Catty : meet me at school, sorry I didn’t make it to lunch puppy. Love u. xoxo :3
Me : I’m heading 2 schl rn see u there. Xo :3 love u too warlock.
Catherine was a warlock. Along with her brother. They help out with different things around the school since they have a lot of money. She’s also a close friend of mine.
I then started the drive to school. Clearing my mind I began to gain control of my newfound powers.
It was an hour drive so it was enough for me to look deep within and find out what new powers I had accumulated. I had gained all the powers of the full-blooded vampire in me, which included : slowing time down and reading the minds of others. Now all that was left was the power of the warlocks, trolls, fairies and pixies.
I put my body on automatic and drifted into my subconscious. This was the way I was able to control my magic. I had to be calm and dig deep within. It takes 2-6 months or even years to be able to fully control my powers. It also depends on how long I stay in my subconscious state and the age that I am.
For instance, I was 3 was when I started to gain a few of my powers. It took me roughly 4 years to get the hang of it due to my witch powers increasing every 3 months. It was hard but with mom and dad I got the hang of things. Now that they were gone I made sure that I could control my new powers in less time. So I focused an hour a day, every day, for 2 months and it helped.
Right now I’m just trying to keep my mind reading to a minimum. I want to be able to choose who I hear the thoughts of. After the hour passed, the sound of my car door being shut pulled me out of my subconscious. I turned the engine off, locked my car and headed off to look for Catherine Fost along with Nivea.
Jessica ended up going her own direction. I walked to her locker and inhaled her scent. Following the trail leading up to the cafeteria we found her sitting with her friends. We walked up to where they sat. « hey catty. »
« What’s up Catty-girl »
She looked at us and smiled. « hey kitty, hey witchy, I feel good vibes from you guys. Any new news ? »
I looked at her and said « I found him Catty, I never thought I would but I did. »
« Him ? Who is he ? Does he go here ? »
« No, he doesn’t go here. »
« He’s the alpha’s son ! » Nivea beat me to the punch.
« Umm that was my line. »
« Sorry u kind of took a while » she said as she laughed.
« I see. » was all she said before she hugged me tightly. She smiled at me and then we all squealed. Their excitement was always genuine. Unlike someone I thought I knew. « I know He’s gonna treat you right and guard your precious innocent heart. »
« Thank you, your the best. I also have some other news for you. »
« What is it ? Wait let me guess. You got new powers ?! » she said the in a whisper yell.
« Yes ! » I said back to her.
« What is it ? »
« Mind Reading. » with that her eyes grew wide. She then smiled.
« Does War and Jess know ? »
« Warren doesn’t know, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Jess. »
« Why ? » they said in unison.
I told them everything about what I read in Jess’s mind. By the time I finished talking it was soon time for my class. She hugged me as she said « I’m sorry kitty, I honestly didn’t know she was like that. I can usually sense a lie but she’s covering it somehow. »
I shook my head in agreeance and hugged her goodbye. « I’ll see you ladies at the pack party then ? »
« Definitely » said Nivea.
I wondered for a bit about what I should say to her. « Maybe, I’ll think more about it tonight. »
« Sure thing, talk to you later then kitty. Bye witchy ! »
« Bye » we said as we waved her off and headed to our class.
Nivea and I have the same 3 o’clock class and so we took our seats and waited for the lesson to begin. When class ended I sought out Andre’s mind while heading to my car with Nivea. ‘Hey mate’
‘Hello Luna’ he said back in that soothing manly voice of his. It made me want to touch him and run my hands all over him. ‘Wow, such bad thoughts my Luna. I guess I would have to teach you a few lessons’ I giggled but said nothing. Just feeling his presence in my mind was calming. ‘I want to see you Katalina, I’m at the pack mansion in my father’s office.’
‘I’m on my way alpha’ with that he growled into my mind, which made me smile.
« You look weird when you use your mate bond. You look kind of constipated »
« I do not. Wait do I really ? » we both laughed at that.
As quick as the smile came, it was wiped off just as fast. There, standing next to my car, tonguing down Warren, was none other than Jessica herself.
« Good evening lovers. Don’t mind me, I’m just trying to get into my car and far away from you sluts as possible. Let’s go Nivea. » I unlocked my car and got in.
« Couldn’t you guys do that somewhere else ? I hope you get a ride with War, Jess, bye. » Nivea blew them a kiss as she got in my car. « Let’s go kitty. »
Warren walked up to me and said « Sorry for not telling you we were messing kitty, and I’m sorry about your room. Forgive me ? »
I looked him dead in his face and pointed at Jess while I said « You can shove your sorry ass apology up her cunt for all I care. » With that I locked my car doors and drove off. I know I was a little harsh on him but I felt a bit mad and he was in my line of sight so, he got the shitty end of the stick.
Once again I practiced controlling my powers within the hour that I was driving to go see Andre. Controlling my powers became easier the closer I got to my 20th birthday. It made me feel antsy and I felt as if though something huge was gonna happen.
The hour passed once again and I arrived at the pack mansion at 6. I hurried to the alpha’s office.
« Well bye Kat, I’ll see you tomorrow night then. » She said sarcastically with her hands on her hips as she stood near the entrance.
« Bye Nivea. I’m sorry I just really want to see my mate. I’ll make it up to you. »
« Of course you will kitty. Later lover girl, » she said with a laugh. That girl knew how to punish someone.
This time I knocked on the door and waited for a response rather than just barging in like the last time. When I heard a response I walked in and saw my mate standing on the other side of the room. His mother at his side and staring daggers into my face. I bowed in respect to them and greeted them all formally. « Katalina Regina. What an odd pairing for my son, » said Alisia Regele, the pack’s current Luna.
« She is mine, and she is also our future Luna mother. So I would appreciate it if you would address her that way. »
Luna’s following words resulted in me feeling as if though I wasn’t meant to be there. I’m guessing the Alpha felt the same because he stood up abruptly from his chair and slammed his fists onto his desk.
Andre’s POV
I smelt the faint scent of my mate coming up to my father’s office. This time she knocked on the door and waited for an answer rather than just barging in like the last time.
She walked in and looked straight at me then at my mother.The smile on her face faltered a bit when she looked at my mother. I knew my mother was staring daggers at her.