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7 - She is my wife

"Sorry to say. But she can't be your wife. Because from now on she is your sister in law as she is my wife.",Abhi said.

"What do you mean by she is your wife. I was going to marry her yesterday.", Anu said angrily.

"You were going to but you didn't. Where were you yesterday? Didn't you think about the consequences if you don't show up yesterday?", Abhi questioned.

"This was your plan. Isnt it?",Anu was going to smack abhi. Suddenly his dad got hold of his hand and said,"I suggested it. Don't blame Abhi. It was entirely your fault for not showing up yesterday. And do you really think you have the right to get angry. Did you think about the humiliation that Siya have to face due to your foolishness",Mr Varma said.

"What foolishness. I was kidnapped yesterday. I dont even know how I escaped from there. I did'nt even see their faces. Didn't you guys felt the need of look for me. Were you guys so desperate to marry Abhi to her." he never thought things would go this way.

"What do you mean? We thought you eloped. Did they do anything wrong to you Beta?", Anusha worriedly looked towards Anu.

"Who are they?Why did they do that? Did you do something wrong to be kidnapped?",Mr Varma questioned.

"What! Dad.. Are you serious? I was kidnapped and you are asking me whether I did something wrong. I know you always see me as an irresponsible and incapable son. But this is too much. How could you marry her to him. I am pretty sure its his plan." Anu sneered.

"Don't sprout nonsense Anu. Don't use me to hide your irresponsibility. You didn't show up yesterday and thats the reason why things happened this way. And its high time you accept the truth that she is your sister in law. ", Abhi replied without any hesitation.

Siya was standing there confused. She actually couldn't process the whole situation. She was just hearing their exchange of words.

Just then she saw Anu's eyes falling on her. That eyes showed a beam of sorrow.

He took his strides towards her and clasped both her hands in his hands. "Please dont accept this marriage Siya, He can never treasure you like I did. Just divorce him and come to me. Please Siyu", he was literally crying and begging.

Siya didnt know how she is gonna refuse him. She definitely didn't wanted to sadden him. But this is a life that she always dreamed of. Finally things have fallen to the right place and she didnt want things to go wrongs. "We can still remain friends, Anu. Don't dishearten yourself", by saying this she ran to her room.

"What the hell. How dare you ask my wife to ask me for a divorce. Do you really think you are acting as a sane person. You are my brother thats the only reason I am tolerating you. Just remember that Anu ",Abhi was seriously angry about his words. He was sure one day his brother would surely instigate Siya against him.

"Who told I wanted to be your brother. Is that what a brother do. Stealing your brothers fiance. Its better to have none than having you", his hatred for Abhi was clearly visible in those words.

"Just shut up both of you. Anu, go to your room. And Abhi come with me.",Mr Verma said pulling a halt to their conversation.

Abhi's pov

Why didnt she refuse him? How dare he ask her to ask a divorce from me. Divorce in your dreams. You are never gonna get a divorce from me.

How can she not utter a word today. Atleast she could have accepted me as her husband. Or is she planning to get together with him after divorce. I can't allow that.

Siya's pov

Oh god whats happening in my life. Can't you allow me to have a peaceful life with Abhi. Why all the fuss...

Will he divorce me hearing Anu's words. No no no....I wont allow that to happen. Even if I am an unexpected burden in his life, he should not leave me .....After all, I an his wife now.

"Abhi, I think its better for you and Siya to stay away from here for some days. Hope you understand. It will be uncomfortable for Siya to live in the same house as Anu. So you can go to Mumbai.",said Mr Varma.

"Are you really ok with it, Dad? After all you always hated when I sneaked out to go there.", Abhi was curious about this sudden change.

"Yes, after all its been so long. You many visit Mumbai. But don't forget you have a home here. Make sure to come back after a while.", Mr. Varma knew that his son always wanted to go there.

"Thank you dad. Then I will make arrangements." said Abhi.

When he entered the room Siya

was playing through the phone.

"Hows the situation now. Is everything normal between you guys." asked Siya curiously.

"Yeah its normal. Let me ask you something. Do you feel like this marriage is forced upon or Do you wish for divorce or something?", he asked so directly.

"No no no. I dont want to be a divorcee. I am ok with this marriage. I dont have any problem.", Siya replied immediately.

" Ok then. Pack some of you stuffs, we are leaving tomorrow to Mumbai."

Mumbai! That means we are going for honeymoom...Yaay. Oh I have always dreamed of going with Abhi for honeymoon. But Mumbai. I have visited that place a number of time. Why is he such a cheapo in such matters. Paris or London must have been better. But Mumbai. No! I cant imagine my honeymoon at Mumbai. Atleast Kulu Manali was a better option.

....she thought so much to herself at that spur of the moment.

"Why should we go to Mumbai lets go to Kulu and Manali. Its the best season now.", Siya said excitedly.

"What? ", Abhi was totally confused. Where did Kulu and Manali come from, he thought.

"Aren't you planing for a honeymoon trip? I think Kulu and Manali is a better option than Mumbai. You know Mumbai is too much crowded. And pollution level is also more." Siya continued.

Abhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry...this women is something . Her groom got switched and this morning her ex returned and made a scene, still all she worried about is the honeymoon destination. Perfect!, he thought.

By controlling his laughter he said," I am not talking about honeymoon. We are going there to meet someone."

"Oh.."that was the only word that came from her mouth. One could easily say that she was embarrassed as hell by seeing her face.

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