There, sitting, waiting for him, with a furious expression was Jason.
The entire room was completely silent. Nobody said anything and just by the way he was, Felix could clearly tell that Jason was absolutely fuming. The flames rolling off his back were almost visible.
Jason couldn't explain what he was feeling. He felt angry and livid that Felix completely ignored his calls. At first he thought something was wrong and after some thorough research came to find out he was out with someone else while he was helplessly calling him.
He couldn't control what he felt or anything for the matter.
"How was it?" Jason said, his voice dark and low.
Felix felt his feet wobble at the words and he slowly backed up until his back hit the wall. Jason seemed like he could explode any second and Felix was completely terrified.
He wanted to believe that Jason would never hurt him but in this situation he didn't know.
Felix could feel Jason's intimidating aura as he sat on his bed motionless. He wore all black. A black leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots. Felix couldn't help but shiver at the sight of him.
During their entire friendship Felix has never felt the need to be cautious around Jason but now he came to see Jason's true colours.
Felix didn't answer the question.
He knew that when Jason normally asked questions he didn't want an answer.
Especially right now.
After a few seconds Jason stood up and began walking towards Felix.
"Did you have so much fun that you forgot about me?" Jason asked question after question as he slowly advanced towards Felix.
At that moment Felix was frozen before he then realised what could possibly happen.
Images of Jason smashing his hand repeatedly into Philips face flashed into his mind.
He wouldn't do that to his own friend though, would he? Felix thought.
He eventually figured he wasn't going to risk it and rushed out of the room.
It was no use though.
Jason was quick and the second felix thought about rushing out Jason already knew he would.
He held Felix's wrist tight in his grip.
"Not running away now, are we?" Jason said.
He sounded completely different and Felix couldn't recognise him any more.
He scared him.
"'re hurting me." Felix's voice broke out. However it was futile. It seemed like the words didn't even reach him. If anything it made Jason even angrier.
He instantly pulled Felix towards him. Felix was now standing with his back to Jason's front as Jason grabbed his chin forcing him to look up at him.
Felix didn't want to see Jason's eyes at all. He immediately closed his eyes and tried his best to pry Jason's huge hand from his chin. It was suffocating and almost strangling him.
Jason tightened his grip if that was even possible.
"You just love ignoring me don't you?"
Jason was examining Felix's face and neck. Wondering if he had any new found marks. That would've sent him over the edge.
Felix immediately shook his head about. " sorry." The apology seemed to have an effect on Jason since he loosened his grip but it didn't last long as he threw Felix towards the wall.
Felix's body flew and painfully collided with it. He winced in pain. He didn't even have time to recollect himself before Jason turned towards him. His fist balled up. Felix closed his eyes waiting for the impact.
But it didn't come. Instead Jason's fist collided with the area of the wall right next to him. Felix could only think about if that was his face instead.
Jason was heavily breathing. He had to restrain himself so much. It may have seemed as if he was in control of the situation but this was an out of body experience. He didn't want to hurt Jason but there were two sides of him fighting and Jason had to say.
If Felix wasn't terrified before he certainly was now. He looked to the side staring at the fist which caused a huge hole in the wall.
Was he next?
"Why do you make me feel this way?" Jason's face was so close to Felix. Felix noticed the slight smell of alcohol lingering on Jason's breath. He was drinking.
Felix couldn't help the tears that fell down his face. His heart was painfully beating against his chest. He didn't know what petrified him more, what Jason was doing or the fact that he was doing it especially to him. He, who stuck with him for more than half of his life.
Felix cried harder and harder with each tear that came out. Everything that happened the past few days just hit him at this moment and he couldn't help but break down. He really didn't want to lose Jason. Ever. But it felt as if he was already so far away.
"Why?" Felix pleaded. He wanted to know why things turned out this way. What happened between them.
"Why did it turn out like this?" He cried into his hands. His legs eventually gave out and he sank to the ground.
He didn't care anymore if Jason decided to bash his face in at this moment anymore. He lost all sense of feeling.
Jason was frozen.
He analysed Felix and his sense finally kicked in but by that time it was already too late.
Jason had no idea what happened to him. Before this even started it seemed as if he was out of his body and just came back now. Jason started a felix on the floor and his heart broke. The fact that he knew he did all of that was worse. He wanted to die.
How could I? To my own friend? The only one who doesn't use me to their own benefits.
The last thing Jason remembered was going to a bar and drinking until he couldn't anymore. He was scared that Felix was really moving on from him.
He understood that he was angry at that point but that at no means meant that he wanted Felix to distance himself from him forever.
He would eventually get over it and they'd be friends again. That was the plan. He must've come here on instinct.
Looking at Felix now though, Jason didn't know if they could get back what they once had and it truly broke his heart knowing that.
He instantly stepped back away from Felix. He noticed the hole he made on the wall. If that punch had hit Felix it really would've been the end for him. Upon seeing Felix's form Jason's legs gave out as he dropped on the floor in front of him.
"Just go." Felix said, cutting him off.
Felix didn't want to hear anything that Jason had to say for himself. He wouldn't be able to handle it. For now he just needed space from him. But Jason didn't budge from his position. He just stared at Felix with shock and disappointment in himself.
"Please." Felix said. He couldn't take looking at him anymore. He was really at his wits ends.
Jason got the message and stood up. He was on his way but before he went he had one last look at Felix.
No. For now maybe he'd give Felix some space. But there was no way he could live without him. Even if it took years for Felix to like him again. Jason didn't care. At that moment he realised that he was nothing without him.
Felix's eyes drifted to the ground as tears decorated his soft face. Eventually he heard the slam of the door.
This was the second time and it hurt even harder. The second the door closed Felix wailed. The pain he felt was unbearable. It hurt so much. So he did the only thing that he knew could help him get used to the pain.