To say Shreyas was nervous would be an understatement, he sure met her in the flight, but going to meet her as her to be husband sent shivers down his spine. After this he cannot go back and undo things, he cannot take back the promises he made and he surely cannot remain single anymore.
But the notification sound of his email grabs his attention which makes all his uneasiness go away, because the dealer has finally signed the papers and he asked Shreyas to start his business in the next month, and by that time the elections' winner will also be announced which is like an added bonus. Grinning to himself he keeps his phone away and waited patiently for Anayra to come down while her father was busy talking with his party people.
He looked at his watch in annoyance and wondered why'd she take so long. But he paused immediately when his eyes fell upon her figure.
She stood in front of him with an uninterested face and from what he could observe, it was soon replaced with shock and annoyance. He could swear at the moment that she's not interested to marry him at all. But who the hell cares?
Anayra's eyes widened in surprise seeing the person who's supposed to be her would be husband.
"So, you must be Anayra Raichand?" he asked her with a smirk.
"Yes. And what does it have to do with you?" she asked him with a frown.
"Many things, trust me." he replied in a serious tone and takes out his laptop bag and started working as usual.
When she now recollected the previous conversation which they had, it all made sense. That freaking bastard has planned everything in advance. The hell? She knew one thing for sure, she now hates him with all her heart. Who the hell gave him the permission to play with her life like this?
She looked at him with a frown while he looked at her with amusement. Akshay comes in between and cleared his throat which grabs their both attention to him.
"Anayra, this is Shreyas. And Shreyas, this is Anayra my one and only daughter." he introduced them both, but what he's unaware was they've already met.
"Good to see you again Ms. Anayra." Shreyas smiled at her while she just nods at him in response.
Her father was slightly surprised listening to his statement, "you guys have met already?"
"Yes dad, we've." Anayra replied while gritting her teeth making Shreyas smirk.
They explained him about their first meeting and Akshay nodded in response.
"So, as we've planned, the wedding will be in two weeks and I guess you both can get along with each other till then. You guys can continue talking whatever you were talking before I came, I really have an important meeting right now, please excuse me." by this Akshay leaves them alone in an awkward situation.
"So..." Shreyas finally decided to take the lead and starts the conversation.
"What so? Huh? Why the hell did you plan all this? What's your motive behind this Shreyas Singh Oberoi?" she snapped at him angrily.
"Oh well... Nothing big. Please sit." he replied casually making her annoyed even more badly. But she sat there nevertheless.
"Listen Ms. Anayra Raichand. I know this is all so quick for you. I completely understand. But it's decided that we should get married and there's no running away now. I hope I'm clear." he replied in a serious tone making her glare at him.
"And why do you want to marry me so badly? You know that I am a widow, right? Then why?" she demands him furiously.
"Truth to be told, I never wanted to marry again. Not after how my first marriage ended but marrying you is very important to me." he replied calmly, making her confused.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm a divorced man and the reason I'm marrying is definitely not out of love... I can assure you that. But it's purely for my own benefits. It was just a deal. Your dad has agreed to this marriage at the cost of taking good care of you. Which is easy I think." he replied with a sly smile, making her groan inwardly.
"I can so take of myself." she mumbled to herself.
"But your dad doesn't think so." she heard him reply to which Anayra shot him a glare.
"So, you're telling me that you're marrying just for the sake of some stupid deal. And then you would leave me?" she asked him curiously, with a little hope.
"Yes and no."
"What yes and what no?"
"Yes, for your first question and no for the second question, I'd not leave you any time soon, because I promised your dad something and Shreyas Singh Oberoi doesn't break promises." he replied as a matter of fact-ly.
"Great." she mumbled sarcastically. She had a hope that once he gets the deal, he would let her go... But how very wrong she was. She's going to be entangled with him for a life time and that's making her feel irked, furious, mad and what not.
"Yes, great." he imitates her making Anayra roll her eyes in annoyance.
"Well, it was good talking with you. I'd like to take you out tonight. I'll text you the details. See you soon. I have some work to catch up soon." Shreyas informed her as he stood up.
"Excuse me? I'm not going anywhere, especially not with you." she replied pointing her finger at him.
"As your father said, we need to get along with each other and I would really like to know more about you Ms. Raichand." Shreyas's reply makes her fume in anger.
"I'd rather be asleep than go anywhere with you." she replied making him smirk.
"Are you scared that you'd fall in love with me Ms. Raichand?" he asked her in a mocking tone.
"First of all, its Mrs. Mehra for you and second of all, I'd never fall in love with you. Ever. Now go away..." she replied angrily making him clench his fists in fury. No one disrespects him like that. No one.
"We will see. And wear something comfortable." he told while ignoring her previous statement completely.
"I'm not going anywhere." was all she said before storming back upstairs, into her bedroom.
Shreyas looked at her disappearing figure with a frown. No one dares to talk with him like that. But she just did that oh so casually taking him by surprise. He has instantly created a huge dislike for her.
He knew that the marriage life with her is not going to be a cake walk. But he had to tolerate her for the sake of his deal. And nothing else mattered to him at the moment.