"If this was your idea of a funny joke at my expense, let me tell you I am least amused." Aryan could barely control his temper.
"First, stop taking that tone with me." Raj Singh warned him.
"Do you really think I would pull such a cheap trick on you, after knowing everything that happened?" Raj Singh asked furiously.
Aryan looked away, slightly ashamed of his behaviour.
"I came to know that Vikram bought the company under his wife's name only after I looked at the Sale documents. I knew her name was Chandni but there are millions of women with that name. And then he told me that she will be an acting CEO till they finish their talent search to select a permanent CEO. How would I even dream that it will be your Chandni of all the people?"
"She is not my Chandni. Don't ever say that again." Aryan hissed.
"How did she behave? Did she know that you were going to be here?" Raj Singh asked curiously.
Much as he would like to believe otherwise, Aryan had to admit to Raj Singh grudgingly that, Chandni looked genuinely surprised, just like him.
"Hmm… interesting. I don't think Vikram knows about you two. Women generally are bound to be very secretive about their pasts with their husbands." Raj Singh said decisively.
"What do you know about wives? You were never married!!"Aryan mocked at his mentor and father like figure.
Raj Singh had an Idea, the moment he sensed Aryan mocking at him. Perhaps it would be a better tactic to play the offensive against Aryan. “I am gladder than ever for remaining a bachelor. At least I am not the one looking like Devdas here and moaning about my past love. Here's what we do. Vikram texted me earlier and hinted that he wants both of us to meet him sometime this week for a briefing. We will ask him directly what is going on. What do you say?" He asked aggressively.
"Are you crazy? What if Vikram doesn't know anything about us? Are you going to ruin her life by blurting out all these things to him? GawwwD!! No wonder no woman ever tried to marry you. And I am not going anywhere near their house, thank you very much." Aryan added furiously.
Raj Singh smiled inwardly. He knew Aryan still cared and respected Chandni very much in spite of giving the impression to the contrary. That's the way he had been brought up, period.
"So, what do you want to do now? Sit at home and mope about it? Aryan! I have already told you, this is your company now, and I don't want to see it ruined because of your personal vendetta. You have put your blood and soul into this company and you can't let it go down, even if it means, things get very awkward and stressful at a personal level. Remember she is only here temporarily." Raj Singh tried his best to put some sense into Aryan.
Raj Singh's heart melted the moment he entered the house, as he noticed how distraught Aryan was, but he also knew that if he doesn't behave strongly now, Aryan would descend further into his sorrows, just like before.
"You are almost like my son and I don't want to see you unhappy, least of all on a lost cause like this. Please don't do this to yourself. Just think that whatever happened, happened for the best and move on. I know how hurtful it must have been today for you, but I thought, after all these years, you are over her and her memories. Was I wrong to assume that?" He asked sternly.
"She means nothing to me. It was just the shock of meeting her after all these years... that's all. Don't worry, I am not the one who runs away from a situation. That is HER, not me. I promise you; I will fulfil all my responsibilities toward Synergy." Aryan said Solemnly.
Raj Singh still looked unconvinced.
"Now, stop fussing and bossing me around. I have enough of that from you at office anyway." Aryan's face broke into genuine smile, for the first time that day.
"I boss you around is it? Hahaha what a joke!! If I knew how to do that, you wouldn't behave like such an arrogant bastard all the time!" Raj Singh retorted in mock anger, glad to see the change in Aryan's mood finally.
As Raj Singh, got up to leave, Aryan stopped him.
"There's no need to go back to your home at this hour. Nothing doing! You just flew back from Dubai and if you don't rest properly tonight, you will be cranky as hell tomorrow and make my life more miserable. Now, go and sleep in the spare bedroom."
"Please." Aryan added as an afterthought, worried that Raj Singh would again start to lecture him about his rudeness.
After he made sure that Raj Singh settled into the bedroom for sleep, Aryan bid him goodnight and retired to bed.
Once they were back in the solitude of their thoughts, the forced cheerfulness evaporated as quickly as it surfaced, and both began to think about best ways to face the stormy future that lay ahead of them.
The weather next day morning was sunny and bright, in contrast to the inner turmoils of the Father and Son Duo.
Aryan was busy preparing breakfast by the time Raj Singh woke up, and seemed to be in a cheerful mood. Aryan made sure that he prepared the Ginger Tea to perfection that Raj Singh so loved, and served him French Omelette and toast along with it.
"I must say Aryan, your cooking has improved a lot over the years!! I can almost make out that this is an omelette now." Raj Singh mocked.
"You and your pathetic Dad Jokes Huh!! Please don't start the torture so early in the morning!! I was a much better cook when I was in college, I used to help Nani all the time. Now, I lost touch, as I eat out most of the time, and that helper leaves something cooked for me over the weekend." He explained, trying very hard not to roll his eyes.
"Yes, and where is she today? Gone absconding again, has she? I told her so many times to keep an eye on you and look after your needs, but she never listens." Raj Singh's frustration was evident.
"Stop controlling my life outside of the office, I beg you Raj Singh Ji"" Aryan folded his hands and bowed to him mockingly.
The sly smile on Raj Singh’s face said it all.
"She is the latest of the spies you have employed to "keep an eye" over me. She tries to snoop around my bedroom and stuff...I know your dirty tricks very well. Okay?" Aryan spat at him angrily.
"Aryan!! How could you even think of such things? Would I ever...?" However strongly Raj Singh tried to deny it, Aryan could clearly notice the sheepish look on Raj Singh's face and he was mad at his interfering ways.
"What do you suspect me of? That I booze and party with women all night around?" Aryan demanded crossly.
"I don't suspect you of anything. Even if I believe the office gossip, I am not stupid enough to think you have the patience or stamina to deal with such a succession of new girlfriends." Raj Singh sneered.
Before Aryan could retort angrily, Raj Singh's phone buzzed with a special ring tone. Raj Singh felt nervous as he looked at the Caller ID. He wasn't prepared for this call, so early in the morning.
"It's Vikram Mathur" He whispered to Aryan before answering the call.
Vikram on the other side of the call had just finished a sumptuous breakfast cooked by Chandni. She was sitting next to him at the breakfast table, trying in vain to make Atharv finish his breakfast, listening patiently to him, while he talked nineteen to dozen. He kissed Atharv affectionately on his head before grabbing his coffee, and went back into his study.
Vikram was feeling more relaxed now, after Chandni confirmed to him in the morning that she was happy to continue as Acting CEO of Synergy Inc. He knew that the steely grit on her face belied her internal fears and turmoils, but he was proud of her resolve to overcome those, for the greater benefit of the family business.
Vikram Mathur was not the type of guy who would let grass grow under his feet. Now that he was sure of his wife's decision, he immediately put his action plan into motion. An action plan to make sure that his wife's tenure as acting CEO at Synergy Inc goes without a hitch and will result in the overall benefit, both for Chandni and Synergy. Chandni would gain confidence in her new role, as well give a fresh direction and leadership for the company, which had been run so far like a family business rather than a corporate.
Also, it was high time to meet Aryan Kapoor and judge for himself what sort of a person he was, and make sure that he doesn't trouble Chandni unnecessarily.
He called Raj Singh straight away from his study.
"Namaste Raj Singhji" He greeted him in his usual way.
"Vikram Ji so good to hear from you. Hope your trip was okay. I too have returned from Dubai yesterday evening, so I couldn't meet Mrs Mathur at the office yesterday. What did she say of our small company?" Raj Singh spoke rapidly, trying to cover up his fluster.
Vikram laughed aloud, as he could sense the nervousness in Raj Singh's voice.
"She was very impressed with the company's portfolio and the range of products you guys make so much that I felt compelled to meet you guys straight away, after all her enthusiastic talk. What do you say for a short meeting today, say at my home in the afternoon? Please bring that young protégé of yours, Aryan along with you. I just don't want to come to the office and trouble all the staff with my presence. They must be tired after all the elaborate arrangements for Chandni’s welcome party yesterday." Vikram spoke soothingly, and hoped that Raj Singh felt more confident and assured now.
"Meeting? At your home and you want Aryan to come?" Raj Singh paused, as Aryan signalled ferociously a big NO to him.
"Vikram Ji, it’s no trouble at all for us, if you visit the office today. I will tell the staff not to make any special arrangement today. That way, you can have a look at our new prototype models that we are developing for the Army. You, of all people, would appreciate their value and features." Raj Singh tried his best to push back Vikram's proposal for a meeting at home.
"All Right!! Yes, if you put it that way, it makes perfect sense. Expect me at 1600 hours then. I am looking forward to the meeting." As Vikram ended the call, he hoped that he had taken the right decision.