Unknown Pov
"He's here boss!" one of my boys said and I turned around.
I smirked and walked close to him.
"You illiterate fool!" i groused and punched him.
"How could you screw up" I said and he coughed out blood.
"PL..please, Whoever you are, just let me go. I don't even know you!" He cried.
"Yes you don't and you won't. I can see Christopher already did a little part of the punishment. it's best if I complete it." I said and brought out my gun.
"No.. no don't.. please....don.." I didn't let him finish his statement when I fired the bullet at him.
He dropped dead.
"Clean that up!" I said to my boys.
"Did you take the video?" I asked my right hand man, Neil.
"Yes boss!" He replied in his husky voice.
I smiled.. "Good Job Neil, Send it to him!" I said and walked away.
Christopher's Pov
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Fred asked as we sat down in to restaurant.
"My informant is legit. He couldn't have given me a wrong info. She walks here as a waitress. So let's just wait for that waitress and confirm it".
Just then, a lady walked in. She doesn't look like someone working here.
She walked over to a middle aged woman whom I guess, owns this restaurant.
I looked away already feeling annoyed.
"Good day Sirs, welcome to K- Restaurant. What can I get for you?" I heard a voice say and I looked up.
It was the same girl that walked in a while ago.
I continued to stare intensely at her. The stricking resemblance match Luna's. Her Hazel eyes and everything.
"Get us something soft" Fred said when he saw I wasn't going to.
"Luna!" I called in an husky voice and she turned sharply.
Now it's confirmed!
My eyes darkened as I glared at her. I felt old wounds reopen. I felt my heart beat in pain.
I stood up and walked away in anger.
I walked to my car and hit the car wheel in anger.
"Chris?.. Why did you leave? We haven't found your ex" Fred said as he ran to me.
"oh! yes we have! She the one. She's my fu*king ex!" I yelled.
"Shit! She's one pretty girl" Fred said and I glared hard at him.
I walked into the car and ignited it.
"What are you trying to do Chris? Don't leave me stranded. We..." I didn't let him complete his statement before I zoomed off in high speed.
I parked the car and walked inside the Mansion in anger.
I walked straight into my study
I went into the inner room where all of Luna's picture were. Including the ones we took together.
I stared at the pictures on the wall, the good moments we shared together. I punched the wall.
I felt my hands swell in pains but I don't care!.
*The relationship is over! I've found someone else! please move on*
Those words replayed in my head. I covered my ear trying to stop the voice.
"I hate you Luna! I despise you! It's all your fault my dad died. If you hadn't broken up with me and me leaving the country, I'd have been here to protect my dad". I said angrily.
"Enjoy this day while it last Luna! Tomorrow might be the beginning of your sorrow!" I said.
I suck up a deep breath before going out of the study heading to my room.
My phone rang. It was my secretary.
"What is it?" I asked coldly
"Sir, I just wanted to inform you that the investors already signed the contract"
"And you couldn't wait till tomorrow?" I asked and she kept mute
I know she wanted to say sorry but she wouldn't dare!
"Brief them about the next step. Also, cancel all my appointments for today".
"Yes sir!" She said and I hung up.
Almost immediately, my phone rang again. I signed in annoyance.
"What is it this time, can't you do your job as a secretary. Must you always annoy me?" I yelled into the phone.
"Shut up blind eyes! Didn't you see the name written on your phone?"
I looked at my phone, it was Fred!.
"I thought it was my secretary" I said and he hissed.
"How dare you leave me stranded! Don't you have a little conscience" He said.
"My conscience died the day I was betrayed. She turned me into this!"
"whatever! I'll get back at you Chris... Mark my words"
"I'll like to see you try... Empty vessel" I said and he gasped.
"You just Bit the tail of a tiger. I'll come with the entire army and..." I didn't let him finish before hanging up.
my phone beeped. it was a message from Fred.
*Watch your back*
I shook my head. What a crazy friend!
Then my phone beeped again.
Aaargh! Damn these messages!
I checked it thinking it was Fred but this time it was an unknown number.
I clicked open the message. it was a video.
I played it and saw how Adams was killed.
My phone suddenly rang. it was the same unknown number.
I picked it up.
"Who the hell are you!" I yelled into the phone.
"General Christopher Roy William. Did you get my package?. Adams did a bad job and I got rid of him! easy, wasn't it?. He couldn't get a simple task done" the caller said.
"What do you want?"
"Not me! but someone close to you does. It's something precious. Just watch your back dear General!" he said and hung up.
I threw my phone away in annoyance.
Who wants to play games with me!?
I walked to where my phone was and picked it up. it wasn't completely damaged.
I tried calling the unknown number and this time it wasn't reachable.
What a Wise fool digging his own grave!.
I put a call across to Mark.
"To my room now!" I said and hung up.
The door burst open and he walked in.
"Go prepare the room opposite mine. We'll be having a guest" I said and he looked at me.
I wouldn't blame her, this is the first time someone is coming to live here order than Fred.
He knows better than questioning me.
With that, He left.
I laid down patiently waiting for tomorrow.
Luna's Pov
The day went by with a lot of customers and am grateful for that.
Currently, we're home and I'm in my room.
My mind suddenly drifted off the the weird guy!
Who the hell is he and how did he know my name.
Ever since then, I couldn't get my mind off him.
The aura around him is so dark and intoxicating. His deep voice, sending cold shivers down my spine.
Snap Out of it Luna! I shouldn't be thinking about him.
I used the blanket to cover myself.
Dream Land here I come! I hope I forget about that weirdo by tomorrow.
With that, I slept off.
"Christopher!.." I called in tears.
"Shut up! it's the general to you. I forbid you to call my name".
"Please, don't kill me". I cried as I moved back to the wall.
"Why? Tell me the reason why I shouldn't kill you?" he said.
"Because you have a good heart Christopher!!"
"You betrayed me Luna, You betrayed our love. You broke every bond we share, every dreams we had. Because of you, My dad passed away. Now I'm going to have my revenge and avenge his death" He said and brought out a knife.
"Please.. I didn't betray you. There's a reason for my actions. Just here me out!" I pleaded.
"It's too late Luna! Say hi to the devil for me" He said. This time his demeanor changed. his eyes turned red.
He raised the knife and began to stab me all over.
"Aaargh!" I screamed as I jerked up from the bed with Sweat all over.
My heart was pounding like it wanted to rip out of my chest.
I looked around my body but no sight of any injury. I looked around to see if I was in heaven or hell but thankfully, I was in my room.
It was all a dream. It looked real.
I looked at the wall clock and it's morning already.
Why... Why did I see that weird guy in my dream? And I called him Christopher!
Gosh!.. I was thinking about him.
The loud banging on the door made me flinch.
Who's knocking on the door so early? Must be the landlady!
I should go check it out and probably beg her to give us more time.
I rushed downstairs.
I rushed to the door and opened it.
I felt my heart stopped beating as I came face to face with the devil.
It was the weird guy and he's standing outside.
I moved back in fear!.
"Who's that Luna?" Aunt asked coming out.
I couldn't say a thing as all I did was point at him.
My dream!! It's turning into reality.
He's here to kill me!
With an evil smirk on his face, he walked in and sat down on the couch!
"Hey you! I recall you as the guy from my restaurant. What are you doing here? Do you know you're trespassing?" Aunt asked and he chuckled, an evil one at that.
"Speak! I should call the cops!" Aunt threatened.
"You wouldn't dare do that to the General, do you?" He asked.
"General!" Aunt called in a whisper and fear flashed through her eyes.
"I don't have business with you, but I do have a big business with Luna". he said coldly.
uh, what business do I have with him?
"You're mistaken General! I know my daughter, she isn't troublesome. I'm sure she doesn't even know you" Aunt said in a worried tone.
"Oh! Yes she does" The so-called General said.
He stood up and started walking towards me. His eyes not leaving mine.
I was just recovering from the heartache I just had and now I'm suffering from another round.
God! I feel like peeing on myself.
Why the hell did I meet with this weird cat!
He stood in front of me. He was so close that I could feel his breath on me.
I gulped hard.
I wanted to look away but it seems my eyes are glued to his because they aren't moving.
"Christopher Roy William!" He said.
I widened my eyes in shock!
I felt my head spinning!
He's Christopher?
"Does it ring a bell? Your long lost boyfriend is back!" He said. his voice coming out cold.
"What is he saying Luna?" Aunt said but I couldn't reply as I tried so much to fight back the tears.
"What? Cat caught your tongue?" He asked.
"Say something Luna!" Aunt said
I wanted to speak but it seems only my mouth is moving and no word is coming out.
"Just so you Know Luna, You're coming with me" He said and held my hand.
I flinched a little and tried to withdraw my hands from his.
"You can't take her against her will, you can't force her". Aunt said.
"You haven't no right to tell me what to do, Woman!" he said and turned to me.
"It's either you come with me or you watch me make your Aunt only source of livelihood go down the drain" He said coldly and I looked at him pleadingly.
I have to do this for Aunt! She's done Alot for me, I can't watch her Suffer.
"I love...you Aunt! I'll go with him" I said in a whisper.
"Don't listen to him Luna!" Aunt said.
"It's too late! c'mon!" he said and dragged me out.
"Luna!" aunt yelled as tears dropped from my eyes.