Swiveling her head, Lexi glanced behind Declan then back over in Nate’s direction. « Where’s Claire ? »
« Well Cinderella turned into a pumpkin pretty early tonight, » Nate laughed. Lexi started giggling then dropped her face into her hands.
It took all of Declan’s self control not to move Lexi’s hands away from that smile and ask her to never cover it again.
« Wine or tequila ? » Lexi asked, still chuckling to herself.
« Definitely wine. »
« Well that’s good, at least she’s just sleepy and not naked. » All three of them started to laugh because they had all experienced Claire on a tequila night.
« Well you know which one I prefer, » Nate said with a wink.
« Gross ! » Lexi whined as she plugged her fingers in her ears.
Lexi bent down to pick up her duffle bag, but Declan beat her to it. « I got this, » he said as he flashed a smile.
« You really don’t have to, I can carry it, » Lexi protested, but Declan wasn’t budging.
« I don’t mind at all. You two catch up. I’ve got the bags. »
« Thanks Declan. » Her sweet smile appeared again and nearly unhinged Declan because he had earned that one all on his own.
Slinging the duffle over his shoulder like it weighed nothing he followed behind Nate and Lexi as they moved toward the parking garage. Normally Declan wouldn’t be thrilled about acting as someone’s bellhop, but he was enjoying being a spectator at the moment. With eyes glued to Lexi, he watched her long dark curls swing slowly back and forth across her back as she walked and the sway of her hips had Declan completely hypnotized.
After getting Lexi checked in to the hotel the trio headed up to Nate’s room. It was an adjoining room with Claire sound asleep on Nate’s side and his equipment cases in the next room with the rest of the team.
Declan’s team agreed to take turns staying the night in the room with Nates cases. The second set of adjoining rooms were reserved for Lexi and the members of Declan’s team who weren’t on watch.
Nate handed Declan the room key and headed for the other door. « I am going to go check on sleeping beauty real quick. »
Declan gave him a quick nod and slid the key into the door with Lexi following behind.
Pierce, Marcus, and Caleb were seated around a small table on the other side of the room with cards in hand. All heads swiveled as they heard the door open and Pierce’s eyes went directly to Lexi giving her a once over from head to toe and back again.
« You must be Lexi, » Pierce said before Declan could make the introduction.
« I’m Pierce, this big ol’ grump is Marcus and that tiny juvenile in the corner is Caleb. »
Marcus gave Lexi a quick chin lift and a smile which was more of a response than he gave most people.
« Don’t pay any attention to him Lexi, Pierce has got sour grapes because this juvenile just won two hundred dollars off of him in poker, » Caleb gloated as he laced his fingers behind his head and leaned back with satisfaction. Being the youngest and newest member of the team at 26, Caleb often found himself as the butt of Pierce’s jokes. Lucky for Caleb, he could dish it as well and he could take it.
Lexi laughed at the lighthearted banter being tossed around the room and it was the sweetest sound Declan had ever heard.
Shifting to put his hand on the small of her back, he lightly guided her in front of him so she could sit down. He wasn’t sure if she would want to stay, Nate was right, she did look pretty tired, but he sure hoped she would.
The connecting door creeped open and Nate slid inside as quietly as possible from the room where Claire was sleeping, shutting the door behind him.
« How’s our girl ? » Lexi inquired.
« Dead to the world, » Nate said with a chuckle as he made his way across the room to the mini fridge in the corner for a beer.
The loud clunk of Lexi’s wedge sandals hitting the floor captured Declan’s attention and he watched her climb into an armchair by the window.
She’s staying.
Criss-crossing her legs, Lexi folded herself into a neat little pile in the oversized chair.
God, she is so damn cute.
She caught him staring and held his gaze for a few seconds with her perfect lips curling up into a bright smile. They were the only two in the room, or at least it felt that way to Declan. Warmth started spreading through his chest and he shifted his weight at the unfamiliar feeling.
What the hell is wrong with me ?
The anxiety that had consumed Lexi the past few days was now an afterthought as she sat laughing with Nate and his friends. Now she understood why he talked about them so often. They were hilarious and accepted her as one of their own almost immediately.
From what Lexi could tell they were all former military, but from all different branches. She assumed Caleb had to have some kind of medical training because he was referred to as doc a few times. He had a baby face and didn’t look a day over twenty one, but his body was lean and muscular like he hadn’t had a carb in his life.
Marcus was the largest of the four and had the deepest voice Lexi had ever heard. He seemed like the strong silent type and definitely looked the meanest, but there was so much kindness in his eyes.
Pierce was definitely the class clown and from everyone’s comments was quite the ladies man as well. Lexi could see why. Pierce looked more like a model than a former marine, hell all of them were muscle on muscle, but it was Declan who had her full attention. He was one of the tallest of the group second only to Marcus and his broad shoulders and thick chest made her want to climb him like a tree. Blush spread across her cheeks when she thought about what a fool she had made of herself at the airport.
I’m a hugger ?