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Third's Pov

"Game set!" Lex yelled, lobbing the ball across the net to Arthur.

His face a mask of intense concentration,Arthur watched the ball arching towards him,every muscle tense and ready to spring.

As the ball bounced into his side of the court,he unfurled from a crouch and with a powerful swing of the racket,sent the ball flying back towards Lex.

A triumphant grin spread over his face as Lex missed the shot, the slew of obscenities his friend let loose only serving to add to his good humor.

"Tired Lex?" Arthur walked over to the net, watching as Lex dabbed at the sweat running down his face with a towel.

"Nah..."Lex grinned face red with the exertion of an hour of hard playing. "T'm just gonna be the good guy and let you win this time.Next time,you won't be so lucky though ,so enjoy this while you can."

"Yeah sure,"Arthur said,his tone heavily laced with sarcasm."Guess I owe you for this one."

"Damn right."Lex grinned.He fell into step beside Arthur as the two men made their way towards the locker room.

"Though, i probably shouldn't have drunk so much last night.That slowed down my reflexes a lot.

"So you admit I won cos I'm in much better" Lex snorted."Dude, I can beat your ass any other day.Today was just a fluke."

They entered the main building of the exclusive sports club the cool air washing over them cooling them down.

A waiter approached with a tray bearing two tall

glasses of orange juice and offered it to them.

Arthur declined his drink,choosing instead

to hit the showers first.As the hot spray hit

his body,he shut his eyes and let his mind

wander.As it always did these past few

days,his thoughts turned to a certain plump


Not for the first time,he caught his mind

wandered to Caroline to the scene at the board meeting.

The sight of that body had nearly made him

reconsider his taste in women.Even thinking

about her right now made him hard in a way

no woman ever had What was it about this

Woman that turned him on?

She was everything he despised in a woman-

headstrong,mouthy and snobbish and yet-

he reluctantly admitted to himself that he

enjoyed sparing with her.It always delighted

him no end to watch the way she responded

to him,trying to deny her body's response

when they both knew better.To watch

the varying displays of emotion cross her

face while she argued with him,insulted

him,threatened him all in the space of one


I should just get hard back home Arthur thought,resting his head against the

cool tiles while the hot water sluiced down

his body.Have one night of hot wild sex then

put Caroline out of his mind for good.

His body stirred in anticipation of their

meeting later today.No doubt,it would

be as fiery and heated as their previous

encounters.Why he looked forward to that

meeting,he had no ide.Just that being with

Caroline stirred his blood-and annoyed the crap

out of him

Arthur glanced down at his groin in disgust.

He was harder than hell and he needed to do

something about it soon or one day, he might

be tempted to make good on his threat to

Caroline.An image of Caroline pushed up against the

wall,shapely legs locked around his waist,

teeth grazing his neck while he pounded into

her soft,willing-

"Christ!" He muttered.Forcing the image out

of his mind,he reached for the cold water

knob and turned it on full blast.The icy

water did little to curb his arousal and he

groaned,reaching for the bar of soap.

A few minutes later,he stepped out of the

stall and headed for his locker.The "locker"

in question was nothing like the ones in his

high school days,rather this one could be

more aptly described as a closet.The locker

ran from floor to ceiling and the space within

could conveniently hold an assortment of

sports equipment and clothes.

This early in the morning,the place was bare

of any other patrons and Arthur was glad

he did not have to make conversation with


Arthur made his way to the bar.

He spotted Lex as soon as he entered.His

friend was standing by the bar,still in his

tennis outfit.He appeared to be engrossed in

conversation with two blonde women,and

from his stance,Arthur could figure out his

friend was laying on the charm.

Arthur slid onto the empty bar stool next to

Lex and listened to his friend describing

the ferrari he'd recently purchased.

The taller of the two women lounged against

the bar,the neckline of her white blouse low

enough to give a view of an impressive rack.

As Arthur sat down,she looked towards him,

the bored expression on her face vanishing

in an instant to be replaced by one of keen

interest.He watched in mild amusement as

she straightened,tugging her blouse even

lower till he could just see the red tops

of the lacy bra she wore underneath.She

flashed him a coy smile while her eyes slowly

traveled down his body,her body language

sending out an open invitation to him.

He looked away from her.

"What can I get you sir?"The bartender came

up to him.

Breaking eye contact with the hot blonde,

Arthur turned to give the man his attention."A

bottle of water please."

The bartender nodded and moved away.

"Hey buddy!"Lex finally noticed Arthur

sitting behind him."Didn't see you come in."

"Yeah,I noticed."Arthur said,his tone laced

with dry humor.He nodded towards the

women who were both now watching him

with identical flirtatious looks.

Lex laughed,not in the least bit fazed.

He turned back to the women and made the


"Arthur,meet Jenny ,"He gestured towards the

tall blonde who flashed Arthur yet another

smile and murmured hello."And this is her

Friend Bianca.They just moved here from

New Zealand and this is their first visit to the club."

"Pleasure to meet you ladies,"Arthur said.

taking their hands for a handshake. Jenny's

hand lingered on his, her eyes making

promises he could interpret so well.

"Aren't you the guy on the cover of last

month's magazine of fashion styles?"Jenny

asked."The CEO of A & A company?"

Arthur grinned,still holding on to her hand.

"Yeah that's me."

"You must be very smart.Smart and

handsome-a good combination." Bianca

chipped in.

"Nah!"Arthur said

The bartender slid a bottle of chilled mineral

water towards Arthur.Unscrewing the cap,

Arthur took a long drink,fully aware of jenny's

watching every move with a hungry look in

her eyes.He had no doubt she would jump at

the chance to spend the night in his bed if he


Lowering the bottle,he stole a quick glance

at his watch and rose.

"Where are you going man?" Lex stopped

ogling bianca's impressive bosom,looking at Arthur.

"I have somewhere I need to be."Arthur said.

"Do you come here often?" Jenny laid a hand on

his arm,green eyes looking hopeful.

"Every other weekend,though I'm not sure

our paths will cross."Out of the corner of his

eye,Arthur noticed Lex staring at him in

disbelief.He shrugged,not caring if his friend

thought he had lost his mind in turning down

the advances of a gorgeous willing woman.

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