Miranda was distorted. She wished for nothing more than for things to return to normal after the misfortune. It's a shame that her life will now be filled with loneliness. But she has to be strong. And with that in mind, she went to work.
Miranda worked at Little Stars, an orphanage. Her uncle used to own this place, but she has taken over the management since his death.
She loves the place from the bottom of her heart. But, Miranda was well aware that she would be unable to show her daughter the love she deserved on the day she left. So, she spends time with the kids here. It can be described as a kind of replacement or redemption, and everyone needs one reason in their life to help them survive. And this was one of hers.
Miranda arrived at her destination quickly and entered her cabin. She needed to complete some paperwork for the adoption of one girl who was leaving the orphanage to start a new life. It always made her sad when one of the kids had to leave this place, but she knew it was for the best.
Martha, a coworker, interrupted her train of thought. "Yes, Martha?"
"There is someone who has come to meet with you. Should I send them in?" Martha asked.
"Yes, send them in." She agreed with a nod. This place was like an extended family to her because she had lost her own a long time ago, and it was the hardest decision she had ever made.
The door opened after a few seconds, and she was surprised to see the person standing in front of her.
Eric had not anticipated this. He had not expected Miranda, of all the people in the world, to be the owner of this orphanage.
When Eric came forward with Lizzy and sat in the chair in front of her, Miranda immediately flipped the photo frame.
"You are the same lady we saw at the party yesterday." Lizzy pointed it out. Her daughter wore a sky-blue dress with two pigtails.
"Yes, I am Miranda Patrick." Miranda used her maiden name instead of Liston to avoid confusing Lizzy.
"Lizzy and her two friends wanted to volunteer at this orphanage and spend time with the children." Eric explained hesitantly to Miranda. Ideally, he should have stormed out immediately with his daughter when he saw it was Miranda who manages this orphanage. However, he was unable to do that.
"That could be arranged. You only need to fill out some paperwork, and they can begin whenever they want." She told him softly, carefully handing him the papers, avoiding any physical contact.
"May I look around, Ms. Miranda?" Miranda didn't like it when her daughter called her by name, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it. So she buzzed Martha in.
"Lizzy, this is Martha, one of my coworkers. She will show you around." With a smile, she explained.
Lizzy then left with Martha. She looked excited.
"I am surprised that you work in an orphanage. When did you own it?" Eric couldn't help but ask.
"It belonged to my uncle. My cousin didn't want to handle this place on his own because he was too preoccupied with his studies. So he passed it on to me." She tried to explain everything to him as simply as she could. She didn't want to go into specifics.
"Uncle...?" Eric was confused, as he doesn't remember any of her uncle owning an orphanage.
"You have never met him. We got in touch after... after..." Miranda was unable to finish her sentence.
"... After you abandoned us. It's not that difficult to say. After all, you are the one who left. It is not the other way around." Eric retorted, and before she could respond, her thoughts were interrupted.