saw lust in his eyes but was quickly gone or maybe I was seeing it wrongly. It's so difficult to read him sometimes.
"Well...uhmm...uhmm..." Pointing his finger towards my main door. Did he stutter?
"The door was open and I decided to come in. And I did knock by the way, twice, and I called your name as well." He finished his dialogue hastily. Huh, would you look at that the great Alexander Hartford just stuttered and looking so uncomfortable? I have never seen him so rattled in my life.
I cross my arms trying to look cool but inside I'm a jumbled mess. "You should have called louder maybe I could've heard you."
God, I feel like vomiting. My anxiety would attack me any minute if I don't tell him to leave. He just saw me almost naked and not long ago I asked him to have sex with me. I feel so pathetic right now.
"Look, Cassy, I don't want this thing *pointing to me and him* to get any bigger. Let me just apologize for the way I acted earlier. I'm sorry if I ruined your dress." He looks at me blankly.
You think I'm upset because you spat on me? And what is this thing not getting bigger? I thought to myself irritated.
Sighing, "It's fine you didn't ruin anything." I told him.
For a minute we were both silent and standing uncomfortably, looking everywhere but each other. Should I open up about it again? He seems to be trying to forget it like he didn't hear it just a few minutes ago or is it hours now? Gosh, I want to tell him again so I can explain why I asked him to take my virginity. We need to clear this uncomfortable tension between us or else it will forever be there. And I see him almost every day. It would be awkward and our parents will surely notice it.
"Ahem" I coughed a little to make a sound. Still no reaction from him.
"I, I want to talk to you about what happened earlier, err...of what I said earlier." Oh my god, I feel like I'm in shambles right now. Put yourself together Cassandra.
"Cassandra we..." His reprimanding voice echoes in the room.
"I want to explain myself." I stop him before he says anything else. I look at him in the eye bravely, well just for a few seconds. He's looking at me intensely and if I stare longer, I might get lost in those eyes.
He just sighs and nods. Okay great, he agreed now what? I point him to my lounge area indicating that we can talk there. The room itself is already intimate and I want us to be in a relaxing ambiance not create more tension.
I was going to follow him but he stops and turn back towards me, eyeing me up and down. "Uhh, you should change first Cassy *cough* I will wait in the other room."
Right, I totally forgot I'm still in my robe. "Oh uhmm *smiling demurely* just give me few minutes." I gesture for him to go so I can change.
I close the door right after he steps out of my walk-in closet. Once I closed the door securely, I slide down and sit on the floor.
OH…MY…GOD! I'm screaming loudly inside my head.
Why is this happening to me? I thought to myself.
Well, it's your fault you could have said no to your friends. They're always up to no good anyway.
"But I'll lose their respect then they'll kick me out of the group and worst they might bully me or make something to embarrass me. I'll lose my good reputation at school. I'll be ruined." Now I'm crazy talking to myself.
I stand up and pace the room. I might hyperventilate if I don't relax.
"I can do this! I can do this! Sigh, I can't do this!"
Gosh, I feel like crying. Maybe I can transfer to another school or better yet live in another country so that I won't be able to see Alexander too. I'm so embarrassed I just want to hide forever.
Keep yourself calm Cassandra. Just go change with your most innocent-look dress and go face him. It's better to end this conversation quickly. And then tonight you can wallow and cry your heart out.
Breathing deeply, I prepared myself and went out.
When I reach the lounge area, I see him sitting in the long couch. "Hi." I told him while sitting on the farthest chair from him. I'm not scared of him, I'm scared of what I'll do to him.
"Hi" He said blankly. Well, I can see I'm not the only one who's prepared in this talk. Maybe he did a little pep talk when I was in the room. He seems rather relax now, back to his self-righteous look.
"So, Cassy what do you say about yourself?" He said simply.
I look at him perplexed. What does he mean by that?
"Pardon?" I asked.
"Ahem…Well, you just gave me a” … he stops as if it pains him to say it… “proposition earlier. Shouldn't you feel reprimanding right now?"
Oh, you bull... "Why would I feel that? I didn't do anything wrong." I gave him my best haughty look.
"Well, what you asked me earlier, no, not even asked what you demanded is worth a long lecture. In fact, I should be doing it right now. You can't say those things, Cassandra." He looks irritated now.
Huffing, I stand up and face him. "And why is that? Why can't I ask you that or anyone for the matter."
"First of all, you are still too young to be engaging in those...those things. And secondly, you can't and will not ask that from anyone else." Now he's standing up as well looking ready to murder someone.
Is he angry? And what did he say? Young? I'm young? I thought to myself.
"Excuse me Alexander but as you can see, I'm no longer a child. I'll be 18 in a few months. And by the way, why do you care if I ask someone else? I can do whatever I want and you can't stop me. You're not even in the position to tell me what to do or not to do. You're not my father nor my brother." I told him smugly.
Oh boy, I think I said the wrong words. He's so furious like anytime now I'll see smoke coming out of his nose and ears. His face is so red it might explode. My smugness slowly fades and replaced with nervousness.