Little did I know this would symbolise my life beginning a new chapter, whether it'll be good or bad was up to me to decide.
Third person POV
After Felix had his shower he immediately exited the toilet. The events that transpired just a few minutes ago seem to already have left his mind as he completely disregarded the drops of blood which were littered over his bathroom sink.
It seemed as if he was trying to forget it was there. To rid himself of the self destructing thoughts that had seem to recently be creeping up on him.
He eventually got dressed in simple skinny dark blue jeans with rips in them along with a blue denim shirt. Today he decided to forget about everything that previously happened. Today was a new day and Felix was planning on leaving his past life and saying hello to a new him.
Before he left the room he stood at the mirror taking in his form. It was quite evident that he was shorter than the average man. He sulked, staring at himself. His brown chocolate eyes stared back at him. "Why am I so damn short?" he said, voicing his insecurities.
After a while, he quickly grabbed his wallet and went downstairs where he saw a note on the table.
"I don't know what happened yesterday but I hope your feeling better. I made you some food and left it in the fridge. I'll be living in a hotel for a few days to be closer to work. There's some boring important things going on. Look after yourself and I love you. ok? mum"
Felix chuckled to himself. The fact his mum always wrote questions on her notes like he could answer and she'd hear was quite funny to him.
"ok, mum," Felix said to himself.
He took out his phone and looked at the time it was around 5:30 and he was meant to meet Max at the cinema around 6:00.
Obviously Max offered to pick him up however Felix was afraid that if the date went bad then it would be unsettling because Max would know where he lived.
Felix grabbed his house keys before leaving the house. He walked all the way to the cinema and stood next to the huge building awaiting Max. he seemed to be a bit early so it was understandable that he took a while. He waited and waited until finally Max showed up at around 6:30.
"Sorry. Sorry I'm late felix I was held up. I'll make it up to you I promise. "
By this time Felix was sitting on the ground. Max was 30 minutes late however, this was his first date so he didn't know what to expect. He smiled and nodded at Max, accepting his apology.
They went into the movie and throughout the whole time they enjoyed themselves. Felix didn't notice it but he totally forgot everything that was previously causing him stress and was genuinely happy with Max this was exactly what he needed.
Nothing else could be better and he mentally gave himself a pat on the back. As another funny scene played across the screen and he let out a chuckle.
Max really was sorry for being late and treated felix like he was a king. It felt good. Felix has never been in the presence of another man like this before. He only ever hung out with Jason. It felt good to be around different people.
During his date with Max he came to realize that he just preferred men.
He was gay.
Before he was always a bit confused and didn't know if he was in the middle or not but now he seemed to completely accept the fact he was gay.
The movie eventually finished and the two boys got up to leave the cinema.
However just as Felix was about to go his own way Max grabbed his hands pulling him back. Felix and his small figure stumbled towards Max leaning against his front. He laughed before looking up at him.
"What are you doing?" Felix asked.
Once he noticed how intimate their position was he immediately stepped away. He couldn't understand why but throughout the entire day Felix only thought of Max as a friend and didn't consider him being anything more than that.
"I said I'll make it up to didn't I. I'll treat you to some dinner." Max said with a serious expression on his face.
"Wait... You were for real?" Felix said," Max. You don't need to do that." He finished.
Max didn't reply; he instantly grabbed Felix's hand and began leading him to a place to eat.
Felix insisted on eating at a fast food restaurant. He said that he hadn't had fast food in a long time but the truth was that he didn't want Max to spend too much money on him.
The energy was great and eventually talk of a second date came up.
Max seemed to really enjoy Felix's company and thought that he'd be up for another date only to be rejected about his offer. Felix felt bad for telling him but when Max sensed this, he reassured Felix that it was okay. He felt really bad after but Felix was quick to consult him.
He explained how he usually went for bigger guys but wanted to try something different since he found Felix cute.
"It's ok, you'll meet the perfect man soon and so will I."
The two carried on their small talk while eating and forming a beautiful relationship.
After the date, they separated ways after bidding each other goodbye. Felix was quite tired. It's been so long since he's been out like that. He planned to completely relax the second he reached his house.
He finally got to his door. Walking in he noticed the lights were on and mentally face palmed himself.
All that electricity. Gone.
After kicking his shoes off he walked straight into his room ready to collapse on the bed. But froze the second he entered the chamber.
There, sitting, waiting for him, with a furious expression was Jason.