There are two rules in this cruel world: don't stay where you are not needed, and never give a fuck about people who mad...
I slightly snarl, twirling around in the most habitable place there is in this whole world - in his arms. My sweet, gentle, and loving prince charming.
Snuggling closer to him, while still tightly buckled to him, I sample in his sweet pheromones as I cruise around his sin-screaming beauty. From the finely refined jaws, to this sugar lip that I dream about every single night for the last one year, and lastly, the peacefully shut-eyes. Even in his embrace like this, I still crave him.
I can clearly deduce the megawatt grin that will bloom on his face when his beautiful dark brown orbs peel and catch my sight. Unless he is pretending to be benumbed, he doesn't know I am here.
Ooh, Yes!
My wild mischievous brain thought it sweet to welcome the beautiful morning in his arms, the sweetest, safest, and most peaceful place I know. So, I sneaked out of my cubicle in the servant's chamber and tiptoed my way here, to my junior master's bedroom.
Did you just roll your eyes at me? You find that insane?
Well, we are both intoxicated with love, the great love that we both share. And in case you are wondering, I would have you know that this has been going on for one good year.
I moved in here at the Mazur's palace three years ago when my dad died and my witchy stepmother finally got the opportunity she had so long yearned for to get rid of me. I wasn't even given time to grieve for having turned into an orphan. The heartless witch kicked me out like a useless dog the same day we buried my dad. By sheer chance, after a few nights in my best friend's parent's house, she got me this job as a maid, and I grabbed it without a second thought. What other choice did I have? Absolute Z-e-r-o choice!
The Mazurs are a prominent household whose legacy go from way into the era of their fore-ancestors. They are the kind of family that you can't mention this country without their name popping up. They are like the owners of this country. Wealth, should be their middle name. Talk of business, and their Insurance and water companies have been on the top rank for the longest time since Memorial. Despite stiff competition, they have maintained their badge fair and just. Talking of investments, they practically own the biggest communication network in this country, not to mention the other sources of their wealth. Even as maids, we savor every single minute here as a golden opportunity that will never come again.
Life here is sacred heaven. Lots of work, yes, but the pay is mind-blowing. To top it all, why wouldn't it be heaven if I charmed the heart of their only son? It wasn't intentional, believe me. Far from it, actually, because never in my life had I dreamt of hitting such a jackpot, or better still, being favored by the heavens this way.
Reyson Drew Mazur, is the firstborn and the only son of this affluent family, his only sibling being Ana Mazur. While Reyson is the brain behind the Mazur Waters, and in charge of overlooking the smooth running of the family empire, Ana is a top model. With the kind of brain he has, and given the beauty she exudes, I would say they both perfectly fit in their careers.
You might be wondering what I am thinking loving someone who is like heaven to earth- unreachable, right? Well, ever heard of the phrase that love knows no bounds, nor pedigree, nor nothing? Love is just love, but I won't blame anyone who doubts me and our love right now.
I was there too- full of qualms and incredulity. I couldn't believe it when I started noticing him stealing long and weird glances at me whenever he caught my sight. I fought hard the urge to submit to the invite of his bewitching eyes. I battled with myself every single time I felt the tinge of butterflies stroking me whenever I thought of him. I dodged his unnecessary conversations every time he tried to chat with me. I tried averting him like a pandemic until I couldn't anymore.
The inner battle didn't just end at me realizing that I was developing a thing for him, because the echoes of the reverberating slap I served him that particular day he stole the first kiss from me are still so fresh in my mind. I almost spit on his face when he confessed his feelings to me. Because I thought, "The jerk just wants some fun because, heck! He is a certified Mazur, the heir apparent to a multi-billion empire, and me? I am a pathetic nobody!" Yeah, that was my first impression.
I couldn't give in just yet despite how much my heart yearned for him. I couldn't let myself be fooled by a lie, a lust that was so obvious, according to my cautious uptight self back then. I couldn't allow anyone, including a breathtaking allure and reeking to-high-heaven billionaire like him to use me. I send him to hell with his supposedly fake feelings, and I tried to tuck mine where they had been lying before our paths crossed.
Unbelievably, he wasn't the spoilt dominant jerk that I thought he was. You know, those despotic fools who don't understand the word "no"? He was different. So different. He stayed away. He respected my decision, and that moved me a great deal. I dedicated myself to what brought me here, and to forget whatever games my heart and body were playing with me.
But then again, can you cloak love? Can you fight love? Maybe. But has anyone ever won against love? I doubt, and I didn't break the record by being the first.
I heeded the echoes of my heart, to the cravings of my body I bowed, and to the desires of my body, I surrendered. I swallowed my pride and took it upon me to right this, and since then, Ray has been just, Ray to me. A ray of light, hope, peace, love, satisfaction, and everything that the word sweet depicts. We are both basking in the glee of love.
"I would give the world to wake up every single day like this." His sweet voice strokes through the walls of my ears, summoning my eyes to him and coercing a smile from me.
The smile, however, doesn't stay for long as our lips find each other, diving into a glorious morning kiss. Who wouldn't want this, huh? I can anticipate what beauty and immense pleasure and joy married life holds. I mean, I would give the world too to have him completely to myself in all senses from this minute.
"Really?" I implore when we take a break, searching each other's eyes.
"Of course, baby! I would give my all to have this." He affirms, stroking my cheeks in a show of assurance as he cups my face.
"And you know that that decision lies solely on you, Ray, right? Anytime you want. I am ready for us." I state, diving through his dark brown orbs. "We can be..."
"Ssshh!" He crashes his lips gently on mine, again. Like always, I get what the memo says.
It's not yet time! I have to be silent about this concern and just enjoy this. This is beginning to suck, honestly!
I cut the kissing off. Not because it's any less sweet than before, neither is it because I do not want it, but because I do not want to pretend that I am freaking okay with this anymore. He needs to know what I feel about this.
"Why, Ray?" I brat out, fighting with the chunk in my throat. "When will you tell them?" I add, forcing my glare to stay strong on him.
I get him - this will not be juicy news to his distinguished parents. I can't get a clear picture of how they will react to this news. It also won't be easy for him to break this to them. They have much higher expectations of him, and I know I can never be a choice to them for their beloved son. But he chose me, and made me believe that this will work.
So, why delay it any longer? Why do we need to keep hiding it? Why don't we just let them know once and for all? There is no point in keeping our relationship a secret because they are bound to find out sooner or later, right?
"Babe? We've talked about this, right?" His voice echoes, and today, I maybe be paranoid, but I don't like the look I am seeing on his face. It's like, he is also uncertain as to when or how he will drop this bomb. Worse, I feel like he doesn't want to tell them. Like he is afraid of confessing what we have to his parents.
I push this annoying chunk down my throat, but another one forms right after.
God knows aside from loving this man with all my heart, I also respect him as much. I do not want an altercation this early morning. I can't ruin his day this early. He has a series of important work to do, and crucial duties to fulfil. I can't be the reason why he will lurk in his duties and responsibilities.
I didn't realize I was making my way out of the bed, neither was it my intention to disrespect him by leaving him in the middle of a conversation, and my manners are spanked back to me by a strong wave of a strange dizziness that leaves me almost collapsing to the floor. If he wasn't quick enough to catch me, I would be perhaps nursing a broken bone from the fall.
"Are you okay?!" Worry and care are what I can make out of his voice as I snuggle and cling to him for support.
Jeez! Why the hell do I feel like crap all of a sudden? Where did all the energy in me evaporate to?
I muster the little strength left in me, my head still spinning a little with dizziness.
"I... Am... Ooh..." My formulated lie doesn't make it to my lips.
I collapse back into his arms, and darkness invades my world.