After half an hour of lame jokes, random conversation, bad smells (That no one will admit too) we finally arrive at the airport.
Being stuck in a taxi with seven of your brothers is just plain torture. I swear it felt like the longest ride of my life.
As soon as the cab stops I jump over Seth's lap and out the door, sighing in relief as I finally get to breathe.
After everyone was out we met with mom and the other boys that pulled up next to our taxi and then made our way towards the airport entrance.
Thankfully all our luggage is being sorted so it's not like we have to take every piece with us so that's good.
How it's being sorted and being flown with us I don't know...Mom has sorted that, or well the job Mom is going to have sorted, apparently they are helping us out with the costs and all, which I think they should as they are the ones making us all move.
"Alright, kids, don't run off." Mom warns us, especially towards the younger ones and I know she wants us to keep an eye on them.
Entering the airport it's so much bigger than I would have thought.
Lining up in a queue and showing tickets and passports seems to take forever, there's even a slight moment of panic when we can't find one of the boys, but it's all good, we all get thought...eventually.
Now we are all sitting on the hard plastic chairs waiting with other people surrounding us.
Well actually I'm not sitting on the chair, I'm sitting on Blake's lap. It's much better than a chair.
Seth sat on mine and Blake's left, Leon sat to our right and opposite us on more seats with a gap in between us seats, Evan, Chris, Aston and Lee.
With mom, Cory, Joe, Jack and Tom near us too but we are the ones who are talking most...not caring who's looking.
I have one earphone from my IPod in my ear and the other is in Seth's seat by me and is playing random music as I kind of listen to the guy's conversation, but it's pretty uninteresting.
A small crowd of teenagers come over to our section and sit at some seats a few meters away from us and that are facing towards us are talking amongst themselves.
"Ugh, Dee moved off a bit. My legs are going numb." Blake groans.
I chuckle and slide off and onto his seat as he moves to the one alone.
Ding, dong "Attention passengers waiting to board the one o'clock flight 106 to South Carolina will be delayed for about an hour...." A voice over the intercom speaks before repeating it.
I groan slouching in the chair. An extra damn hour.
Finally after what felt like hours, but was probably just over an hour, our plane has arrived and we are queuing up in order to get onto the plane.
Getting onto the plan is an experience, first class makes it more exciting and I'm thankful as we can now have extra room. I sit by the window, with Seth and Blake sitting along the same row.
Then Joe, Jack and Ashton in front of us, Tom, Cory and Mom in front of them then Lee, Leon behind us and Chris and Evan behind them and we're all ready for the four or five hour flight.
The other seats soon filled up with other passengers and I looked out the window. bye bye home, bye- bye dad.
Finally the plane started to take off flying higher and higher up into the sky, the view of the city below looking very pretty with the lights starting to turn on due to the darkening sky.
I sigh quietly, slipping my headphones in as I get ready to sit out this long flight.
Finally we have arrived! God...I don't think I could last one more minute on that plane.
It's not the actual, it was my loud, embarrassing brothers.
They wouldn't stop talking, poking, and annoying me.
Now we're in the airport trying to get to the entrance where a car will be waiting for us. I say try because there are so many people here and everyone's moaning that they are tired and hungry.
Well it is very late I I guess they have a point.
We squeeze through the exit and mom leads us towards.
A shiny black seven seat jeep. Oh posh.
Apparently all things will travel to the house in another vehicle so we all cram into the jeeps.
Again us older ones are in a jeep, Chris, Blake, Evan, Seth, Me, Leon, Lee are in one and mom, Aston, Cory, Joe, Jack and Tom are in the other one.
I find myself getting tired and my head drops onto Seth's shoulder who's next to me and my eyes close as I drift to sleep, luckily mostly everyone else is feeling the same way so it's not so nosy in here.
Someone pushes me "Delia...wakey ,wakey!" comes Evan's sing-song voice as he shoves me shoulder.
I frown and open my eyes "We're here." Evan smiles and I glare at him for waking me up but sit up from Seth and climb out the jeep like everyone else has.
"Kids...come on!" Mom calls and I look up to A massive house. No, no's more a mansion.
"Holy hell..." I say wide eyed as I look up past the gates that are in front of us to a pale coloured building.
"Oh gosh Mom, seriously are we living there?" Chris says.
Mom smiles "Yep" she says "Go on , go choose your rooms" She says as she opens tall gates open "Oh and the twins can share!"
She says as we push our way through the gates that are opening slowly.
We push through the opening and start running up the long drive towards the big house.
It has stairs curving up to the front door, left and right and loads of windows.
Rushing up the steps to the front door and barge through, suddenly stopping.
Wow, it's awesome inside. A big staircase to the left, going up to the next floor, straight ahead an archway going into a massive kitchen.
To the right is the living room...oh my it's amazing.
As the guys are stood there staring I take this to race up the stairs first having first pick of the rooms,
"Haha...bagsy the biggest!" I shout as I reach the top and hear them mumble something then run up after me.
It's a long corridor with loads of doors then another staircase.
I stumble across a bedroom and instantly like it.
A big double bed in the middle with a massive walk in closet, ensuite that attaches another room to it.
Also double doors with glass in them opening up to a medium size balcony having a great view over the city and seeing the Ackers of grass below, that's a garden.
Oh gosh. It's awesome.
I can hear the others arguing over rooms and doors closing and opening and exclaims of excitement.
I smile and go out onto the balcony. This is awesome.. New big house, new city, things to do, but one thing missing.
Like always, I miss him every day.
But now more because we are so many miles away from where he is buried and I can't go and sit with him.