I caught Vincenzo looking at me during his father’s funeral. But is it wrong if he’s my Fiancé’s brother? Everyone is de...
{Leilani’s POV}
We lose something to gain and gain something to lose, that's the beauty of life. Whenever a life begins, another ends. Edgardo lost his father the very moment he gained me.
“Babe… everyone's waiting for you. Mom said I should tell you, it's time.” I said, He raised his face and looked at me and gave me a wan smile just to make me feel better.
“Okay. Let's go say goodbye.” We got out of the limousine.
We walked inside the church.
“Psalm 34 verse 18, it says that The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. I must say… He is with us right now,” The priest said.
“Amen.” That was everyone else's reply. I had this odd feeling.
“Let Us join hands. And for that… let's thank him.” Have you ever felt like you're being watched? I didn't close my eyes when everyone prayed.
I just looked at the door and saw him. He had black, long hair slightly covers a long, warm face. Sparkling amber eyes, set graciously within their sockets, watch over me they've felt connected from for so long.
A scar reaching from the top of the left cheek , running towards his upper lip and ending on his right cheek leaves a pleasurable memory of his bad boys days. I swear he was the closest thing to perfection .
There's something incomprehensible about him, perhaps it's the way he looks at me or perhaps it's simply his good looks. But nonetheless, I quickly closed my eyes when he winked.
Why did he make me nervous?
“Babe… you can open your eyes now.” Edgardo said and guess what? They already finished praying. They delivered sermons and I was starting to get emotional.
“You okay babe? Your mind is else where.” Edgardo… I should be taking care of you but you are the one here taking care of me.
“I'm okay babe. Excuse me for a bit.” I hated lying to him, I wasn't okay. Someone winked at me. I had to get some fresh air so I walked to the restrooms.
Because my mind was filled with those two set of Amber eyes I mistakenly walked into the Men's rest rooms.
“Leilani. You are in the men's room.” I looked over the mirror and there was him. He had an Italian accent. Mmm… and then it hit me. This is really Men's rooms.
“What? How do you know my name?!” We heard footsteps and he quickly pulled me inside the restroom and closed the door.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
The footsteps approached and there was silence for a bit.
“It's a sad day… Aaa!” I had to ear witness a man singing while… you know. Peeing. But still I mde sure not to make noise, on the other hand… speaking of hands, he had his hand around my mouth so I can't make noise.
When the man walked out I pushed him and got out.
“Did you even wash your hands?!” it was disgusting . I wiped my mouth as he smirked.
I walked over to the door, feeling him at my back following me. I reached over to open the door when his hand grabbed mine and he spun me around, pressing me against the door with his whole body. I could feel how hard he was against me.
His chest I mean. Not… you know, I meant how his chest… never mind but you understand me.
I felt my breathing hitch and I lifted my eyes to meet his nervously. His amber eyes, it's the eyes. Definitely the eyes.
"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice nervous. He licked his bottom lip and pressed against me even harder.
He parted my thighs easily with his knee. Well I don’t stand a chance against this man. His strong hand foeved me me to arch my back into him. I gasped at the feel of his touch. Electricity flew within his touch.
Something about it was shocking, and causing me another problem.
"How long can you hold it?” " He asked, as I did my best to glare up at him. Something about this guy was keeping me from calling for help although he really did have me pushed up against the bathroom door, making my knees shake.
“Hold what?” I asked, and he smirked down at me. I'm not holding anything. I didn't understand his question.
"You know," he said, his eyes locked in my mine. My body pressed against his. "You look best like this."
"Best like what?" I asked through clenched teeth.
"Pressed against me. Don't worry, soon I'll have you under me.” Okay, that's it. I had it with this guy!
"Get the fuck off of me or I'll scream."
"Swearing in church? Really?” okay he made me mad. I pushed him and walked out. I found people already going outside.
I had to run in heels so I can keep up with Ed. But I found him waiting for me.
We walked to the graveyard.
Everyone was mourning but I almost committed a sin.
“Sorry for your trouble.” People walked over to us and patted Ed. He just gave a wan smile. And nodded.
After The Burial, At the mansion.
“I told you, he didn't care about dad.” Edgardo was pissed. I walked into the living room and they didn't even notice me. Ed looked away and his mother sighed.
“Eddy… I didn't know but the lawyer said he got to see you both and I told him that Friday would be great, tomorrow you'll get rest and he'll have the chance to travel back here.” Sophia was soft and sweet.
“Mom, Babe…” I got into the room and hugged Sophia.
“Hey, honey. Take good care of Eddy. I'm leaving for Adega Town tonight.” Sophia said as she stood up.
“Okay mom. I will.” She walked to him and hugged him.
“Please… be kind to him. Don't hate him.” She whispered. Okay I'm getting kinda annoyed. Who is This ‘He’ guy they are talking about?
Sophia walked out and she was escorted out of the building by her personal bodyguard. Ed wanted to punch the pillar, I gasped and he stopped.
“Ed. No!” He gave me a looked at me and his hand went through his golden hair. He got Gold straight hair awkwardly hangs over a handsome face.
Smart black eyes, set sunken within their sockets.
A large beard gorgeously compliments his mouth.
“I'm sorry. Just that being in this house reminds me of my father.” He said honestly.
“We can always move to our house. It's okay. I don't mind.” I wanted him to feel better. He smiled.
“No. Let's stay here. It's close to the workplace and aargh! I forgot about the presentation on tomorrow,” He said as he snapped his fingers.
“We can postpone it.” I tried to think about possible solutions.
“I already postponed it twice. Aargh… I was dumb. I shouldn't have done that now the date is final. I don'—”
“Babe. I'll go present.” Investment Bank. We just have to explain that's all. I walked to him.
“Wait what?” he asked.
“Don't worry. I'll do it. You will have rest tomorrow. It's an order from Your Wife-To-Be.” He smiled at me.
“You're a control freak. I know you would've turned the house upside down if I said no. Thank you babe. For being there for me.” I looked at him. I gave him a wan smile… I mean almost cheated on you.
His phone rang and he checked it and switched it off.
“Who was that?” I asked out of curiosity.
“You know… work.”
“But babe… that's your personal phone. Your business phone is right here with me.”
“What are you saying Leilani?” Leilani huh? He never calls me that. It's either babe or baby.
“I am your personal assistant, Edgardo.” He sighed and looked away. “I lost my father and you are here accusing me of cheating.”
What? I didn't say he cheated… what is wrong with me?
“Babe… I'm sorry.” He nodded and just like that he walked upstairs. Way to go Leilani.
Instead of feeling bad. I know it wasn't work but I didn't want to push it, he just lost his Father, I got to work. Preparing the presentation. Up until 9pm.
I yawned and walked to our room. Ed was already asleep. I took off the black dress and wore my nightdress.
Every time I close my eyes…. I see amber eyes. I remember those words he said to me:
Don't worry, soon I'll have you under me.
How did he even know my name?
The Next Day. At Costa Ent.
I got into the boardroom. Working with billionaires argh, I was the only woman in there.
“Gentlemen.” I said, what did you expect? No one responded. I put on the overhead projector and the light automatically switched off.
“Okay I think it's about time you guys shut your mouth and listen to me talking.” I said aggressively and guess what? It worked.
“Ahem… where's Mr Di Costa?” A man asked. I looked at them.
“He's not available. My name's Leilani Reed. I'll be presenting today. As you know… Mr Di Costa owns an investment bank, he said I should explain what an investment bank do.”
“Proceed.” I hate their attitude.
“An investment bank is a financial aid company or corporate division that get involved in financial transactions on behalf of individuals, corporations, and governments, most inve—" The doors went open. He walked in, the guy from yesterday!!! Was he following me around?
What if… he's a serial killer? Should I be worried?
“Ahem… I mean most investment banks maintain prime brokerage and asset management departments in conjunction with their investment research businesses.” I cleared my voice to sturdy it. Why was I intimidated by his presence? He sat exactly opposite to where I was standing.
He looks way better than yesterday. What? What am I even saying?!
“Do you guys take deposits?” One man asked and I got back from my mind and I caught the guy looking at me and I quickly looked away.
“Unlike commercial banks or retail banks, investment banks do not take deposits.” I said as I pointed at the white board.
“Why?!” The guy from yesterday asked, his voice was something else. His Italian accent was masked but I could tell he's italian. I mean I live with an italian guy like 24/7.
“From the passage of Gerald Burnett Act in 1945 until its repeal in 1999 by the Georgie Holmes Act.” He licked his lips when I answered.
“The Xivouche maintained a separation between investment banking and commercial banks.” I continued .
“What about it's banking activity?” He asked again. Excuse me? This guy was starting to get on my nerves.
“Gentlemen. Go to page 7 of those files in front of you. All investment banking activity is classed as either sell side or buy side. And I think they are fully explained there.” The guy raised his hand.
“Was here to give a brief. All those files can be taken along with you, I put Mr Di Costa’s contact information. If you have questions, suggestions or anything call him. Meeting dismissed.” I said as I went to the projector and switched it off and the lights went back on. They walked out and I joined them.
“Leilani.” I turned to see the guy from yesterday. I ignored him and walked to my office. I sat down and called my fiancé, guess what? His phone's off.
The guy got in. He moved the hair on his face. I wanted to reach for my telephone and call security but if he catch me… he might kill me.
“You look good behind that desk.” He said, he sat down and I looked at him.
“Thank you.” I said and he licked his lips. I wasn't expecting that.
“But you'll look so much better on top of it.” He added, My heart skipped a beat, but in a good way some how. I started to feel my heart pounding.
“Okay, I'm calling security.” I said as I reached for the phone. I had to take chances.
“Oh… no need for that. I came here to say hi. So hi. Leilani,” He said as he stood up and walked out of the door. I didn't even catch his name.
“Hey! Hey!” I ran after him and he stopped on the hallway.
“I didn't catch your name.” I said. He turned to me slowly. That was a stupid thing to say but I can't back up now.
“I didn't throw it Fiorellino.” He said. What's that? What did he call me?
“I don't speak Spanish.” I rolled my eyes. “Don't ever roll your eyes at me.” There was warning in his voice.
“Fior-whatsoever… what does it mean?” I asked and He looked at me.
“Asshole.” I said as I folded my arms. He raised his eyebrows.
“What? You Don't get to call me names and expect me to shut up.” Oh no he doesn't. You call me names, I do the same. It's called Do unto others.
“Fiorellino. It's Italian… means Little Flower. Leilani it's a pink Hawaiian flower.” Yes that's true but I didn't expect him to know all that. Is he stalking me?
“Are you stalking me?!” I yell, my life might be in the arms of a Hot serial kil— I hate to admit this but this man is hot.
“I have better things to do. Why would I stalk you? Have you seen yourself?” He said harshly and I looked down to the knee length skirt that I was wearing. I looked older than I look.
“You son of a bitch!!” Okay I was fed up by this guy. I should just slap him. If I do… I might end up dead.
“Oh I see… you've met my mother.” His confidence. Ew!
“Get out!!” I yelled at him.
“Enough you two.” I heard a familiar voice when I turned it was Edgardo. I ran to him. Well… my knight in shining armour.
“Oh guarda chi ha deciso di presentarsi dopo 8 anni?" Edgardo said… in Italian.
{Oh look who decided to show up after 8 years?}
“Ciao anche a te fratello. Ti sono mancato?"
{Hello to you too brother. Did you miss me?} That guy from yesterday said.. I only heard the word ‘miss'. Edgardo usually say Ti sono Mancato which translates to Did you miss me. Oh my… gosh. Don't tell me Ed is gay.
"No. Ma ti sei perso il funerale di tuo padre. Sono sorpreso che ti abbia menzionato nel suo testamento.”
{No. But you missed your father's funeral. I'm surprised he mentioned you in his will.} Edgardo responded.
I was getting impatient. What are they saying?
“Stop!! Okay? You can go speak gibberish somewhere else.” I yelled and they kept quiet. “Now! Could someone explain what is going on here?”
“Babe… meet my Older Brother Vincenzo Di Costa.” Edgardo said and I raised my eyebrow.