She shot up out of her bed, looked at Katalina then looked at me. She then bowed her head in respect to me and said « Good morning Andre »
« Where the fuck did you go ? And don’t tell me you came home this morning because I woke up in the middle of the night and you were not there bitch. Spill ! »
Katalina looked furious and her eyes literally matched her top. Jessica opened her mouth to speak, but the words that followed angered my Luna even more. I grabbed her and spun her into my chest and held her tightly. I wanted to look into her eyes to see what color they were but quickly decided against it.
She inhaled deeply and calmed down instantly. She looked up at me with grey eyes. Eyes that I knew meant something more. Then she turned to face Jessica. Oh how I would love to have a bowl of popcorn right now.
Jessica’s POV
« I’m guessing this is your friend’s room » said a masculine voice waking me out of my slumber. I already knew it was our soon to be alpha. And then I smelt it. I smelt Kat’s scent before I heard the door fly open. I knew she was mad. I stayed deathly still in hopes that she would just walk out and let me be. I knew I had a lot to explain about what happened between me and Warren last night but I was horny and needed to scratch my itch.
Right now I’m too tired to think of a lie to tell her and I really wanted to go back to sleep. I knew my room was trashed. It all happened this morning around 3. Warren brought me home from Kat’s house, which I knew was a bad idea, but he said he wanted more privacy.
We had sex until 5 this morning and trashed my room too. He then left afterward and I didn’t want anyone seeing me in shame so I hid behind my covers and made it look as if though I wasn’t there. I finally heard footsteps leaving my room when they stopped abruptly.
I heard Andre say « No one’s here Luna, we should go check downstairs or the back yard. » I then heard footsteps heading towards my bed and my sheets and blankets were pulled from over me. I shot up out of bed and looked at Kat then at him. « Good morning Jessica. » Said Andre, who was leaning against my door.
Oh how I hated to be me right now. I bowed my head in respect to him and said « Good morning Andre »
« Where the fuck did you go ? And don’t tell me you came home this morning because I woke up in the middle of the night and you were not there bitch. Spill ! »Kat looked furious and her eyes were red.
I knew I had to tread lightly with what I said but in a way, I didn’t really care. She did just barge into my room with Andre. For some unknown reason she was with Andre. Like how the fuck did this come to be ? When did Andre even return, and since when were the best of friends to be barging in my room like this ?
I opened my mouth and said « Can we talk about this later ? Maybe when you’re in your right mind and calmed down a bit. »
Somehow my words angered her even more. Maybe it was due to the hint of sass in my voice. Whatever !
Suddenly Andre grabbed her and spun her into his chest and held her tightly. She took deep sharp breaths and calmed down instantly. She then looked up at him then turned to me without letting him go.
Do my eyes deceive me ? Is the soon to be alpha my best friend’s, mate ? Is this really happening ?!
To be completely honest, I became filled with jealousy. I was jealous that I wasn’t able to become a Luna to a pack. I was jealous of her powers. I was jealous of her for having Warren as a close friend. I was jealous that everyone liked her and I was jealous that she was so kind to me no matter how many times I made her fight my battles for me.
Even though I was a bad influence and a bitch of a friend to her she was still kind to me. What’s wrong with me ? She looked at me with red and grey eyes. That meant she felt love and anger. Did she feel love towards me right now ?
« Come on Jess, don’t run away from the subject. Please explain to me why you weren’t there when I woke up in the middle of the night. Explain to me why you’re hooking up with Warren and explain to me why you guys left the room in such a mess. And can I please know what the hell happened in here too !? »
Her eyes went soft and turned light green with a bit of grey in it. She spoke softer when she said « You guys are my best friends. I don’t want you hurting each other nor do I want you guys to keep me in the dark. So can I at least get an explanation ? »
It enraged me at how she could just barge into my room and ask me about such a thing. My parents were filthy rich and helped to build this packhouse, while her parents were dead !
I reigned in my emotions and looked in her eyes before I dropped my gaze with respect to her as the future luna and said « Can we really talk about this later Kat ? I want to at least take a shower before we get into the details. »
She shook her head and then both her and Andre left my room. I slumped back into bed and looked up at the ceiling. When would I find my mate ? And how comes she gets hers before I do ? Why couldn’t Warren be my mate ? I shook my head and took out my clothes for the day and headed to my shower and got dressed.
I finished up and headed downstairs and towards alpha Damion’s office. I knocked before I heard « come in » and entered. The alpha was sitting in the room alone.
I walked up to him and said « Did you know that the orphan is your son’s mate ? Unbelievable right ? Who would have thought ? » I took a seat in front of him as I said that.
« That is no way to speak of your future alpha Miss Lup. I would suggest you get your act together and not let any of that nonsense spill out of your mouth again or I will punish you for it. Do I make my self clear ? » he said in a deep but low tone as if he had no time for me.
« Yes alpha. » I quickly walked out of the room. Why did he like her all of a sudden ? He always thought she would take the throne away from his son. And now he likes her ? Ugh.
I walked around the pack mansion looking for Kat when I finally spotted her in the pack’s kitchen with Nivea. When I approached them Nivea got up and left. I wonder where Andre is. I took a seat across from her on the island.
I sighed as I began my explanation « So what happened was, I was in the mood for a little bit of fun so I had sex with Warren a few times. We played some games and ended up trashing the room. I told him we were being too loud and that we would wake you, so he suggested we come here. We got here and ended up trashing my room too. He left early this morning and I’m honestly sorry I trashed your guest room. I’ll clean it when I go over there tonight I promise. »She looked at me long and hard. Letting my words sink in.
« If you had stayed you would have helped me round up the vampire that attacked me last night. »
« You were attacked again ? » I feigned surprise. I knew they were gonna attack. I was the one leaking information on where she lived. I wanted her dead and out of my life. I didn’t like her, but in a way I did like her. My feelings were mixed about her.