I stir awake with the sun shining onto my face.
I guess I forgot to close the curtains last night. I glance at the time seeing the numbers shine back at 10:30am.
I push myself up out of bed and grab some clothes then head to my bathroom.
Luckily Seth isn't in here so I lock the door. I set my clothes down and turn on the water waiting for it to warm up before slipping off my clothes and stepping into the warm water and squirting some coconut shampoo into my hands to massage into my hair.
After showering I towel myself dry before pulling on a pair of white shorts and a white and blue striped top, happy with my choice of clothing as it seems to be hot outside.
I got back into my room and blow dried my hair and brushed it, applied little makeup then headed down stairs to our new big kitchen where I already heard chaos.
I get to the kitchen to see all the others up – which is a surprise - and mom baking pancakes while the others squabble.
I roll my eyes and pick Tom up from the floor where he's just randomly sat and place him in his high chair sitting down next to him.
Typical. Half of them aren't even dressed yet, including my twin.
Mom serves the pancakes - when it comes to food in this family you've got to practically fight for it, get there first and you get food, get their last and there's a chance you don't.
"By the way, kids , you all start school on Monday." Mom says half way through and we all stop eating and look at her "It's all been arranged, I've phoned up all the schools" She says.
I groan "Great."
"Oooh exciting" Evan smirks...not really joking, yeah it's all right for them.
They will fit in straight away, making friends in the first few seconds they step foot in the building. For me, It's a whole other story.
As we are cleaning away, well mostly me seeing as the others are lazy, the doorbell rings.
Mom goes to answer it and I can hear faint chatter but ignore it and carry on cleaning the dishes.
Moments later mom came back smiling "We've got neighbors" She says "They're going to come around at one for lunch" She says cheerily.
"Pfff...well they will be scared by the time they leave" I mutter but she doesn't hear but Seth does and he smirks.
It's true, whoever comes over to our home, leaves possibly scared for the rest of their something we do.
It's rather amusing actually.
"Oh...and they have five kids," Mom says as she leaves the kitchen.
"Five?" I say eyes wide.
"Wow. Going to be fun." Seth smirks as we finish the washing plates.
Five kids. including all of us? Well. This will be fun.
It's nearly one o'clock now and we're all waiting in the big living room at mom's orders.
I'm wearing the same shorts and the top but have put on the chain locket with the picture of me and dad in it on, I'm going to wear this all the time.
"Oooh, I hope they've got a hot daughter" Evan smirks and I smack him on the head.
" that all you think about" I scolded.
He smirks rubbing his head "Damn hit hard" He murmurs and I smirk at him, that's what you get from living with these animals for 15 years, you've got to learn how to defend yourself.
"Hmm...hope so" Chris says to Evan and I roll my eyes, gosh, god help them if they do have a daughter their age.
Suddenly the doorbell rings echoing throughout the house which makes me jump...I wasn't expecting it to be that loud.
I hear mom hurrying to the door " tricks" She warns before I hear the door open and we all murmur and smirk...yeah can't promise that mother.
I hear my mom's voice then another then footsteps coming into the house.
"Right kids, come into the garden where we will introduce you" Mom calls and hears footsteps walking through the hallway then goes out into the garden.
My guess she wants us out there because there's too many of us to stand in the hallway by the front door. We all get up and head to the behind holding Tom's hand and making sure the twins don't run off.
Tom suddenly tugs on my arm and I look down, stopping walking.
He reaches his arms up, giving me puppy dog eyes.
I sigh knowing what he wants and scoop him up off the floor, smirking slightly and balancing him on my hip, little lazy boy.
He holds on, with his arms around my neck resting his head on my shoulder swinging one of his legs happily.
I step out the patio's door into the warm sunshine and the garden that's huge, which includes a pool that I am very excited about.
I hear voices and walk to where my brothers are standing and see my mom in front but not anyone else. I walk up to them going to the side where mom sees me and I catch the eye of our neighbors.
A woman with brown hair and dark blue eyes smiling.
A man with blonde hair and brown eyes next to her. Then a tall guy that looks like his dad with blonde hair and dark blue eyes, he looks to be around Chris's age.
Then to the guy next to him who makes my heart thump harder, now he's seriously gorgeous.
His dark brown with blonde highlights hair stuck up in place and makes you want to run your hands through it and his warm dark brown eyes that match perfectly with his looks.
Next there's a girl that looks about my age with shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes, and has an innocent smile on her face but there's something off about it.
Then there's a cute boy with blonde hair and brown eyes, who looks shy because he's slightly standing behind that girl, his sister.
Then there's a sweet looking young girl maybe a bit older than Tom, with long brown hair and dark blue eyes and a grin looking like she wants to play.
"Kids, this is Ruby and Owen Dean and their children." Mom says smiling.
Ruby and Owen. some names to the man and the woman.
Ruby smiles "And this is my eldest, Hayden" She says with her hand on the tall guy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes.
He smirks and nods at us in a sort of welcoming way.
"Then Aidan, my second eldest." Ruby or Mrs Dean says motioning to the gorgeous tanned guy, dark brown hair with highlights in.
He's not bad to look at I'll admit, but the way that smirk is creeping onto his face makes me feel a little on edge.
"And my daughter April." She says for the girl with brown shoulder length hair.
She smiles sweetly and I have no doubt Evan and Chris have big smirks on their faces right now.
"Then Darren." Ruby says to the little shy boy with blonde hair who shyly smiles, aww.
"Then Morgan, my youngest" Ruby smiles at the little girl with long brown hair who's smiling at us and waves, I smile slightly, aww she's cute.
"Nice to meet you guys" Mom smiles then looks at us, that look we've seen too many times when we meet people so we know what to do.
We move so we are in a line of age order, we always do this when we have to be introduced, I kinda got used to it, but there's one problem now. Tom won't let go.
I sigh and just keep him attached to me as I stand next to Seth and Leon.
We're in age order, first Aston, Blake, Chris, Evan, Seth, Me, Leon, Lee, Cory, Joe and Jack then Tom, but he's not there as he's with me...and the reason Seth's in front of me is as he's older by an hour.
Mom looks at me because I'm holding Tom but I shrug at her as it's not like I can make the little guy go stand at the end of the line.
She nods and looks at Aston.
"That's Aston." She says and Astons smiles
"Blake-" She points to Blake "Then Chris, Evan." mom says pointing to each of them and Chris and Evan I see wink slyly at the April.
"Then the first set of twins, Seth and my only daughter Delia.." Mom smiles at us.
"Then Leon, Lee and Cory." Mom says "Then the second set of twins Joe and Jack.." Mom smiles "And lastly Thomas" She says pointing back to me as I'm holding Tom..
who has strangely hid his face in my chest.
I frown looking down at him, he's suddenly gone shy.
Mr and Mrs Dean smiles "Nice to meet you guys too....such a lovely family" Ruby says.
" won't think that in an hour, I'll bet" I hear Evan mutter and I snicker as Seth elbows him in the ribs...luckily no one else heard...I think.
" will be ready in about half an hour" Mom smiles.
"Go get to know each other" She smiles and I faintly snort. No mom, that's the last thing we should do.
I lower Tom to the ground, placing his feet on the floor and un-wrapping his arms.
He allows me to do so but the moment he's standing again he clings to my legs.
I groan "Tom....let go..." I plead, glancing up slightly to see the little girl Morgan coming this way.
"Look've got a friend" I say, prying his arms from around my legs.
He realizes and looks at the smiling girl "Come play, I'm Morgan" She smiles holding her hand out, aww.
Tom glances up to me for permission. I smirk softly and push him forward. "Go on" I say and he smiles and grabs Morgan's hand and they go off together, cute.
"Naww, would you look at that" Seth's voice says beside me and I look up to see him smirking "Only if it was that easy at our age" He jokes and I laugh.
"Delia, honey" Mom calls and I turn to see her waving me over.
I groan slightly but go over.
"Sweetie make April welcome, don't let the boys scare her off would you, you know how they can get" Mom says and I smirk slightly remembering the last things they've done.
I look across to where April's standing smiling slightly at me her dark blue eyes showing something else though
"Hmmm sure" I mumble, though I can't promise it.
Mom smiles and I mentally roll my eyes....I don't like making friends, probably because I've never really had to.I go over to April cautiously and she smiles at me "I like your top" She says looking down at it.
"Urr....thanks" I say, raising an eyebrow, does she actually mean that?
She smiles wider it seems like and glances over at my brothers then back to me "So, what's it like living with so many brothers?" She wonders glancing back at them
I frown slightly, "Great" I say. It is. although they can get extremely annoying.
She smiles again "So....urr...where's your dad?" She asks and I feel my stomach knot.
I narrow my eyes slightly and look away from her...who asks that? It's none of her business.
"Ur.....gone" I mumble and she looks confused waiting for me to explain
I sigh slightly annoyed "He died" I say looking back at her.....god why does she want to know.
Her expression dropped and her mouth formed an 'o' shape "Oh gosh...I'm so-" She says but I cut her off shaking my head.
"No...don't say didn't even know him" I say, getting slightly pissed now. I'm sick of people saying that. What have they got to be sorry for? They didn't have anything to do with his death.
I turn from her walking back towards Seth and the others who are now talking to Hayden and the younger brother...Noah.
"Seth.." I say and he turns as I come nearer and looks at me then glances behind me and smirks slightly knowingly....I already don't like her...and I know she's following.
"Oh, oh Lex....come here" Evan says smirking and I eye him suspiciously.
"Why?" I narrow my eyes. Going near Evan is always bad news.
He mocks hurt " think I would do something to my dear little sister" He smirks.
"Yes...yes, that's exactly why" I say crossing my arms and hear Seth chuckle.
Evan rolls his eyes "Fine then...don't" He sticks his tongue out at me.
"Childish much" I mutter.
"What?" He glares.
I smile sweetly "Nothing" I smirk and he narrows his eyes but then looks away.
I smirk and glance around noticing Cory and Lee sat on the grass together and then Darren standing a few meters away shyly.
I smile and go over to Cory and Lee.
"Yo...Sorry" I sing smirking and he looks up and smiles. I sit down next to them and glance towards Darren..
"Hey...why don't you two go talk to Darren...he seems lonely" I say nudging Cory.
"Really?" Lee wines and I gave him a look.
"Be nice....I'll give you chocolate" I smile and his eyes light up.
"Go play with him....but play nice" I warn and they smile innocently and hop to their feet heading towards him.
I get to my feet too, turning to see that April is in the middle of all of my older brothers as they're talking to her and Hayden and Noah and I feel my eyes narrow....the look on her face as they're talking to weird. I frown and go over to Leon who's sitting on the bench texting and sitting down next to him and he snaps his phone shut.
"What's up?" I ask and he shrugs
I sigh internally, he hardly ever makes conversation. Always stays in his own little bubble.
"Hey Leon.....can I show you something?" I say reach behind my neck and unclipping my locket and he nods
I smile softly "Look at this" I say opening up the locket to reveal the picture of me and dad and showing it to him. He looks over at it and I swear I see a small smile on his lips and he takes it out of my hand carefully while still looking at it.
"Can I tell you something?" I say and he nods still looking at the picture. "Mom gave that to me the other day....she told me she has a picture for all you guys" I smiled.
"She'll give it to you when you get older".
He smiles softly and hands it back and I clip it back on and hear him sigh "I miss him" He mumbles.
That makes me freeze slightly, he hardly ever talks about dad.
I smile and wrap him in a hug and kiss his head as he squirms "We all do" I whisper then smirk "Who knew Leon had feelings" I joke and he pushes me off him whipping his head and I laugh and ruffle his hair and he playfully glares at me.
I smirk and l glance upwards to see April looking our way with a weird expression but then looks away back to whoever's talking to her....
"YO Delia, Leon, you gonna come play?" Chris shouts over holding a football.
I smirk/smile and stand up, yanking Leon with me and go over to them.
If it's one thing you get from living with 12 boys all your life, is definitely how to play soccer.
Me, Seth, Aston, Hayden and Chris are on one team and Evan, Leon, Aidan, Blake April are on the opposite, but she doesn't look the type to play. She seems awkward just standing there.
We start playing, one thing is we don't play by the rules. WE kinda make them up. So I bash into my brothers tackling for the ball.
At the moment I bash into Evan and steal the ball "" He says cutting himself off before he calls me a very rude word and groans in pain because I elbowed him.
I smirk at him over my shoulder and kick the ball towards Seth who scores. "No fair, you used your twin thing" Evan wines and I smirk innocently.
"What twin thing?...I have no idea what you're talking about" I say, totally mocking innocent people.
He rolls his eyes "Sure you don't" He mumbles and I smirk.
"Yeah...what you talking about" Seth chips in smirking and winks at me and I laugh.
"Okay...quit your freaky twin thing and let's carry on" Chris says and me and Seth laugh.
"It's not freaky" I argue glaring at him and he just smirks starting the game again.
I turn to follow the ball, noticing April and Aidan looking at me.
April with a weird expression and Aidan smirking softly making my heart flip.
I shake it off and continue with the game.
April doesn't seem to do much, she seems scared of the ball.
Though it somehow looks like she's faking it.
At one point Evan goes to her showing her how to kick the ball, come on!
"EVAN! leave the girl alone, she actually might not want to get in your bed!" I yell at him smirking and hear the others laugh as Evan shoots me a look.
We finally finished the game...with my team winning! Ha!.I high five them all as Evan, as always, accuses us of cheating, but hey we all broke the rules so he can't blame it on that.
"FOODS READY!" Mom yells from the patio where she cooked barbeque...since it's easier for all of us. I glance at my brothers then within seconds we all sprint towards the patio.
We race there all twelve of us where mom's starting to serve. "Guys, guests first. You know that" Mom frowns at us and we grumble in response, no fair.
We all get our food in the end and go to the tables that we set up in the garden, so many tables it's quite funny.
I sit between Seth and Evan, great.
He's going to annoy the hell outta me. We're all sat down and the last to come over is April, oh and looks like there's no space left...ha...what a shame.
Evan notices this and I see him smile " a doll and shove up" He says sweetly and I look up and frown at him "Please...April doesn't have a seat".
He says, looking at me.
I glare and mumble something but move up leaving a room in-between me and Evan.
" can sit here" Evan says patting the spot smirking/smiling and I roll my eyes at him...he tries too hard...seriously.
April smiles and comes around the table and sits in the gap "Thanks Delia" She smiles sweetly and I nearly barf but instead just raise an eyebrow and nod slightly and hear Seth snicker and glare at him.
"Delia! Delia!" Chants Tom from the other end of the table and I look up to him.
His face goes to a weird one and he bites his lip wiggling slightly in his seat. My eyes widened at realization of what he needs.
I quickly stand up from my seat and dash towards him lifting him up out of his chair placing him on the floor as he trots towards the house.
I hear a laugh "Oooh have fun Dee".
Evan smirks and I give him the finger glaring at him as I follow Tom to the house, trusting him to need a wee now.
He goes to the bathroom, with me waiting outside leaning against the wall waiting. I hear the flush then water run then he comes back out smiling.
"All done?" I ask and he nods, reaching out his arms to be picked up. I smirk softly and scoop him up off the floor, balancing him on my hip again and making my way back to the garden.
As I step out walking back towards the table mom comes up to me "Oh...Tommy, honey...come here".
She coos and Tom smiles and reaches towards mom and I off load him onto her and she smiles at me as I go back to the table sitting back in my place and look at my plate and glare.....some shit stole my food.
I look up from my plate to who's sat opposite....burgh Chris.
He smirks at me giving me a look saying he didn't do anything. As if I believe that.
" are going to pay for that" I glare leaning back in my chair glaring death stares at him.
He smirks "I don't know what you mean" He says innocently. Ha sure.
I narrow my eyes even more.
Wishing I could hurt him just from these looks.
Seth slips another burger on my plate and I glance at him and he gives me a look and I smirk slightly knowing what he wants me to do with it.
I pick it up looking like I'm gonna eat it but then take the top bun off smirk and throw it at an unexpecting Chris and it lands right on the side of his face.
The table bursts out laughing...well all the older ones do and I smirk at Chris who whips his check and glares at me.
"I told you you'll pay" I say, holding my hands up smirking.
His glare turns into a mischievous smirk and he too picks up his leftover burger.
My eyes widen as I watch and react quickly by ducking quickly as he flings the burger missing me but only to land on Seth which makes me laugh as I sit back up and Seth throws a glare at Chris who is trying to hold back a laugh.
Seth picks up a ketchup squeeze bottle and smirks evilly, aims at Chris and squirts him with the red source all over his top.
More laughter is spread around as Chris glares at Seth, slams his hand down on the table and stands up throwing both me and Seth death glares.
I smirk and grab the mustard bottle standing up too along with Seth as I aim at Chris and he picks up another ketchup bottle aiming it at me. I smirk and tilt my head to the side, "Would you...would you really?" I challenge myself.
He smirked evilly "Oh..I would '' He says and with that aims and squirts the ketchup at me and Seth just as I squirt him with the mustard.
"FOOD FIGHT!" Someone yells, who I have a sneaky suspicion it was Evan.
That's when all hell broke loose.
Ketchup, mustard, burger, salad...even drink is thrown everyone.
I'm still aiming at Chris, as he stole my food, NOONE steals my food and gets away with it!
I jump up onto the table still squirting Chris with the mustard and him back at me all over my top, oh and white shorts! Great.
I jump down from it to his side and squirt it all over his hair.
Just then something wet hits my back and I gasp slightly, turn around to see a smirking Evan and I glare at him and aim the mustard and squirt him too, damn big mistake.
I shouldn't have lost my concentration on Chris.
As now someone grabs me from behind and holds me over their shoulder.
"Urge....CHRIS!" I yell hitting his back as h e just laughs and I try to squirt his back with the mustard.
"CHRIS put me down!" I yell thrashing about in his grip.
"Nope...not until you apologize" He says.
"ME?'re the one who stole MY food!" I shout and hear him chuckle
"You shouldn't have left the table then".
"URRr....I had know that!" I punch his back...asshole.
Suddenly I pulled off his shoulder and placed back on the ground, I looked up to see Blake....ahh my savior.
I smile at him then glare at Chris and just about to squirt him again when....
"KIDS....ENOUGH!" Mom yells.
I freeze and so does everyone else.....all of them covered in some kind of food....even April, Hayden, Darren and Hayden...who seem to have joined in too and I smirk.
Mom glares at us and her eyes land on me and Chris...great.
"I told you to behave!" She frowns.
"And what do you do....go and behave like this?" She says in annoyance.
"Go clean!" She says sternly and I try to hold back laughter. You have to admit, it's quite funny.
I shove Chris one last time before walking around the table "And Delia, Chris, you can clean up out here" She says.
"What?!" I protest "He started it....he stole MY food" I growl at him and he smirks slightly.
"Actually technically he didn't" Evan suddenly says and I turn to narrow my eyes at him.
He smirks "I did, for April" He says like it's the most normal thing in the world.
I glare harder and glance at April, why the hell would he do that? She had her OWN food!.
Just as I'm about to lunge at him and properly April too, an arm pulls me back from around the waist.
"Delia...chill" Blake's voice says knowing how pissed I get when someone takes my food...especially at Evan.
I glare at Evan and drop my arm as Blake lets me go, still glaring at a smirking Evan.