"All of us here at Synergy are passionate about our work and the organisation. We drive each other crazy, and in that process, make others run away from us, but that generally happens after they spend at least a few days with us. But you seem to have picked up the vibe quite early. Hmm perhaps, as you said before, a delicate person like you shouldn't have left your busy life at your house to come here. It's a new city, new people, new responsibility. Just because you are Mr Mathur's wife, we shouldn't expect you to appreciate and understand the workings of a technical firm like ours. Am I right?" There was no trace of humour in Aryan's face now.
"Aryan what the hell is wrong with you?" Namrata was furious.
"It's fine Namrata, looks like Mr Kapoor is prone to jumping to conclusions and rubbing people the wrong way with his snide remarks. Weren't you saying he was one of the brightest and best? What exactly is he good at? Apart from being arrogant and ..." Chandni's eyes flicked between Aryan and the gang of admiring girls standing behind him. She noted with satisfaction how his mocking face turned furious, giving the much needed solace to her heart.
"Mr Kapoor! My husband told me that this company was single handedly developed to this stage by Mr Raj Singh. So, I am not sure what exactly your role was in this, but unlike you, I don't jump to conclusions. Aren't you supposed to give everyone a presentation about your company's latest ventures, and the strategy for launch of new products for the coming financial year? Perhaps you are too scared to show your so-called talent in front of strangers. Or is this your way of avoiding things that you are not good at?" Chandni didn't hold back the contempt she had for Aryan anymore.
Sanjay Verma and Namrata looked at each other in desperation, unable to understand the tense friction between Aryan and Chandni.
"Mrs Mathur, yes the presentation is all ready to go. Please come this way." Sanjay Verma tried to lead Chandni towards the board room, away from Aryan and the rest of the staff.
As soon as Chandni was out of earshot, Namrata hissed at Aryan.
"Are you mad or feeling suicidal Aryan? What's wrong with you? She is our CEO for goodness sake!! Since when did you start generalising about women and their understanding of business, Huh? I have never heard you speak with such disrespect like this. What is going on in that crazy head of yours?"
Namrata knew Aryan for a long time, ever since he entered Sigma Inc. as a lanky 23-year-old. And she had seen him toil day and night for the development of the firm. She also knew that in spite of his Casanova reputation, Aryan was very careful and respectful towards women, and never tried to degrade anyone. She just couldn't believe as to why Aryan would speak so meanly to someone, especially a woman, and Mrs Mathur of all the people.
Aryan didn't answer her but walked towards the board room, with his head bent down. Namrata stopped him.
"Aryan, I think we had enough drama for the whole morning. You are not going anywhere near Mrs Mathur for the rest of the day. I will do the presentation on your behalf."
"So that Chandni can mock me again that I know nothing, and am scared of giving the presentation?? No way Namrata!! No one else but me will give the presentation. I am sorry I behaved like a jerk just then, but I just can't understand why Mr Mathur had to dump his wife on us like this, all of a sudden. And I promise, I will behave." He gave her one of his dazzling smiles, and Namrata had to reluctantly agree and let him inside the boardroom.
In all the confusion, no one clearly registered the fact that Aryan addressed Mrs Mathur as Chandni!
Chandni sat seething in fury as Aryan's words kept ringing in her head. If not Aryan, she was expecting this sort of attitude from the other employees, because she knew that she had no experience per se, to be the CEO of this company. But Vikram, for some reason had been pushing her to take a more active part in his business dealings for quite some time now, and this being a small niche firm, looked like a perfect choice.
After her Business Administration degree, she had been studying the market to understand the trends and worked on improving her people management skills too. But of course, she didn't have any practical experience in dealing with a company. Besides, Vikram assured that she was only filling the job temporarily, till he could find a suitable replacement. After giving it a lot of thought, she reluctantly agreed to come on board, only to face such humiliation in front of all employees, especially from someone like Aryan Kapoor, who was nothing short of a criminal in her opinion.
What ensued in the next hour or so, was a virtual combat between Chandni and Aryan. Chandni asked every minute technical detail, about all the products that Aryan showed in his presentation, and even compared them to their rival products, which made Aryan realise how much research she had done about Sigma Inc. Aryan was more than happy to answer every question she posed, in such detail, that she was left impressed with his knowledge, much against her will. But it left them both drained emotionally and otherwise.
Aryan left the office premises immediately after completing the presentation. He walked rapidly towards his BMW 5 Series car, which was almost as dear to him as a girlfriend, and for a very good reason.
As he sat inside the car and inhaled the luxurious leather smell, his mind raced back to the first time he laid his eyes on this car model, almost seven years ago.
Aryan and Chandni were walking slowly along the beach, with Aryan's arm tightly wrapped around Chandni, as the gentle sea waves hit their feet, and the setting sun in the evening cast a glorious glow behind them.
Aryan kept kissing her on the forehead every minute or so, declaring his love time and again, calling her with the most endearing names he could come up with, in his twenty-two-year-old mind.
"Chandu!! Do you know how much I love you?"
"Uhu.." Chandni whispered in his ears coyly.
Aryan stopped and pulled her hard against his chest, one hand cupping her cheeks roughly as he gazed deep into her eyes.
"You don't? My heart just aches for you. It hurts almost like a physical pain. And here you are, making a mockery of it." His eyes looked hurtful, as if he couldn't bear Chandni taking his love lightly, even though he knew she meant it as a joke.
"Hey Aryan!! I was just kidding. You do know how much I love you." She cupped his face in her hands, oblivious to the thinning crowds in the deserted beach.
Aryan squeezed her tighter into his embrace.
"Baby I know you were kidding, but I still can't take it lightly. I feel dreadful as if I am going to lose you, even if I am away from you for a little while. Chandni, you are the only one I am living for right now. I lost everyone dear to me. Whenever I look at you, I just feel so happy, as if I have finally found my soulmate."
He kissed her again on the forehead.
"How many times are you going to kiss my forehead?" She giggled at him, albeit shyly.
Aryan quickly glanced around and found the beach almost empty.
"Well, I really want to kiss you somewhere else, but since you strictly forbid me not to do it in public...." Aryan paused, his lips just a few inches away from hers as he pulled her hard against him.
Chandni’s breath hitched and her heart began to beat wildly as his breath fanned her cheeks.
“Yes, let’s go back to our hotel and you can, as much as you wish.” She blurted out and bit her tongue the moment she realised her slip of tongue.
Her face became hot and flushed and she tried to free herself from his embrace, in vain. Aryan’s eyes twinkled with mischief. How could he let go of such a golden opportunity?
"Can you repeat that again please? I didn't hear it properly then." He teased, his lips dangerously close to her mouth.
"Please Aryan." She shook her head and accidentally brushed her lips against his. She held her breath and thought her heart might explode.
Aryan left her arms, and cupped her face with both his hands brushing his lips against hers. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. Chandni's senses went haywire, and she was afraid her knees would buckle, as his mouth invaded hers.
Chandni wrapped her arms against his waist tightly for support.
The kiss went on, and Chandni felt her surroundings disappear, leaving just her and Aryan. Slowly, they both pulled apart to get some air. After a pause, Aryan continued to place tiny kisses against her lips again.
His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer this time that she opened her mouth with a low moan, and Aryan slid his hands from her face, wrapping one around her back and the other into the curls of her hair, and pushed her head back. In a few moments the soft caress had become firmer. As he deepened his kiss and savoured her lips, the quickening of his breath matched hers.
After what felt like a short time, they slowed down again, gasping for breath.
Chandni rested her head on his shoulders, content and relaxed.
“Should we go back to the hotel now?” He whispered against her hair.
She drew away from him in mock anger but watching his love filled eyes and warm smile, forgot her pretense and smiled back. Perhaps diversion is a better tactic than anger.
" Why don't we go for a ride on that bike instead? Come on!! It is getting chilly here anyway." Chandni tried to distract her lovesick boyfriend.
And so they went, on a long ride along the Velsao beach in Goa and then the picturesque suburbs before finally reaching the Industrial Area in Nagoa, where they stopped for a petrol fill.
The newly established Bavaria BMW Motors Showroom was shining with the display of latest models and Chandni fell in love with the BMW 5 series model. Aryan had been pining to see that model up close, ever since he saw the pictures of it in the magazines.
As much as they were tempted to go inside and watch it closely, they satisfied themselves viewing it from far.
As they were riding back to their cottage, both were a bit silent, lost in their own thoughts.
"When we get married, we are going to work really hard, and save enough money, so we can buy that car. Okay?" She said seriously.
Aryan stopped the bike in a deserted side lane.
He pulled her forward, so she was standing opposite to him on the road. Owing to her small stature, she was still at the same height as Aryan sitting on the bike.
He pulled her closer and touched his forehead to hers.
"Let's get married, right here, right now. Because, unless we start saving for it from tomorrow, we can't buy it for the next 10 years or so." He smiled softly against her lips.
"Marriage, right here and right now?" Chandni whispered back.
"Yes Chandu... why not? You are 18 now and we both are of legal age. And I can't wait to make you mine. Why do you want to wait? Frankly, I don't care about the car. But this is as good an excuse as any. I don't want anything or anyone to come between us and marriage is the best way for that. Please say yes. Let's get married! You know I got selected for the campus interview for a job, right? You can continue your studies in Mumbai. Let's talk to my friends and we can arrange everything here. Come on .... What do you say? " Aryan demanded hoarsely.
As Aryan remembered those wonderful moments, tears streamed down his cheeks, leaving him thoroughly drained, unable to even start the car.
He finally pulled himself back to the present, thanks to the sound of loud and hurried steps behind him on the concrete floor of the parking lot.
But before he could understand what was happening, the passenger door of his car was opened in a rush.
"Come on, let's go" Chandni said hurriedly, as she sat down quickly in the passenger seat, as a tear-stricken Aryan in the driver's seat looked at her in disbelief.