« Claire claims Lexi as her own because they were college roommates, but Lexi was technically my friend first. We grew up together. She’s basically family, » Nate said his voice full of sincerity. « She’s a teacher like Claire. »
« Kindergarten ? »
« Highschool freshman. »
« So she’s either crazy or she’s a saint. » Declan laughed.
« Maybe a little bit of both. »
« Well you and Claire have been raving about this girl all day. If you guys love her that much I am sure the team will feel the same. »
« Oh I know they will. Pierce may like her a little too much. I gotta keep an eye on that, » Nate said dryly.
It was clear that Nate was protective of Lexi in a brotherly way.
« Lexi is just really special to me and Claire. »
« I’m gathering that, » Declan responded, trying to understand the dynamic.
« We met in middle school shortly after her dad ran out on her and she leaned on me for support. We were thick as thieves all through school and she wrote me every week when I joined the Navy. When I left the teams and started doing contract work I was… »
Nate paused and rubbed the back of his neck.
« I was in a bad place. Lexi brought me out of my depression and forgave me when I didn’t deserve it. I uh… well, I owe her a lot. »
Declan could tell there was more to that story, but let Nate tell the version he was most comfortable sharing.
« She’s actually the one who introduced me to Claire shortly after that. »
« So Lexi is the one we need to thank for bringing all this lovey dovey bullshit to the team, » Declan said with a laugh.
« Hey man don’t knock it till’ you try it. »
Declan’s brows drew together and he shook his head. « Sorry dude, that love shit is your thing, not mine. »
« Yeah I know, I know. One and done, right ? »
Declan shot Nate a wink in response.
To be honest Declan wasn’t necessarily opposed to the idea of love, it’s just that he had never felt anything more than lust for a woman and even that was short lived. He kept most women at arms length because of his job and sex was meaningless fun, a way to blow off steam after a job.
Amanda was the closest Declan had ever come to a real relationship and that ended poorly to say the least. It started out fine, but it didn’t take long for everything to become an argument. Declan was man enough to admit he was a control freak, but the problem was, Amanda was too. She wanted control over Declan’s time, his friendships, and his bank account. Amanda took and never gave. She didn’t want to be cared for, she wanted to be spoiled and Declan could only stomach a few months of that bullshit before he called it quits. Shortly after leaving Amanda he found out she had been cheating on him with some wall street douche bag which only affirmed his decision to bail. His bad relationship was the only evidence he needed to solidify his stance that love was a headache that he didn’t need, if it even existed at all.
The two men walked into the airport and headed toward the luggage claim. With a quick scan of the crowd Nate immediately picked out Lexi.
« There she is, » Nate said as he pointed toward a small brunette who was pulling her bag off of the conveyor belt. Lexi spotted Nate at about the same time and her face lit up as she headed in their direction.
Declan choked on his own breath and he stood stock still taking in every ounce of Lexi. Holy shit. This woman was gorgeous. She was wearing jeans that hugged her hips and calves and a red tank top that highlighted her sun kissed shoulders. Her dark hair fell in loose curls and all Declan could think about was how it would feel to run his hands through them. Lexi’s smile went up to her hazel eyes and crinkled her nose, a smile that damn near brought Declan to his knees.
When she reached the two of them Nate wrapped her in a hug that lifted her off the ground. Lexi squeaked in surprise and wrapped her arms around him in response.
A wave of anger crashed into Declan with the force of a mac truck at the sight of Lexi in Nate’s arms. Shaking his head, Declan tried to physically rid himself of the misplaced anger. What the fuck was that ?
Nate placed Lexi on the ground then cupped her face in his hands. « Damn I’ve missed you, Lex, » Nate beamed as he smiled down at her.
Again Declan faced a wave of rage and felt the urge to pull Nates hands from Lexi’s face and replace them with his own.
The more he wrestled with this unfamiliar feeling the more clear it became what the feeling was. Declan was jealous. He was in disbelief of his own emotions and tried to subdue the impulse to throw his friend against the wall for touching Lexi.
What is wrong with me ?
« I’ve missed you too Nathan, » Lexi replied to Nate as she blessed him with yet another devastating smile.
Dropping his hands from her face, Nate studied her for a second. « You look dog tired. »
« Gee thanks, » She sassed as she playfully smacked his shoulder with the back of her hand.
Nate laughed and turned toward Declan who was standing there staring like an idiot.
« This is my friend Declan. His team is running security for me during the conference this week. »
Hearing his name brought Declan out of his trance.
« Hi I’m Lexi, it’s nice to finally meet you. »
The voice of an angel if he had ever heard one.
« Nice to meet you Lexi. »
Declan extended arm toward her for a hand shake, but she brushed it off quickly waving off his outstretched hand.
« Oh please, feel like I already know you. Plus I’m a hugger. »
Usually Declan would shy away from such interactions, especially from someone he just met, but this was different. Before he could react, Lexi moved in for a hug wrapping her arms around Declan’s waist. Her 5’2 was nothing compared to his 6’4, but her small frame fit perfectly in his arms. They pulled away at the same time, but Declan immediately disliked the loss of contact.
« I am glad I can put a name with a face now. Nate has talked about you guys before, but it is hard to remember everyone. »
« Nate has told us a lot about you too, » Declan said honestly, but was really just trying to keep her talking.
« I’m sure it’s all lies, » she said, throwing a playful elbow at Nate.
« Nah, all good things. » Declan assured her.
« See ? What’d I tell you – lies, » She joked as her lips parted and raised into another perfect smile.
Damn it if he didn’t want to lean down and taste those delicious looking lips, perfectly plump and heart shaped, just begging to be touched. Declan felt his shorts get a little tighter in response and he subtly adjusted his body’s betrayal. Jeez man, get a fucking grip. You don’t even know her.