10 am, that morning.
“So let me get this straight… you are not married. Why?!” Claire was busy Mocking Vincenzo.
“If I answer you, you'd stop asking questions?” Vincenzo asked and Claire nodded.
“Well… yes. I can do that.” Claire said.
“I'm allergic to commitment.” He was busy on his laptop.
“Have you ever been in love?” Claire was asking endless questions.
“I thought you going to stop asking questions?” Vincenzo added.
“Well… tell me.” Claire said and Leilani walked in there with some legging and a spot bra and she sat down.
“I'm never drinking alcohol again.” She touched her head and Claire laughed.
“You working home?” Leilani asked and Vincenzo turned to her. He examined her curvy body. Wow, he thought to himself.
“No. I'm actually heading out. Was keeping your friend here company until… you wake up. Oh… drink this.” He gave her a cup of coffee. And stood up. Grabbed his keys and walked out.
“What was that?” Claire asked abd Leilani shook her head. “What was what?”
“That?!” She pointed at the door and Leilani shook her head.
“That's a poisoned Bread. And I'm starving.” Claire sat down and looked at her.
“I don't understand.” Claire said and Leilani rolled her eyes. Leilani’s phone rang.
“Hey! Come on what? It's Saturday. 1pm. Okay thanks bud. I'll be there.” Leilani threw the phone on the coach.
“Let me guess. You have a meeting?”
“Seems like it. VDC Enterprises and Holland want a clarification today at 1 am.” Leilani said as she stood up. “Guess… It's no ice cream day for me.” Claire made a sad face.
“Well… you can always help me dress up since you said first impressions last.”
“Great. That's better than ice cream!!” Claire pulled her. “Hey!” Leilani yelled at her.
At VDC Enterprises.
Leilani, in a black suit walked into the building, hair let down.
“Hi. Leilani Reed. Here to meet Mr Lancaster and Mr Holland.” Leilani shook hands with the receptionist.
“Hi. I'm Sierra, you know the lady that called you earlier today. Sorry to inform you on such a short notice.”
“Haha. It's okay. Well so can I proceed? I'm actually running late.” Sierra laughed. “Sorry. Well, the boardroom is on the 3rd floor. And Welcome to VDC Enterprises! Man I should've said that all before.” Leilani laughed and waved to her walking to the elevator.
The place was calm and she liked how everyone minded their own business. So she made her way to the third floor.
“Ms Reed! Please… proceed to the boardroom.” She saw another receptionist and she couldn't help but smile. People are polite out there.
She walked straight to boardroom. She saw a familiar face and Mr Eric Holland. The familiar face belonged to Frederick.
“Hi.” She said as she put the files she was holding on the table. “You're late.” Eric said in a very serious tone.
“Nope. Our meeting starts at…” she looked at her wrist watch. “5… 4… 3… 2… 1. It's 1pm. Afternoon Gentlemen.” She said and a lady cleared her throat.
“Oh sorry. I'm used to working with men. Afternoon Ma'am. So…” she said as she handed out the files to all the three of them. Eric was impressed by her attitude.
“Well… in case you missed it, my name is Leilani Reed. Owner of Reed Designs. We are actually a fast growing advertising agency,” Leilani explained while moving around. Using her hand and playing with her ring.
“We are going to offer you guys a different experience when it comes to your design needs than a freelancer, mainly in the sense that you’ll have an entire creative team working on your project as opposed to a single person.” She said. As she sat down.
“Corporate Brands?” Eric asked looking at the file. Leilani looked at him and raised her eyebrow.
“Okay. Corporate branding is a huge aspect of the design work undertaken by ad agencies…” she explained everything and Trust me Eric was impressed. He was smiling the whole time. Frederick on the other hand was shocked how did she win Vincenzo's attention?
“Deal.” Fred was brought back to reality when Leilani shook hands with Eric.
“As a general rule it’s going to cost more to work with an ad agency than a freelancer.” Leilani added.
“No need to worry. You have yourself a deal.” The meeting didn't even take 20 minutes.
“Ms Reed!” Frederick stopped her when she was heading out. “Please stop by at my office to sign the contract. The receptionist will show you the way.” Leilani nodded to his request and continued walking out.
“Hi… where can I find the owner’s office?” Leilani asked the receptionist.
“It's on the right. First door.” She smiled and whisperes thank you while walking through the hallway.
I walked to the office and it was empty. I stood there for 2 minutes straight without thinking stupid. But I eventually wanted to know why are there many doors.
I saw a glass of… a drink. I took a small sip from it. Eww. Brandy. I hate it.
I walked around the office while humming. Wow Mr Lancaster must be rich.
Like a curious cat I snooped around.
“Who are we snooping on?" I heard a whisper next to my ear. It was Vincenzo.
I squealed and jumped away from him. He laughed at my discomfort.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. What do you want in here?," Vincenzo chuckled.
“I should be asking you that!!” I pointed at him. And he raised his eyebrows.
“You're in my office Fiorellino.” Leilani looked at him confused. “That Lancaster dude told me… to wait in his office and I asked for the owner’s— oh… sorry.”
“It's okay.”
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been snooping in your office. I just got curious on why there are so many doors."
"Fiorellino, it's okay. Fred is also the owner too. His office is next to mine. You look nice by the way." Leilani looked at him.
“Thank you I g—” She got interrupted by Eric barging into the door.
“Di Costa… Ms Reed. Was told I'd find you here. Since we are partners I'd be honoured to see you both at the Business Dinner at Xivouche. Don't worry about accomodation everyone gets to have a presidential suite.”
“Oh… unfortunately I—” Leilani tried explaining but Vincenzo stopped her.
“We will be there Mr Holland. Anything for you. It's at 7pm right?”
“Yes Mr Di Costa. Please… it's formal occasion in case you forgot.” Eric walked out and Leilani gave Vincenzo a look.
“What? You say no to Eric you lose your partnership.” She was speechless by his words.
“Be ready by 5pm. I'll come at the house and pick you up.”
“No need I—”
“I wasn't asking. Now if you excuse me.”
“We are not going to talk about the kiss right?” what was she talking about?
“Excuse me?” Vincenzo asked, She bit her lip.
“We are going to pretend as if there's nothing going on between us?” oh… she finally confessed.
“So you admit there's something between us?” Vincenzo looked at her as he removed the hair from her face. She didn't know where to look.
“No.” I said boldly.
He leaned down close to my face. "Your eye is twitching. Are you lying to me Sister-in-law ?”
I didn't get to respond before his mouth collapsed over mine. I gasped and his tongue found its way into my mouth.
Oh, that's nice.
I didn't want to fight back anymore. So, I let my tongue explore his mouth. His grip on me tightened but he seemed to relax by my action. He groaned.
He pulled away but his eyes remained closed.
"Fiorellino," he finally opened his eyes. They were filled with lust. "You are beautiful." He said.
I didn't know how to reply. But before I could, he smashed his lips against mine.
“Dude have you seen Leil—” Fred barged into the office and I pulled away from the kiss. I couldn't look at him.
“Ahem… uh I wanted to give you these.” I walked to him and took the papers from his hand.
“I will… look.” I said and I walked out. What was I thinking? Yes it was nice but… he is my brother-in-law.
“You always find a way to ruin the moment!!” Vincenzo mumbled as he sat down on his desk.
“She admitted there's something between us.” Vincenzo was quite happy about it.
“I'm happy you're happy but… she's your—”
“Sister-in-law? I know. She knows too. I just have to prove that she wants me. Tonight.” Vincenzo licked his lips and Fred looked at him worried.
Tonight as in the business dinner?!