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Looking at the view of London, I sense her presence.

« Do you need anything Amber ? » I say agitated.

« Well sir, I’m pretty sure you love that view, but I got a better one want to see ? » She says in a sexual tone. I cringe, can a man not enjoy his coffee in peace ?

« Get out, clear your things I’m transferring you to the finance department. » I command and as she tries to apologise. I refuse her advances and make sure she leaves.

My clock beeps and I curse as I notice the time, it was eleven already. I go to the adjoined room and unlock the filing cabinets. Grabbing all the documents I sit down and double check all the facts and statistics.

My phone rings, it was Damon and I picked up in a hurry.

« Yes, what do you need ? » I say my voice annoyed, this guys timing was horrible to say the least. « Chill, like seriously get laid or something. Your always so damn moody. » He says, getting laid is somehow always the best thing to do for Damon.

« I did get laid, what do you want I have a meeting soon. » I get up with the files and make my way down.

« She must’ve been terrible if your moody. Anyways I wanted to tell you, I slept with that Brazilian supermodel-«  He says arrogantly and I stop him before he could speak any more nonsense.

« You called me eleven am in the morning to tell me you slept with a Brazilian supermodel ? » My tone laced with sheer annoyance.

« Yeah, she was so sexy lik-«  I hung up and got into my car.

Damon was like a hormonal 15 year old boy. Someone needs to control him. Although he annoyed me so much that I wanted to rip his head off, he was still my brother.

My assistant Lacey comes to my car and I hand all the files to her. « Alright call me when you get there. » I say to her and start driving. While at a red stoplight I looked at my phone, receiving an alert that their was going to be a lot of traffic.

I rushed through the other cars trying to find shortcuts. Finding a reasonable route I drive and find myself in front of the company by eleven twenty.

I go up and sign in, my assistant already there setting up.

« Sir where’s your phone there is important information for the presentation dont you remember me sending it to you ? I need to write them down. » Lacey says.

Fuck, my phone was in my car. Taking the lift down I jog to my car and rush back up. I give her my phone, and she hands me water, while writing the figures down.

When we were done, I walked in and saw men and women sitting down.

I see Mr. Luciano sat next to a woman. I couldn’t exactly see her as she was on her phone.

« Your proposal, Mr Amoretti. » He says and the girl looks up. She looks into my eyes and I take a good look. She was so beautiful, like an angel. She had green eyes, plump lips and a cute button nose.

Focus, Dom, focus.

« Well, I have a buisness plan for the Davison’s company the one that you want to purchase. I want to have sixty percent of the company but we will have equal profits. The company has gone bankrupt and I’d like to invest five million to rebrand and change it. My sales department has many projects that I’d like to spend my money on. I wanted to know if you would agree. » I said confidently.

I looked at the girl beside him to see her intimidated. There was something about her that I liked. I wanted to know who she was, was it his secretary, assistant ?

« I like your idea, but I have a slight problem with the ownership of the company, why do you have sixty percent ? » He says.

« Well if everything goes well I’d like to break down the company and give forty percent to you and I get the sixty percent. Until then we’d have equal profits. » I explain.

« I will review everything send me figures, statistics and ideas. » He says and I take a small breath of relief.

« Yes, I think that’s everything, now let me know if you approve any plans and send finances to my secretary. » I say and make my way out the room. Before I leave I look at the girl and smile, she seemed shy as she looked down.

She looked like an Angel.

I head back to my company, telling Lacey to look for a new secretary immediately. Once I had gotten my affairs in order Damon arrived and forced me to have lunch with him.

We ended up sending Lacey to get some Italian.

While I was eating my Alfredo I couldn’t help but stuff my tissue into Damon’s mouth.

« Can you shut up, I dont want details on how you got laid ! » I say, chuckles and took the tissue out.

« Oh, it’s the time of the month » he says. I glare at him.

« Dude, are you craving chocolate or something because I heard girls love chocolate when you know what arrives. Also I was at the club and this girl couldn’t stop going on and on about this show called pretty little liars. I checked it out and its quite good. You should watch it. » He says while stuffing the lasagna in his mouth.

« I dont want chocolate and I’d rather not watch a show about pretty little liars. » I say, what was wrong with this man.

He looked at me and then the small lamp on the draw, I eyed him suspiciously, he was going to do something stupid, and I was going to get angry.

He picked up the lamp and threw it at me shouting «  Lighten the fuck up. » Whilst laughing. He fell of his chair clutching his stomach while I got the lamp off my lap.

« Oh god I’m just too funny man. » He says wiping his nonexistent tears. I roll my eyes and finished my food. He does the same and sits down on my chair.

« Anyways, how did the meeting go ? » Finally an actual question that didnt involve sex or models. « Surprisingly well, he was in a good mood. I sent an email with all the info and I’m just waiting to hear back. »

« You know his wife is like freaking beautiful, like he’s lucky. » And we’re back. He can’t spend a minute without talking about girls.

« Dont you have work ? » I ask, hoping he could leave.

« Oh yeah, alright I’ll see you later. Remember our clubs opening this week. » He says, as if he was finally acknowledging that he had a company to run.

« See you then. » I say and he leaves giving me peace.

Soon the evening came around and I had finished today’s work. I put my blazer and jacket on.

« Goodnight sir. » Lacey says.

« Night. » I say and take the lift down.

The lobby was still busy but some employees had left.

I went to my car and got in. While in traffic I thought about that stunning girl. She was definitely alluring, something about her evergreen eyes.

Entering my house I took a quick shower and had dinner while reading forbes latest business articles. Once I finish my nightly duties I head to bed and set my alarm.

And as my eyes closed ready for tranquility her eyes appeared.


« I don’t know Sofia, I’ll have to see. » I say as Sofia continued to pester me. She had asked me if I can go with her to the new club that was opening this evening.

I had seen it being promoted on the media quite a lot and it looked like a good place to go. I didn’t love nightclubs, but I didn’t hate them. What I hated was the smell of alcohol and sweaty body’s dancing. It just wasn’t my scene, but don’t get me wrong every once in a while I loved getting a little tipsy in a club with Sofia and binging on fast food.

« Please, you never treat yourself. Me and you both have been working like crazy these past few months ! Let loose and have some fun with me. » She says pleadingly and I give in knowing she wouldn’t let go of it till I agreed. I hang up and sighed leaning back into the chair. I did need to let loose. This week I was working with my dad a lot and I had just finished reviewing Mr Amoretti’s proposal.

I couldn’t stop thinking about him, those grey eyes, they kept me captive, like I was in a trance. It was also the significant demeanour, the dominance and power that radiates from him, it was extremely attractive.

I decided to search him up, curiousity getting to the best of me, typing his name many articles and blogs came up. Majority of the media dubbed him a ruthless businessman and very friendly with ladies. I noticed he was one of the worlds youngest billionaires.

This man was insanely successful, I couldn’t help but hold a certain respect for him. I kissed my teeth in frustration, why couldn’t I get him off my mind. I just couldn’t help it, he was so handsome.

« What are you thinking about, young lady. » Mum asks with suspicion laced in her voice. I sit up acting normal and carry on working.

« Nothing. » I say shuffling about.

« Let me guess you were thinking about him ? » She says while pointing to my laptop, my eyes widen as I realise I left a tab open of an article with Dominic’s picture. Quickly closing the tab I laugh out of nervousness.

« Who is he ? » She asks, now what do I say ?

« He’s dad’s business partner or at least he gave a proposal. » I ramble using the first excuse that came to mind, seemed legitimate, and I wasn’t even lying.

« Well alright, I’ve got to sort some stuff out at the office, call me if you need anything I’ll be home by dinner. » Grabbing her keys she leaves and I take a breath of relief.

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