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"Who are you?" I ask, gawking at this ugly man who looks like the devil himself. "Your savior." Savior? I may not remember anything from my past, but one thing is for sure, according to my judgment: this monster-lookalike can't be a savior. And from whom did he supposedly save me? "And if you are done ogling me, now, on your knees. Time to serve the purpose for which I saved you." I am snapped out of my thoughts by him tearing his shirt and walking closer in a pretty unnerving way. "Whi...ch is?" I whimper, trying to stand up from the bed and perhaps run for my dear life. Unfortunately, he grabs me viciously before I can take a step. A loud growl slips from my lips as he slams me back on the bed and hovers atop me. "To please me, little dove." He hoarses, embarking on his evil, dirty mission.



She was all alone, wallowing in divine grief and lamenting her losses. She had nothing to call her own, and all her wounds had refused to heal. She yearned for just one thing now—to disconnect from the cruel world. In the darkness, she closed her eyes, hoping to awaken in a place of tranquility—in heaven, surrounded by the beautiful souls she had lost. But to her bewilder, she found herself in bed the next morning with someone she would never have anticipated seeing especially in the darkest moment of her life—Liam Morgan Adams. Her ex. And he came with his own overflowing bucket of surprisal and sorrows that, for reasons best known to him, only Lynn could help him carry. “Bear me a child, Lynn. The price is yours to name.” He spoke, and everything in Lynn turned to ice. A child! Her head spun some degrees, and when it settled, she squinted as the fresh memories of her past pains surged in, fused with the memories of what they once had.  And his constant, desperate plea left her between a rock and a hard place. Can she do this? Can this be her redemption?  And Liam, what would make a filthy, married billionaire ask for a child out of wedlock? And why Lynn, of all people?



A broken and desperate Billionaire CEO, and the poorest of all naive girl who just lost everything in a blink of an eye, and her mother just traded her like a piece of trash. They are to be bound together by a contract as husband and wife for just five months, as he locates his beloved fiancé's whereabouts. With every effort of finding his girlfriend bearing no fruits, he slowly begins to accept the possibility of her never returning. With the help of the new girl, he regains his sanity. But can she make him forget his first love? Everything seems to be under control until one single night of total madness that complicates everything. She had done and sacrificed so much for him, asking nothing in return or ever complaining. In return, he asked for just one night to treat her like his loving wife she is supposed to be. One night they lost their souls to each other. One night they willingly surrendered to each. One night of passionate love making. Just one night, which marked the beginning of their unquenchable thirst for more such nights. In the short run, a bond is formed. What happens if the two of them break the major rule of the contract? Who will bear the blame? What's the punishment for such offense? Can they forget about the damn contract and accept what they feel for each other? Actually, this seems to be the case, because none is willing to let go of the other. But what happens when his real love returns? His crush. His first love. The one he almost went insane for. She doesn't return empty handed. The DNA confirms, she is six months pregnant with his first child. What will he do? Wait, his passionate nights with his contract wife bore fruits too. She is expecting his child. Will he marry both of them, or who will he choose?



"You are so daring, do you know that? What will I do with you?" He asked, gazing into her sparkling beautiful eyes. "Permit me to love you, Andy. That's all I want." She answered with so much boldness and honesty that almost...almost made his stone heart melt. A billionaire who gave up on love even before experiencing it, because all that life threw at him were nothing but rejections since birth. Nobody wanted him - and she, a poor and naive girl with family problems weighing her down. She has never been in love, and love is not on her list of priorities. Two extremely different people brought together by unavoidable circumstances, or perhaps, fate. Call it whatever you want. When their worlds collide, their goals get compromised by their undeniable burning desires for each other, and this fire melts down their fears, worries, and beliefs in the blink of an eye. An insecure single father, and a naive maid, swimming in the ocean of an unnamed fire that promises to consume them both if they tend to rebel against its power. Call it lust. Call it addiction. Call it obsession. Give it the tag you see best fit. But truth is, theirs is a milestone of a complicated, challenging, but prodigious heart-stirring romance journey like no other.

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